Latin American & Spanish language lists index

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Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Blanco »

Ok, this topic is called this way because the explanation is too long to summarize it so short, but the range of lists accepted here is much bigger:

This topic is intended to serve as an index of all the lists that meet or could meet the requirements to be included in AM, focusing regionally on those lists that contain music created in Latin America, but also for what in Spanish is called "iberoamérica" which has a similar definition but sometimes (like this time) includes Spain and Portugal. Plus I'll include those lists created in any of the languages ​​used in these regions, ie, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.

I will keep this post constantly updated, so whenever necessary, please feel free to tell me if you know any list that is not yet in the forum but you think it could be here, or if I've missed some list, or anything: comments, objections, questions. Anything is welcome. There are still many lists to add, plus the work is always lower when done collaboratively. The idea is that this topic will serve to eliminate the language barrier.

Meaning of the colors:
Already included in AM. (@)
In the process of being included in AM. (@)
Meets requirements, but it is not added yet. (@)
In discussion / Waiting opinions (@)
Not meet the requirements (@)


Best Of Decade Lists
La Mosca - Diez Años, 10 Discos (1994 - 2003) @
Rolling Stone (Argentina) - Los 50 mejores discos nacionales (2000's) (Source) @
Rolling Stone (Argentina) - Top 15: rock latino de los 90's @

Lists covering more than 10 years
Al Borde (USA) - The 250 Most Important Latin Rock Albums (2006) (Source) @
La Mosca (Mexico) - Los Cien Mejores Discos (Que Usted Jamás Ha Escuchado) @
Rolling Stone - The 10 Greatest Latin Rock Albums of All Time (2012) @
Rolling Stone (Argentina) - 100 mejores discos del rock nacional (2007) @
Rolling Stone (Argentina) - Top 50 discos nacionales de reggae (2009) (Source) @
Rolling Stone (Argentina) - Top 50 discos internacionales de reggae (2009) (Source) @
Rolling Stone - (Spain) - Top 50 Spanish Albums (2010) @
Rolling Stone (Brasil) - 100 maiores discos da música brasileira (2007) @
Rolling Stone (Chile) - Los 50 Mejores Discos Chilenos (2008) @

End Of Year Lists
La Mosca (Mexico) @
La Mosca (Mexico) @
Rolling Stone (Argentina) (Source) @


Artist Lists
Rolling Stone - Top 10 Charly García (2008) @
Télam (Argentina) - Top songs of each artist @

Best Of Decade Lists
Bello Magazine - Mejores canciones en español de los 70` (1970's) @
Bello Magazine - Mejores canciones en español de los 80` (1980's) @
VH1 Norte - Las 100 más grandiosas canciones de los años ochenta (1980's) @
VH1 Sur - Las 100 más grandiosas canciones de los años ochenta (1980's) @
VH1 Norte - Las 100 más grandiosas canciones de los años noventas (1990's) @
VH1 Sur - Las 100 más grandiosas canciones de los años noventas (1990's) @
Club Fonograma - Best Songs of the Decade (2000's) @
Indiespot - Las 1000 mejores canciones del siglo XXI (2009) @
Rolling Stone (Argentina) - 50 canciones de la década del 2000 (2000's) @

Lists covering more than 10 years
50×50 Paseo del Rock Mexicano (Mexico) - Las 50 Canciones Más Representativas Del Rock Mexicano (2006) @
Al Borde - 500 canciones del Rock Iberoamericano (2006) @
Bello Magazine - Rock en español: Top 100 mejores canciones de la historia @
Bello Magazine - Rock mexicano: Las 10 mejores canciones @
Bello Magazine - Top Ten: Mejores canciones de rock argentino @
Bello Magazine - Top Ten: 10 mejores canciones de rock peruano @
Canal Once - Las 100 favoritas de México (2006) @
E! - Top 20 de las mejores canciones del rock en español @
GritaRadio - Las 200 Rolas del Rock Mexicano (2010) @
La Tercera - La Mejor Canción Chilena (2013) @
MTV & Rolling Stone (Argentina) - 100 mejores canciones del rock nacional (2002) @ (Argentina) - Los 100 de los 40 (2005) @
Rolling Stone (Spain) - Las 200 mejores canciones del Pop-Rock español (2006) (Source) @
Viña Del Mar - La melodia del siglo XX (2010) @
Violeta Parra - Cantos Folklóricos Chilenos @

End Of Year Lists
Rolling Stone (Argentina) (Source) @
Last edited by Blanco on Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:20 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Blanco »

Hey Henrik, do I transcribe artist, decade, more than 10 years, and EOY lists in a single spreadsheet, or just some of those categories? If it's in a single spreadsheet, I can distinguish each category.

The previous spreadsheet has the lists marked with the green ‘at’ sign. If you agree, I'm adding those marked with yellow. Please tell me what you think of those marked with red.

Another thing: I also add the Indiespot list? It has both Spanish and international artists.

And one last thing: I add the artists by last name first, but I have doubts about the names of the bands. I think that if you have some already listed in the database, it is with the article in Spanish or Portuguese at the beginning ("Las", "Los", "El", "La", "Os", etc..).
If so, it may be appropriate to keep them that way, to avoid duplication of registers, or that they do not match. Or we would have to amend those names in the database as well. (Something in which I can also help.) What do you think?
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

Hey Henrik, do I transcribe artist, decade, more than 10 years, and EOY lists in a single spreadsheet, or just some of those categories? If it's in a single spreadsheet, I can distinguish each category.
The best for me would be if you add everything in one sheet, so that I can easily see all cases where a song appear on two lists.

The previous spreadsheet has the lists marked with the green ‘at’ sign. If you agree, I'm adding those marked with yellow. Please tell me what you think of those marked with red.
That's probably fine. I don't have time to check individual lists now (I will get back to you soon about this), so could you tell me what's the difference between yellow and red. Your own assessment or have I said yes/no to any of them?

Another thing: I also add the Indiespot list? It has both Spanish and international artists.
I have already added it to another spreadsheet so don't add it.

And one last thing: I add the artists by last name first, but I have doubts about the names of the bands. I think that if you have some already listed in the database, it is with the article in Spanish or Portuguese at the beginning ("Las", "Los", "El", "La", "Os", etc..).
If so, it may be appropriate to keep them that way, to avoid duplication of registers, or that they do not match. Or we would have to amend those names in the database as well. (Something in which I can also help.) What do you think?
Actually, I no longer need the artists listed by last name first, as I created a spreadsheet to convert the names to firstname first. I have attached the spreadsheet here, and you can use it yourself for the entries that are already in the spreadsheet if you want. This would solve the las-los-issue, wouldn't it? Don't hesitate to ask if you don't understand what to do.

