France - One song per day.

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Happy Up Here
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Re: France - One song per day.

Post by Romain »

Marcel Mouloudji - Comme un p'tit coquelicot - 1951

Mouloudji never had fame equal to his talent, his talents. Yet this free and libertarian artist explored many facets of the Arts: theatre, painting, writing and of course music. A man of conviction, Mouloudji remains a man whose work mixed sensitivity and generosity.

Marcel Mouloudji was born in Paris on September 16th, 1922. His father, who was Kabyle, originally came from Sidi Aïch in Algeria. After emigrating to France, he worked as a mason and joined the Communist Party. He married a Breton woman who was a devout Catholic, but who very quickly sank into alcoholism and madness. She would be committed to a mental institution.

The Mouloudji family lived in a humble dwelling in the Nineteenth District of Paris. Marcel went with his father to the Communist Party meetings, a party which he felt close to part of his life. Rather a cute child, he got a role in a film on Ménilmontant at the age of eleven. Besides this, he worked many odd jobs on the street with his brother André such as a singer.

As a teenager, Marcel joined the Faucons Rouges (Red Falcons) an association linked to the Communist Party where he formed a group with his brother. In 1935, he met Sylvain Atkine, a theatre director in the Groupe Octobre, an organisation affiliated with the Fédération des Théâtres ouvriers de France (working class theatre) It was then at only the age of thirteen that he had already met the great names in theatre like Jean-Louis Barrault and Roger Blin.

Quite gifted, the young man was adopted by the theatre world. He was even sponsored by the literary man Marcel Duhamel who introduced him to literature and poetry. Duhamel sent him to work for Jean-Louis Barrault where Marcel lived for a short time. Mouloudji also took classes with Charles Dullin. In 1936, he performed in his first show "Le tableau des Merveilles" inspired by the Spaniard Cervantes and adapted in French by Jacques Prévert. At this time he took part in a large artistic solidarity movement during the great strikes of 1936. This is how with many other artists he played in factories among other places.

In parallel to the theatre, Mouloudji started in cinema. Through Jacques Prévert, he met Marcel Carné who gave him a small singing role in "Jenny" in 1936. He then did one film after another. One of the most famous was "les Disparus de St. Agil" by Christian-Jacque in 1938. At sixteen, Mouloudji was already a star of the screen.

At the beginning of the Second World War, Mouloudji fled to the South of France, to Marseille in the unoccupied zone with the Groupe Octobre. On this occasion, he met the singer Francis Lemarque. Despite the chaos of the time, he continued working. Thanks to his brother André, Mouloudji avoided doing the Service du Travail Obligatoire (Mandatory work service). Quickly, he returned to Paris where he did a ton of odd jobs semi-clandestinely. He sang at the Bœuf sur le Toit and especially discovered the artistic milieu of Saint-Germain-des-Pres. Keeping company with the literary world drove him to write "Enrico" his memoires (he was only 20!) which received the Prix de la Pléiade at the Liberation in 1945.

During the war in 1943, Mouloudji met Louise Fouquet, known as Lola, whom he married. She would be his wife and artistic agent until 1969. A versatile artist, he already had many feathers in his cap. Around 1947 he started painting. But above all, he started to become seriously interested in music. In the fashionable cabarets he sang Boris Vian and Jacques Prévert. At the same time, he continued working in cinema and was very present on screen. Some of his films are classics like "Boule de Suif"(Christian-Jacque, 1947) and "Nous sommes tous des assassins"(André Cayatte, 1952). A young star, a known singer, he was sometimes asked to play himself like in "Eaux Troubles" by Henri Calef in 1949.

Music at last
In 1951, Mouloudji recorded his first record with some important songs such as "Rue de Lappe, "Si tu imagines" and "Barbara". It was also at this time that he performed for the first time at Bobino, the great Parisian music hall. Like for many young debutants of the period, it was Jacques Canetti, the famous agent and owner of the Cabaret Les Trois Baudets who led Mouloudji to success. He had him record "Comme un p'tit coquelicot" which had great success and that marked a step in the singer's career. Thanks to this song, Mouloudji received the Grand Prix du disque in 1953 and the Prix Charles-Cros in 1952 and 1953. Same success for "un jour tu verras" in 1954, from the movie "Secrets d'alcôve").

Always politically committed and an ardent pacifist, Mouloudji ran into several problems concerning censorship during the war in Indochina. The item of debate was the song "le Déserteur", obviously anti-military, written and created by Boris Vian. When Mouloudji performed it at the Theatre de l'œuvre the same day as the fall of Diên Biên Phu, it caused an outcry and he became the target of censures and politicians. The song was banned from the airwaves. Only the station Europe 1 played it. This first censuring would follow him later and other songs would suffer the same fate.

In 1955, Mouloudji headlined at the Alhambra. More of a singer, he started writing his own lyrics more and more at the end of the 1950's. This time music took first place in his life. In 1958, he made his last cinema appearances in "Rafles sur la ville" by Pierre Chenal and in a Hispano-Swedish film "Llegaron dos hombres".