Thank you so much, Blanco!!!
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

Blanco, I had a closer look now and I think you were spot on with the colours. The yellow ones should be added. I suppose you were hoping for some red ones too, but I'm afraid it looks to me that they don't meet the criteria.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Blanco »

Here it is. Later I'll update the colors of the overall list.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

Blanco - or anyone who think he can answer - I would like to know if you think these songs, that are sung in English, were taken into consideration for the Latin-oriented lists.

Perez Prado - Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White
Pérez Prado - Patricia
Los Bravos - Black is Black
Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 - The Fool on the Hill
Baccara - Yes Sir, I Can Boogie
Sepultura - Roots Bloody Roots
DJ Marky & XRS - LK
CSS - Music Is My Hot Hot Sex
CSS - Left Behind
Russian Red - Cigarettes
Bigott - She Is My Man
Delorean - Seasun
Matias Aguayo - Rollerskate
Delorean - Real Love
Delorean - Stay Close

Here are the lists I'm planning to include:

Rolling Stone (Spain) - Las 200 mejores canciones del Pop-Rock español (2006)
Al Borde - 500 canciones del Rock Iberoamericano (2006)
These lists include "Black is Black"

Club Fonograma - Best Songs of the Decade (2000's)
This list includes Bigott's "She Is My Man"

These songs seem to be exceptions though. Were they included because the artists have many other songs in Spanish? Or did they really allow English songs, like the ones I listed? What about instrumental songs?

E! - Top 20 de las mejores canciones del rock en español (2011)
MTV & Rolling Stone - 100 canciones del Rock argentino (2002) - The 100 best songs of Argentine rock (2005)
VH1 Latinoamérica (Norte) - Las 100 más grandiosas canciones de los años ochenta en español (2007)
VH1 Latinoamérica (Sur) - Las 100 más grandiosas canciones de los años ochenta en español (2007)
VH1 Latinoamérica (Norte) - Las 100 + grandiosas canciones de los años noventa en español (2008)
VH1 Latinoamérica (Sur) - Las 100 + grandiosas canciones de los años noventa en español (2008)
Rolling Stone (Argentina) - 50 canciones de la década del 2000
50×50 Paseo del Rock Mexicano - Las 50 Canciones Más Representativas Del Rock Mexicano (2006)
La Tercera - La Mejor Canción Chilena (2013)

I don't think these lists included any songs in English, so it seems that they used language as inclusion criterion. Am I right then that songs in Portuguese were excluded as well? And again, what about instrumental songs by artists from Spanish-speaking countries?
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »


Blanco? Honorio? Otisredding? Miguel? ...
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Blanco »

Henrik wrote:Blanco - or anyone who think he can answer - I would like to know if you think these songs, that are sung in English, were taken into consideration for the Latin-oriented lists.

Perez Prado - Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White No
Pérez Prado - Patricia No
Los Bravos - Black is Black Yes
Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 - The Fool on the Hill No
Baccara - Yes Sir, I Can Boogie No
Sepultura - Roots Bloody Roots Maybe
DJ Marky & XRS - LK No
CSS - Music Is My Hot Hot Sex No
CSS - Left Behind No
Russian Red - Cigarettes No
Bigott - She Is My Man Yes
Delorean - Seasun Yes
Matias Aguayo - Rollerskate Yes
Delorean - Real Love Yes
Delorean - Stay Close Yes

In the same way that the lists in English that are self-called "the best of all time" but only include regional and culturally similar music, the lists in spanish that claim to be "the best of Latin America" and things like that, tend to exclude music in portuguese (So no Sergio Mendes, DJ Marky or CSS).

Also, there are Latin-american music lists that excluded songs for two main reasons:
1. Despite being Latino, they are heard more (Or at least they are more appreciated) in English-speaking countries than in their home countries. (Not necessarily for the language) So they appear in foreign lists, but not in Latin lists. (So no Baccara, CSS or Russian Red)
2. Though they meet the "criteria", this lists do not cover lots of musical genres, so they tend to exclude traditional or regional music and they just use the more "universal" genres, such as rock (So no Pérez Prado).

And I do not think language is a criterion for inclusion in lists. There are bands from Spanish speaking countries that only play music in English, or that play in the two languages, and they appear in Latin lists​​. In these countries we hear music in both languages ​​almost equally. (although most of the music in English is foreign, of course.) So, here, there is not a lot of difference. Rather, the difference has been in the international market, because the English-speaking countries do not tend to like music in Spanish. So if you speak Spanish and want to be heard internationally, you have to die in a plane crash along with Buddy Holly and The Big Bopper, or you have to sing in English. [Hello John Talabot!] So yeah, it is true that there are not many lists with bands that sing in English, but this is not because the Spanish language as a criterion, it's because of the simple fact that there are not many latin songs sung in English. (Therefore, Los Bravos, Bigott, Delorean, and that song from Matías Aguayo are considered.)

That said, I think the instrumental songs are considered for inclusion in the same way as any other latin song. An example is Austin TV, which has only instrumental music. Or DapuntoBeat in the first half of their discography.

I do not know if I'm being clear. Any questions, ask me again and I will try to be more clear.

And well, all this is just my opinion based on my experience. I'd like to hear if anyone thinks differently, but broadly speaking, I think this brief explanation is correct.
Last edited by Blanco on Wed May 28, 2014 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

Thanks Blanco! I think that's as clear as it can be.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Otisredding »

Hola Blanco

No acabo de entender la pregunta de Henrik, sobre todo cuando leo tu respuesta.

¿Podrías aclararme qué quiere Henrik? Lo digo porque posiblemente yo podría ayudar.

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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

Otis, for every list I need to know the "frame", from which the songs on the list were taken. The frame could be 2013, The Beatles, Sweden or all time. Songs outside the frame should not suffer from not being on a list, so I need to "blank" them in my spreadsheet.

For these lists I wasn't sure exactly was the frame was. Spanish language? Anything from Spanish-speaking countries? Portuguese also included?

Anyway, as I said I think that Blanco's answer was as good as any.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Otisredding »

Blanco wrote: Russian Red - Cigarettes No
Bigott - She Is My Man Yes

Ok Henrik

Blanco gives to Russian Red and Bigott a different "deal", but I think:

This is pop music, made by Spanish, XXI century, sung in English.

The only difference is that Bigott is a man (ugly) and Russian Red is a woman (beautiful).


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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Blanco »

Otisredding wrote:
Blanco wrote: Russian Red - Cigarettes No
Bigott - She Is My Man Yes
Ok Henrik
Blanco gives to Russian Red and Bigott a different "deal", but I think:
This is pop music, made by Spanish, XXI century, sung in English.
The only difference is that Bigott is a man (ugly) and Russian Red is a woman (beautiful).
Quizá en estos dos casos particulares, ayudaría saber en cuales listas aparece cada canción, porque aunque sus origenes son los mismos, creo que sus audiencias (y por lo tanto las listas en las que aparecen) son algo distintas. ¿Russian Red aparece en listas españolas?
Oh, y por cierto, a veces cuando digo "latinoamérica" realmente quiero decir "Latinoamérica y España". Lo siento.

Perhaps in these two particular cases, it would help to know in which lists each song appears, because although its origins are the same, I believe their audiences (and therefore the lists that include them) are somewhat different. Russian Red appears in Spanish lists?
Oh, and by the way, sometimes when I say "Latin America", I really mean "Latin America and Spain." Sorry.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Pierre »

At least this list is missing (I think):

* Rolling Stone - Spain (2010): Los 50 mejores discos del rock español: ... k-espanol/
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by addseo2015 »

Russian Red aparece en listas españolas?
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Pierre »

addseo2015 wrote:Russian Red aparece en listas españolas?
Hasta ahora sólo fue mencionada en la lista de las 1000 mejores canciones del siglo XXI de Indiespot.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Pierre »

Blanco, I'm doing a run-through all the lists that were posted on the new forum (yes, I'm currently feeling crazy) and I noticed this list of the 50 greatest Colombian songs:

Why didn't you add it to the above list? (BTW, you should update it like I did with the French lists so Henrik knows which lists remain to be added) :)
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by bootsy »

This probably doesn't count but I did find this list on billboards site. ... 50-years/2
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Blanco »

Pierre wrote:Blanco, I'm doing a run-through all the lists that were posted on the new forum (yes, I'm currently feeling crazy) and I noticed this list of the 50 greatest Colombian songs:

Why didn't you add it to the above list? (BTW, you should update it like I did with the French lists so Henrik knows which lists remain to be added) :)
Oh, thanks Pierre. Probably I forgot to add it. Do you know if it is the only one missing?
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Blanco »

bootsy wrote:This probably doesn't count but I did find this list on billboards site. ... 50-years/2
Looks eligible to me. Henrik?
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Pierre »

Blanco wrote:
Pierre wrote:Blanco, I'm doing a run-through all the lists that were posted on the new forum (yes, I'm currently feeling crazy) and I noticed this list of the 50 greatest Colombian songs:

Why didn't you add it to the above list? (BTW, you should update it like I did with the French lists so Henrik knows which lists remain to be added) :)
Oh, thanks Pierre. Probably I forgot to add it. Do you know if it is the only one missing?
I think so, I could not say I'm 100% sure as I didn't really check all your posts (as I assumed you did your job correctly until I found the Colombian list :mrgreen: ). They are around pages 11-12 on this board, and there are also Latino lists by a guy named santacosta, if you wish to double-check.
Blanco wrote:
bootsy wrote:This probably doesn't count but I did find this list on billboards site. ... 50-years/2
Looks eligible to me. Henrik?
Is it... absolutely necessary to include a list featuring Julio Iglesias? :? :whistle:
(To note, Julio is an epitome of tacky crooning from a French perspective, since he made himself known to us through some hits in French. One of such, "Je n'ai pas changé", was the subject of a parody in the popular French comedy film "Papy fait de la résistance").
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

Blanco wrote:
bootsy wrote:This probably doesn't count but I did find this list on billboards site. ... 50-years/2
Looks eligible to me. Henrik?
If Latin is a genre it is not eligible. If it's a restriction to certain countries, then it is.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Blanco »

Pierre wrote:I think so, I could not say I'm 100% sure as I didn't really check all your posts (as I assumed you did your job correctly until I found the Colombian list :mrgreen: ).
Yeah, I had also thought that. :angry-banghead:
Pierre wrote:Is it... absolutely necessary to include a list featuring Julio Iglesias? :? :whistle:
Julio Iglesias is "ok" compared with some other artists that appear on the list. And I say "artists" in the broad and generic sense of the word. :-x

Henrik wrote:If Latin is a genre it is not eligible. If it's a restriction to certain countries, then it is.
Yeah, it's not a genre. Actually, it should never be a musical genre. It would be equally absurd if I said that there is a genre called "European music". :angry-nono:
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by EmilienDelRey »

Here is a new list:

*Great Brazilian Music/Philip Jandovsky - A selection of great albums of MPB
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

Must be added

All albums and singles inducted on the Hall of Fame of the Latin Grammy Awards ... ll-of-fame
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

LOS 50 DISCOS DE LOS AÑOS 2010-2014 SEGUN ENCUESTA EN BLOG ROCK EN LAS AMERICAS (made by many music critics and journalists from the Americas) ... 0603017959

"Bailar en la cueva" (2014)
Jorge Drexler

"América" (2012)
La Perla Irregular

"Cachanilla y flor de azar" (2013)
Juan Cirerol

"Ofrenda al Mictlán" (2011)
Juan Cirerol

"Mujer divina: Homenaje a Agustin Lara"(2012)
Natalia Lafourcade

"Conducción" (2014)
Ases Falsos

"Mientras tú dormías" (2010)
Carla Morrison

"La bala" (2011)
Ana Tijoux

"Multi_viral" (2014)
Calle 13

"Amapola del 66" (2010)

"MTV Unplugged: Música de fondo" (2011)

"Odio Paris" (2011)
Odio Paris

"PEGASVS" (2012)

"Victoria mística" (2013)
Triángulo de Amor Bizarro

"La Joven Dolores" (2011)
Christina Rosenvinge

"Político" (2012)
Instituto Mexicano del Sonido

"Monte EP" (2011)

"El pozo" (2011)

"Hecho a mano" (2012)
Monsieur Periné

"Nuestra" (2010)
La Vida Bohème

"Desesperanza" (2012)
Meridian Brothers

"La lucha constante" (2011)
Algodón Egipcio

"Los momentos" (2013)
Julieta Venegas

"Diamantes" (2012)
El Columpio Asesino

"Agent Cooper" (2014)
Russian Red

"Terror Amor" (2014)
AJ Dávila

"Mapas" (2011)
Vetusta Morla

"Astro" (2011)

"Déjenme llorar" (2012)
Carla Morrison

"Club negro" (2013)
María y José

"Haciendo leña" (2012)
Juan Cirerol

"Tan Bajo" (2012)
Dávila 666

"Otra era" (2014)
Javiera Mena

"Ondatrópica" (2012)

"Vengo" (2014)
Ana Tijoux

"Wed 21" (2013)
Juana Molina

"Rebeldes" (2011)
Alex Anwandter

"Pop negro" (2010)
El Guincho

"Año santo" (2010)
Triángulo de Amor Bizarro

"Futura vía" (2011)
Bam Bam

"El objeto antes llamado disco" (2012)
Café Tacuba

"GP" (2012)

"Entren los que quieran" (2010)
Calle 13

"Música, gramática, gimnasia" (2010)

"Será" (2013)
La Vida Bohème

"Audiovisión" (2010)

"El juidero" (2010)
Rita Indiana y los Misterios

"Juventud americana" (2012)
Ases Falsos

"Mena" (2010)
Javiera Mena

"La dinastía Scorpio" (2012)
El Mató A Un Policía Motorizado

Rock en las Americas - 2010-2014: Critics List (made by many music critics and journalists from the Americas) [Songs] (2014)

‘No llora’
El Cuarteto de Nos

AJ Dávila

‘Tus Amigos’
Los Punsetes


La División del Norte

‘You may kiss the bride’
Descartes a Kant

Ana Tijoux

Las Diferencias

‘Reina japonesa’
Fernando Milagros

‘Mi bandera’
Whitest Taino Alive

Juana Molina

‘Crema dulce’
Juan Cirerol

‘El juidero’
Rita Indiana y los Misterios

‘Calma pueblo’
Calle 13

‘Fuerza especial’
Ases Falsos

‘Da pa lo do’
Rita Indiana y los Misterios

‘La trilla’
Füete Billete

‘Soñé (MTV Unplugged)’

‘Los burócratas del amor’


‘Yoni B’
El Mató A Un Policía Motorizado

‘How long’
Lisandro Aristimuño con Boom Boom Kid

‘La hora de volve’
Rita Indiana y los Misterios

‘Ula ula’
Illya Kuryaki & The Valderramas

‘La fuerza’

Ana Tijoux

‘Viene de mi’
La Yegros

‘Otra era’
Javiera Mena

‘Amapola del 66’

‘Rey de reyes’
María y José

‘Meta y dinero’
Los Blenders

‘Hey Soledad’
Juan Cirerol

‘Pásame a buca'’
Rita Indiana y Los Misterios

‘Revista de gimnasia'’

Empress Of

‘La sinceridad del cosmos’
Ases Falsos

‘Vacaciones en el más allá’

‘Maestro distorsión’

‘10 AM’

‘Olita de altamar’
Café Tacvba

Ana Tijoux

Juana Molina


‘De este lado del camino’
Café Tacvba


‘Estrellas místicas’
Triángulo de Amor Bizarro

Bam Bam

‘Cuando nadie pone un disco’
Odio París

‘Mujeres bellas y fuertes’
El Mató A Un Policía Motorizado

‘Por la ventana’

Alex Anwandter

‘Esa nena nunca regresó’
Dávila 666

Javiera Mena

‘En la naturaleza (4-3-2-1-0)’
Gepe con Pedropiedra

‘El alma y el cuerpo’
Bomba Estéreo

Alex Anwandter

‘No Es Que No Te Quiera’
Hello Seahorse!

‘Bailando solo’
Los Bunkers

‘¿Cómo puedes vivir contigo mismo?’
Alex Anwandter

Carla Morrison

‘Maldita dulzura’
Vetusta Morla con Carla Morrison

‘Estudiar y Trabajar’
Ases Falsos

Ana Tijoux

‘Radio capital’
La Vida Boheme

‘Lo que quieras’

Café Tacuba

‘Luz de piedra de luna’
Javiera mena

‘Los adolescentes’

‘De la monarquía a la criptocracia’
Triángulo de Amor Bizarro

‘Hasta la verdad’
Javiera Mena

El Columpio Asesino


‘Más o menos bien’
El Mató A Un Policía Motorizado

Calle 13 con Toto La Momposina, María Rita y Susana Baca

El Guincho
Last edited by panam on Tue Oct 17, 2017 3:55 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

It's sad no love for salsa here, so Herencia Latina, one of the best especialized websites of Salsa publish this ... top500.htm
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

The 50 Greatest Songs of Latin Music according to Billboard Magazine Critics ... f-all-time
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

Henrik wrote:
Blanco wrote:
bootsy wrote:This probably doesn't count but I did find this list on billboards site. ... 50-years/2
Looks eligible to me. Henrik?
If Latin is a genre it is not eligible. If it's a restriction to certain countries, then it is.
So, it's elligible ;)
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

Latin Music USA Documental (WGHB/BBC 2009 Production) Songs: ... /songs/ep1
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

Hi panam!

I'm sorry for not having responded to your posts! There have been so many other lists I've been working on lately. I will definitely look at these lists as well.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

The Billboard albums and songs lists are both eligible.

The Latin Grammy Hall of Fame selections from 2001 are already included on AM I think, but I need to add the 2007 and 2013 selections as well.

The salsa list is not eligible, I think. I'd love more (if there's any at the moment) salsa on AM, but this is a genre list by a single writer. I don't think I ever include such lists.

I don't think the WGHB/BBC list is eligiblie either. It looks like a list of songs that were played, not a best of list of any kind. Correct me if I'm wrong.

These Rock en las Americas lists are eligible: ... da_18.html ... izada.html

Two more Rock en las Americas that might be added...
It was discussed some time ago whether this list should be included. See old discussion here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1889
I also found this list of songs from 1998-2013: ... iones.html

Let me know if I have forgotten to comment on any of the posts above.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

I confirm everything you said before. The WGHB/BCC list includes the songs that are part of the documental but also some extra highlights called "Explore The Music". Probably those ones could be eligible.

About the Rock en las Americas lists, I wrote on the discussion post.

I will look for more salsa lists, there must be something eligible right there

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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

I'm struggling with which artists/albums/songs that are Latin. I want to decide this to "blank" all other albums or songs in my spreadsheets. Often Latin music is used as an umbrella term for musical genres that were created by Hispanic Americans. But most lists are wider than that, including music from Spain, sometimes Brazil and for example Soda Stereo who basically played rock in Spanish. Counting all music from Latin America and Spain that is instrumental or sung in Spanish usually comes fairly close, but I doubt that a song like Matias Aguayo's "Minimal" would be considered for a Latin list. Rock bands of today like Triángulo de Amor Bizarro are perhaps not as often seen as Latin either.

Any thoughts?
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

Well, one things is Latin Music as music in Spanish (or related to Latin languages) and another is Latin Music as music genres originated in Latin America and Spain.

Soda Stereo or Triángulo de Amor Bizarro are Spanish language bands strongly influenced by contemporary non Latin music (as the second meaning of the term). Although because of identity or identification they're mostly mentioned as Latin music (as the first meaning of the term).

Bands like Cafe Tacvba or Fabulosos Cadillacs were part of the Latin Alternative movement (and they combine rock or pop music with Latin music (as the second meaning of the term). They belong to an hybrid status where both meanings of Latin music are ok for them. But the same is for some Latin pop acts (like Shakira) where the Latin influence is ambiguous (except for the cliche identification of Latin persona), although they bring Latin music (second term) in their biggest hits.

And some other artists (salsa as Ruben Blades, flamenco as Camaron or son cubano as Buena Vista Social Club) where the Latin music tag is clear. Also include for Latin folk acts (Nueva Cancion) or Latin ballads (Cancion Melodica)
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Pierre »

I also think it depends on whether you approach the "Latin" tag from an ethnic or a cultural viewpoint. I think Western critics usually consider "Latin" music that showcases some influence from genres originating from Spanish-speaking countries, while Latin critics will more probably approach it from an ethnic viewpoint. I've seen 2Pac discussed in Latin music contexts, although he is a very American act.

Also, the association of the Mano Negra and Manu Chao with the Latin scene makes sense from an esthetic viewpoint, but from a French viewpoint, they're very French in their approach, as they fit perfectly in the French alternative rock scene from the late 80s.

Otherwise the Latin tag usually seems to exclude music from Lusophone countries. At least that's what it seems to me.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

You're right but one thing is to be part of the scene and another make music of a particular genre. For example, Senegalese band Africando, they're not part of salsa scene but clearly they play salsa music.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

Not exactly a Spanish or Latin list but was made only by musicians from the Spanish language world ... 50215.html
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

panam wrote:Not exactly a Spanish or Latin list but was made only by musicians from the Spanish language world ... 50215.html
Interesting list! Very unusual mix. It will definitely give a well deserved boost to Spanish artists. And Brel!!
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

This one needs to be reevaluated. I could help
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

panam wrote:I confirm everything you said before. The WGHB/BCC list includes the songs that are part of the documental but also some extra highlights called "Explore The Music". Probably those ones could be eligible.
Henrik, you never confirmed about that, if it is eligible I could post the songs.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

panam wrote:
panam wrote:I confirm everything you said before. The WGHB/BCC list includes the songs that are part of the documental but also some extra highlights called "Explore The Music". Probably those ones could be eligible.
Henrik, you never confirmed about that, if it is eligible I could post the songs.
Ok, go for it! Thanks!
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

Henrik wrote:
panam wrote:
panam wrote:I confirm everything you said before. The WGHB/BCC list includes the songs that are part of the documental but also some extra highlights called "Explore The Music". Probably those ones could be eligible.
Henrik, you never confirmed about that, if it is eligible I could post the songs.
Ok, go for it! Thanks!
Henrik !!!! Done!


Soul Sacrifice

Incident at Neshabur

Quartet de Clarinets de Barcelona
Rhapsody in Blue

Sidney Bechet
You Can't Live In Harlem

Chick Webb
Stompin' at the Savoy

Don Aspiazu and his Orchestra with Antonio Machin
El Manisero (The Peanut Vendor)

Machito & His Afro Cubans

Machito & His Afro Cubans

Machito & His Afro Cubans

Xavier Cugat
Jungle Rhumba

Candido Camero
Manteca (Conga arrangement)

Dizzy Gillespie
Salt Peanuts

Dizzy Gillespie
Cubana Bop

Dizzy Gillespie Orchestra

Machito and His Orchestra

Tito Rodríguez

Tito Rodríguez
Ya Lo Puedes Decir

Tito Puente
Oye Como Va

Machito & His Afro Cubans
Mambo Inn

Patti Page
How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?

Machito & His Afro Cubans
Cuban Fantasy

Xavier Cugat
Cuban Mambo

Ed Sullivan Show Orchestra
After Supper

Cast of West Side Story

Cast of West Side Story

Cast of West Side Story

Vaughan Monro
They Were Doing The Mambo

Pérez Prado
Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White

Desi Arnaz & Lucille Ball
That Means I Love You

The Beatles
A Hard Day's Night

The Beatles
Twist and Shout

The Drifters
Save the Last Dance for Me

The Kingsmen
Louie Louie

The Beatles
Day Tripper

Machito & His Afro Cubans

Machito & His Afro Cubans
Mambo Mucho Mambo

Celia Cruz

The Young Rascals
Good Lovin'

Gábor Szabó
Gypsy Queen

Grateful Dead
Playing in the Band

Cliff Martinez
No Swinging the Club in the Car

Evil Ways

Mongo Santamaria
Watermelon Man

Los Lobos
La Bamba

Los Tigres del Norte
Vivan Los Mojados

Amor Prohibido

Los Tigres del Norte
Jefe de Jefes

Marty Robbins
A White Sport Coat

Ritchie Valens
Ooh! My Head

Ritchie Valens
La Bamba

Ritchie Valens

The Premiers
Farmer John

Cannibal & The Headhunters
Land of 1000 Dances

Sam the Sham & The Pharaohs
Wooly Bully

Little Joe & the Latinaires
Knock on Wood

Grateful Dead


Barrio Suite


Los Pingüinos del Norte
Mexico Americano

Little Joe y la Familia
Cumbia de la Medianoche

Little Joe y la Familia
Las Nubes

Santiago Jiménez, Jr.
La Cenita Song

Flaco and Max Jimenez
Together Again

Freddy Fender
Before the Next Teardrop Falls

Freddy Fender
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights

Freddy Fender
Since I Met You Baby

Freddy Fender
When It Rains It Really Pours

Linda Ronstadt
Los Laureles

Linda Ronstadt
Cancion Mixteca

Linda Ronstadt
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight

Linda Ronstadt
You're No Good

Ismael Anorve
La Malaguena Currena

Lydia Mendoza
Tango Negro


Los Dinos
Mercy, Mercy

Si Tu Te vas

Yo Fui Aquella

I Will Survive


Cien Años

Dame Un Beso

Los Tigres del Norte
De Paisano A Paisano

Los Tigres del Norte
Contrabando y Traicion

Flaco Jimenez
Ay Te Dejo San Antonio

Yomo Toro
Que Bonita Bandera

Yomo Toro and Fania All-Stars
Quitate Tu

Johnny Pacheco
Ponte Duro

Ray Barretto and Fania All-Stars

Ismael Miranda and Fania All-Stars
Lamento de un Guajiro

Cheo Feliciano and Fania All-Stars

Larry Harlow Orchestra
La Cartera

Celia Cruz
El Cumbanchero

Celia Cruz
Me Voy A Pinar del Rio

Celia Cruz with Fania All-Stars
A La Buena Si

Fania All-Stars
Coro Miyare

Fania All-Stars
Congo Bongo

Rubén Blades
El Cazangero

Rubén Blades
El Numero Seis

Willie Colón & Rubén Blades
Pedro Navaja

Celia Cruz and Fania All-Stars
Bemba Colora

Willie Colón
La Murga Panameña

Héctor Lavoe and Fania All-Stars
Mi Gente

Tito Puente
Oye Como Va

Noro Morales
Vamos Ya

Johnny Colón
Boogaloo Blues

Joe Bataan
Too Much Lovin'

Joe Bataan
Subway Joe

Pete Rodríguez y su Conjunto
I Like It (I Like It Like That)

Johnny Pacheco
Soy de Batabano

Willie Colón
Che Che Cole

Johnny Pacheco
Sabroso Como El Guarapo

Isaac Hayes
Theme From Shaft

Isaac Hayes
The End Theme

Willie Colón
El Malo

Willie Colón & Héctor Lavoe
Esta Navidad

Willie Colón & Héctor Lavoe
Todo Tiene Su Final

Héctor Lavoe
El Cantante

Willie Colón
Willie Baby

Héctor Lavoe
Noche de Ronda

Willie Colón
Willie Whopper

Johnny Colón
Boogaloo Blues

Héctor Lavoe
Mi Gente

Fania All-Stars
Mi Debilidad

Celia Cruz with Fania All-Stars

Fania All-Stars

Curtis Mayfield
Junkie Chase

Bobby Rodriguez
Numero Seis

Fania All-Stars
En Orbita

Fania All-Stars
Estrellas de Fania

Fania All-Stars

Manu Dibango
Soul Makussa

Mon Rivera
Lluvia con Nieve

Ruben Blades
Mack The Knife

Ruben Blades with Willie Colon
El cazanguero

Ruben Blades with Willie Colon
María Lionza

Smokey Robinson' The Miracles
Mickey's Monkey

Cheo Feliciano with Fania All Stars
El ratón

Ricky Martin
Cup of Life / Copa de la Vida

Miami Sound Machine

Miguelito Cuni y Septeto with Marcelino Guerra

Beny Moré
Preferi Perderte

Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine

Miami Sound Machine

Miami Sound Machine
Otra Vez

Miami Sound Machine
Dr Beat

Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine
Get On Your Feet

Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine
Rhythm is Gonna Get You

Hold Me

Ricky Martin

Gloria Estefan

Estoy Aquí

Ojos Asi

Whenever, Wherever / Suerte

Ricky Martin
Livin La Vida Loca" (English & Spanish version)

Ricky Martin
She Bangs

Jennifer Lopez
Feelin So Good

India and Marc Anthony
Vivir Lo Nuestro

Marc Anthony
I Need To Know

Shakira and Wyclef Jean
Hips Dont Lie

A Dios le Pido

The Anthem


Daddy Yankee

Daddy Yankee featuring Snoop Dogg
Gangsta Zone

Tego Calderón
Cosa Buena

Shabba Ranks
Dem Bow

Will Smith

Miami Sound Machine
Words Get in The Way

Masters At Work featuing India
I Can't Get No Sleep

El General

Afro Cuban All Stars
Fiesta de Rumba

Andrés Berlanga
Las Quejas de Zenaida

Arcaño y Sus Maravillas
Atomo Musical

Arcaño y Sus Maravillas

Arsenio Rodriguez
Como Trajo La Yuca

Arsenio Rodriguez
El Reloj de la Pastora

Arsenio Rodriguez
Kila Quique y Chocolate

Arsenio Rodriguez
Nadie Mas Que Tu

Arsenio Rodriguez
Todos Seguimos La Conga


Banda El Recodo
Como el Primer Día

Bebo & Cigala
Lágrimas Negras

Beny Moré
Francisco Guayabal

Beto Villa
Madre Mía

Beto Villa
Ni Por Favor

Big Pun
Still Not a Player

Billo's Caracas Boys
Compadre Pedro Juan

Blas Duran

Bobby Sanabria
El Aché de Sanabria en Moderación

Cal Tjader
Soul Sauce

Cal Tjader & Eddie Palmieri

Candido Romero
Stompin' at the Savoy

Carlos Oliva y Los Sobrinos del Juez
Glorioso San Antonio

Carlos Vives
La Gota Fría

Chano Pozo
Conga de los Dandys

Chano Pozo & Dizzy Gillespie
Cubana-Be, Cubana-Bop

Chico Alvarez
Va'l Carretero

Comparsa Musicians
Conga Santiaguera

Conjunto Bernal
Mi Unico Camino

Cumbiamba Eneyé

Daddy Yankee


Don Chezina y Playero
Playero Hits 3

Don Omar
Dale Don Dale

Eddie Palmieri

El Chicano
Viva Tirado

El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico

El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico
Un verano en Nueva York

Elvis Crespo

Steve Jordan
Las Coronelas

Let's Get Married Polka

Felix Baloy
Ven A Bailar El Cha-Cha-Chá

Gloria Estefan
Mi Tierra

Gloria Estefan

Grupo Afro Boricua
El Conde de Loiza

Hansel y Raul

Hermanos Ayala
Bomberos Eh

Ibrahim Ferrer
Aquellos Ojos Verdes

Ibrahim Ferrer
Caché Danzón

Isidro Lopez
Amor de Todos

Isidro Lopez
Cuatro Vidas

Ismael Miranda
Rumba, rumba

Jenni Rivera
De Contrabando

Jesus Alemany
Descarga de Hoy

Joe Arroyo

Joe Bataan
Chickie's Trombone

Joe Cuba Sextet
Bang Bang

Johnny Otis
Willie and the Hand Five

Johnny Ventura

José Feliciano
Sabor a Mi

Juan Luis Guerra
Burbujas de Amor

La Camisa Negra

Julieta Venegas
De Mis Pasos

Kurtis Blow
The Breaks

La Lupe
Guaguancó Bembé

La Mafia
Como Me Duele El Amor

Lalo Rodriguez
Ven Devorame Otra Vez

Larry Harlow

Lebrón Brothers
Al Impulso

Lila Downs
La Cumbia de la Mole

Lila Downs
Paloma Negra

Lola Beltrán
Ay Jalisco No te Rajes

Los Alegres de Teran
Toma de Guadalajara

Los Fabulosos Cadillacs
Vasos Vacíos

Los Lobos

Los Lobos
Mas y Mas

Los Pinguinos
Corrido de Cesar Chavez

Los Super Seven
El Canoero

Los Tucanes de Tijuana
Parranda y Parranda

Marc Anthony
Lamento Borincano

Marcial Reyes & Pleneros de Bayamón
Como Suena Mi Conjunto

Lo Voy a Hacer Por Ti

Mellow Man Ace

Miami Sound Machine

Michael Salgado
Sin Ella

Miguelito Cunin con Chapottin y sus Estrellas
Que Se Vaya

Mongo Santamaría y Poncho Sanchez
Corrido Historia y Muerto del Gral. Francisco

Moré, Rubi y Vivo

Muñequitos de Matanzas
Oyelos de Nuevo

Narciso Martinez
Muchachos Alegres


Orquesta America de Ninon Mondejar
La Engañadora

Orquesta Aragón
El bodeguero

Orquesta Folklórica Nacional de Cuba
Las alturas de Simpson

Orquesta Guayacán
Oiga, mire, vea

Pedro Infante

Plena Libre
Cantaré a Puerto Rico

Poncho Sanchez
El Conguero

Ramon Ayala y los Bravos del Norte
Cruz de Palo

Ray Barretto
Descarga Criolla

Richard Berry
Louie Louie

Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz
Richie's Jala Jala

Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz
Si Te Contara

Roberto Roena
Yo Tenía Una Mujer

Rubén Blades

Rubén Gonzalez
Rico Tumbao

Rubén Gonzalez
Tres Lindas Cubanas

Santana feat Maná
Corazón Espinado

Santiago Jimenez Jr
Cada Vez Que Cae La Tarde

No Me Queda Más

Techno Cumbia

Septeto Nacional de Ignacio Piñeiro
Echale Salsita

Ciega, Sordomuda

Soda Stereo
De Música Ligera

Stan Getz & Joao Gilberto
The Girl From Ipanema

Thee Midniters
Whittier Blvd.

Tito Puente
Lullaby of Birdland

Tito Puente
Mambo Gozón

Tito Puente
Ran Kan Kan

Tito Rodriguez
El Divorcio

Trío Los Panchos

Trío Los Panchos
Quizás, Quizás, Quizás

Trío Maravilla
La Plena de San Antón

Trío Matamoros
El Son de la Loma

Vicente Fernandez
El Rey

Vicente Fernandez

Wilfrido Vargas

Willie Colón

Willie Colón & Hector Lavoe
Pa' Colombia

Willie Colón & Hector Lavoe
Vive Tu Vida Contento

Willy Chirino
Yo No Soy Un Tipo Tipico

Willy Chirino & Celia Cruz
Cuba Que Lindos Son Tus Paisajes

Wisin & Yandel

Yoskar Sarante
La Noche
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

panam, thanks but what I meant was to include only the "Explore the music" songs. Those could be seen as recommended/chosen songs from each Latin music style, while the songs from the show aren't. For example, clip 7 of the first episode begins with songs by The Beatles while the interviewed person says "One of the worst things that could happen to Latin music was The Beatles".

Here are all the "Explore the music" songs:

Afro Cuban All Stars | Fiesta de Rumba
Andrés Berlanga | Las Quejas de Zenaida
Arcaño y Sus Maravillas | Atomo Musical
Arcaño y Sus Maravillas | Mambo
Arsenio Rodriguez | Como Trajo La Yuca
Arsenio Rodriguez | El Reloj de la Pastora
Arsenio Rodriguez | Kila Quique y Chocolate
Arsenio Rodriguez | Nadie Mas Que Tu
Arsenio Rodriguez | Todos Seguimos La Conga
Aventura | Obsesión
Banda El Recodo | Como el Primer Día
Bebo & Cigala | Lágrimas Negras
Beny Moré | Francisco Guayabal
Beto Villa | Madre Mía
Beto Villa | Ni Por Favor
Big Pun | Still Not a Player
Billo's Caracas Boys | Compadre Pedro Juan
Blas Duran | Equivocada
Bobby Sanabria | El Aché de Sanabria en Moderación
Cal Tjader | Soul Sauce
Cal Tjader & Eddie Palmieri | Picadillo
Candido Romero | Stompin' at the Savoy
Cannibal & The Headhunters | Land of 1000 Dances
Carlos Oliva y Los Sobrinos del Juez | Glorioso San Antonio
Carlos Vives | La Gota Fría
Chano Pozo | Conga de los Dandys
Chano Pozo & Dizzy Gillespie | Cubana-Be, Cubana-Bop
Chico Alvarez | Va'l Carretero
Comparsa Musicians | Conga Santiaguera
Conjunto Bernal | Mi Unico Camino
Cumbiamba Eneyé | Encarnación
Daddy Yankee | Gasolina
Daddy Yankee | Rompe
Dizzy Gillespie Orchestra | Manteca
DLG  | Juliana
Don Chezina y Playero | Playero Hits 3
Don Omar | Dale Don Dale
Eddie Palmieri | Bilongo
El Chicano | Viva Tirado
El General | Muevelo
El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico | Timbalero
El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico | Un verano en Nueva York
Elvis Crespo | Suavemente
European | Let's Get Married Polka
Fania All-Stars | El Ratón
Fania All-Stars | Quítate Tú
Felix Baloy | Ven A Bailar El Cha-Cha-Chá
Flaco Jimenez | Ay Te Dejo San Antonio
Gloria Estefan | Mi Tierra
Gloria Estefan | Tradición
Grupo Afro Boricua | El Conde de Loiza
Hansel y Raul | Soy
Héctor Lavoe | Mi Gente
Hermanos Ayala | Bomberos Eh
Ibrahim Ferrer | Aquellos Ojos Verdes
Ibrahim Ferrer | Caché Danzón
Isidro Lopez | Amor de Todos
Isidro Lopez | Cuatro Vidas
Ismael Miranda | Rumba, rumba
Jenni Rivera | De Contrabando
Jesus Alemany | Descarga de Hoy
Joe Arroyo | Rebelión
Joe Bataan | Chickie's Trombone
Joe Cuba Sextet | Bang Bang
Johnny Colón | Boogaloo Blues
Johnny Otis | Willie and the Hand Five
Johnny Ventura | Filete
José Feliciano | Sabor a Mi
Juan Luis Guerra | Burbujas de Amor
Juanes | La Camisa Negra
Julieta Venegas | De Mis Pasos
Kurtis Blow | The Breaks
La India & Marc Anthony | Vivir Io Nuestro
La Lupe | Guaguancó Bembé
La Mafia | Como Me Duele El Amor
Lalo Rodriguez | Ven Devorame Otra Vez
Larry Harlow | Aguántate
Lebrón Brothers | Al Impulso
Lila Downs | La Cumbia de la Mole
Lila Downs | Paloma Negra
Little Joe y la Familia | Las Nubes
Lola Beltrán | Ay Jalisco No te Rajes
Los Alegres de Teran | Toma de Guadalajara
Los Fabulosos Cadillacs | Vasos Vacíos
Los Lobos | Anselma
Los Lobos | Mas y Mas
Los Pinguinos | Corrido de Cesar Chavez
Los Super Seven | El Canoero
Los Tigres del Norte | Contrabando y Traicion
Los Tigres del Norte | De Paisano A Paisano
Los Tucanes de Tijuana | Parranda y Parranda
Machito & His Afro Cubans | Tanga
Marc Anthony | Lamento Borincano
Marcial Reyes & Pleneros de Bayamón | Como Suena Mi Conjunto
Mazz | Lo Voy a Hacer Por Ti
Mellow Man Ace | Mentirosa
Miami Sound Machine | Conga
Miami Sound Machine | Renacer
Michael Salgado | Sin Ella
Miguelito Cunin con Chapottin y sus Estrellas | Que Se Vaya
Mongo Santamaria | Watermelon Man
Mongo Santamaría y Poncho Sanchez | Corrido Historia y Muerto del Gral. Francisco
Moré, Rubi y Vivo | Villa
Muñequitos de Matanzas | Oyelos de Nuevo
Narciso Martinez | Muchachos Alegres
Orishas | Represent
Orquesta America de Ninon Mondejar | La Engañadora
Orquesta Aragón | El bodeguero
Orquesta Folklórica Nacional de Cuba | Las alturas de Simpson
Orquesta Guayacán | Oiga, mire, vea
Pedro Infante | Ella
Pérez Prado | Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White
Pérez Prado | Mambo No. 5
Pete Rodríguez y su Conjunto | I Like It (I Like It Like That)
Pitbull | The Anthem
Plena Libre | Cantaré a Puerto Rico
Poncho Sanchez | El Conguero
Ramon Ayala y los Bravos del Norte | Cruz de Palo
Ray Barretto | Descarga Criolla
Richard Berry | Louie Louie
Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz | Richie's Jala Jala
Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz | Si Te Contara
Ricky Martin | Livin La Vida Loca" (English & Spanish version)
Ritchie Valens | La Bamba
Roberto Roena | Yo Tenía Una Mujer
Rubén Blades | Plástico
Rubén Gonzalez | Rico Tumbao
Rubén Gonzalez | Tres Lindas Cubanas
Sam the Sham & The Pharaohs | Wooly Bully
Santana | Evil Ways
Santana | Jingo
Santana feat Maná | Corazón Espinado
Santiago Jimenez Jr | Cada Vez Que Cae La Tarde
Selena | Amor Prohibido
Selena | No Me Queda Más
Selena | Techno Cumbia
Septeto Nacional de Ignacio Piñeiro | Echale Salsita
Shabba Ranks | Dem Bow
Shakira | Ciega, Sordomuda
Shakira | Whenever, Wherever / Suerte
Soda Stereo | De Música Ligera
Stan Getz & Joao Gilberto | The Girl From Ipanema
Steve Jordan/Esteban 'Steve' Jordan | Las Coronelas
Tego Calderón | Cosa Buena
The Kingsmen | Louie Louie
The Premiers | Farmer John
Thee Midniters | Whittier Blvd.
Tierra | Barrio Suite
Tito Puente | Lullaby of Birdland
Tito Puente | Mambo Gozón
Tito Puente | Ran Kan Kan
Tito Rodriguez | El Divorcio
Trío Los Panchos | Contigo
Trío Los Panchos | Quizás, Quizás, Quizás
Trío Maravilla | La Plena de San Antón
Trío Matamoros | Son de la Loma
Vicente Fernandez | El Rey
Vicente Fernandez | Guadalajara
Wilfrido Vargas | Abusadora
Willie Colón | Abuelita
Willie Colón & Héctor Lavoe | La Murga
Willie Colón & Héctor Lavoe | Pa' Colombia
Willie Colón & Héctor Lavoe | Todo Tiene Su Final
Willie Colón & Héctor Lavoe | Vive Tu Vida Contento
Willie Colón & Rubén Blades | Pedro Navaja
Willy Chirino | Yo No Soy Un Tipo Tipico
Willy Chirino & Celia Cruz | Cuba Que Lindos Son Tus Paisajes
Wisin & Yandel | Rakata
Yoskar Sarante | La Noche
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

ok :)
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Blanco »

Henrik wrote:panam, thanks but what I meant was to include only the "Explore the music" songs. Those could be seen as recommended/chosen songs from each Latin music style, while the songs from the show aren't. For example, clip 7 of the first episode begins with songs by The Beatles while the interviewed person says "One of the worst things that could happen to Latin music was The Beatles".
The problem here it's that "Explore the music" didn't list other songs that appear in the clips. I haven't checked if every song in that list appear also in the other lists, but i feel that "Explore the music" it's something like "all the other songs we didn't show in the clips". Please correct me if i'm wrong.
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Blanco »

panam wrote:Best Cuban albums by year according to
Here is 2011: ... nos-272677
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by panam »

Blanco wrote:
Henrik wrote:panam, thanks but what I meant was to include only the "Explore the music" songs. Those could be seen as recommended/chosen songs from each Latin music style, while the songs from the show aren't. For example, clip 7 of the first episode begins with songs by The Beatles while the interviewed person says "One of the worst things that could happen to Latin music was The Beatles".
The problem here it's that "Explore the music" didn't list other songs that appear in the clips. I haven't checked if every song in that list appear also in the other lists, but i feel that "Explore the music" it's something like "all the other songs we didn't show in the clips". Please correct me if i'm wrong.
Some songs appears both on the clips and "Explore the music" but just a few. Most are additional songs
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Re: Latin American & Spanish language lists index

Post by Henrik »

panam wrote:
Blanco wrote:
Henrik wrote:panam, thanks but what I meant was to include only the "Explore the music" songs. Those could be seen as recommended/chosen songs from each Latin music style, while the songs from the show aren't. For example, clip 7 of the first episode begins with songs by The Beatles while the interviewed person says "One of the worst things that could happen to Latin music was The Beatles".
The problem here it's that "Explore the music" didn't list other songs that appear in the clips. I haven't checked if every song in that list appear also in the other lists, but i feel that "Explore the music" it's something like "all the other songs we didn't show in the clips". Please correct me if i'm wrong.
Some songs appears both on the clips and "Explore the music" but just a few. Most are additional songs
So what should we do?
Everyone you meet fights a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
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