In 1960 his son Gregory was born.

Struggles and Convictions
After having signed with Vogue records in 1961, Mouloudji finally created his own record label in the form of a cooperative. This was how in 1965 he launched Graeme Allwright, a young New Zealander living in France. Not inclined to melt into the record industry, Mouloudji didn't have the success that he had in the Fifties in cinema. In 1966, he even opened a hair salon.

When the events of May '68 took place it was the political activist who sang in the factories like in 1936. Remaining honest and not sacrificing his convictions for his career was essential for him. During this time two women entered his life. First Cris Carol, a former singer who became his preferred songwriter for those years and Lilianne Patrick, an actress with whom he would share his life.

In his own way, Mouloudji struggled against the record industry, which didn't leave him any room. After having been the victim of censorship many times, he wrote without worrying about the effect achieved. He knew that in any case, he would be played very little or not at all on the radio. In "Autoportrait" in 1970, he spoke about his mixed blood: "Catholic by my mother, Muslim by my father"; with his remake of "Allons z'enfants" by Vian, he set off to war again against the military. Always present during political combats, he took part in the recording of an album consecrated to songs and poems of the Resistance in 1974. We also heard him on a compilation of workers' songs and another on the Commune, the revolutionary and proletariat insurrection that took place in Paris in 1871. His fight also took place on stage as in the time he participated in a gala supporting the left-wing in Chile in 1974.

Nevertheless, a very faithful public was always lying in wait for his stage performances. This is how in 1974 when he got up on stage at the Théâtre de la Renaissance, it was with joy that he noticed how much enthusiasm awaited him. Ditto in September '75 for his return to the Olympia. He organized several shows consacrated to poets like those of Vieux Colombier on Prevert or Bruant. Parallel to this, he continued to write and record: "Merci la vie" in '74, "Madame la Môme" in '75, "le Bar du temps perdu" in '77 (Grand prix du disque) and "Comme une feuille en automne" in '78. Finally, in 1976, he recorded "Et ça tournait", a musette (accordion music) anthology with the accordionist Marcel Azzola and a record for children entirely composed of texts from Prévert.

Last song
In 1980, he released an album "Inconnus Inconnues" and gave innumerable concerts across the country but which the media rarely said a word about. Tired, he dedicated more time to writing and to painting, his former loves. We saw him again on stage in 1987 at Elysée Montmartre.

At the age of Seventy, in 1992 a pleurisy left him without a part of his voice. This didn't prevent him from making an album which wouldn't have the time to see the light of day. In March '94, he was invited to the Chorus des Hauts-de-Seine festival in the Paris region for a tribute. Then he gave a final recital near Nancy in Eastern France in April.

He passed away on June 14th 1994 leaving many projects in progress: the rest of his memoires 50 years after the first volume and a new album. This touching and talented artist leaves us the memory of a man who was loving and faithful to his opinions.

Le myosotis, et puis la rose,
Ce sont des fleurs qui dis'nt quèqu' chose !
Mais pour aimer les coqu'licots
Et n'aimer qu'ça... faut être idiot !
T'as p't'êtr' raison ! seul'ment voilà :
Quand j't'aurai dit, tu comprendras !
La premièr' fois que je l'ai vue,
Elle dormait, à moitié nue
Dans la lumière de l'été
Au beau milieu d'un champ de blé.
Et sous le corsag' blanc,
Là où battait son coeur,
Le soleil, gentiment,
Faisait vivre une fleur :
Comme un p'tit coqu'licot, mon âme !
Comme un p'tit coqu'licot.

C'est très curieux comm' tes yeux brillent
En te rapp'lant la jolie fille !
Ils brill'nt si fort qu'c'est un peu trop

Pour expliquer... les coqu'licots !
T'as p't'êtr' raison ! seul'ment voilà
Quand je l'ai prise dans mes bras,
Elle m'a donné son beau sourire,
Et puis après, sans rien nous dire,
Dans la lumière de l'été
On s'est aimé ! ... on s'est aimé !
Et j'ai tant appuyé
Mes lèvres sur son coeur,
Qu'à la plac' du baiser
Y avait comm' une fleur :
Comme un p'tit coqu'licot, mon âme !
Comme un p'tit coqu'licot.

Ça n'est rien d'autr' qu'un'aventure
Ta p'tit' histoire, et je te jure
Qu'ell' ne mérit' pas un sanglot
Ni cett' passion... des coqu'licots !
Attends la fin ! tu comprendras :
Un autr' l'aimait qu'ell' n'aimait pas !
Et le lend'main, quand j'lai revue,
Elle dormait, à moitié nue,
Dans la lumière de l'été
Au beau milieu du champ de blé.
Mais, sur le corsag' blanc,
Juste à la plac' du coeur,
Y avait trois goutt's de sang
Qui faisaient comm' un' fleur :
Comm' un p'tit coqu'licot, mon âme !
Un tout p'tit coqu'licot.

Like a little poppy

The forget-me-not and also the rose
These are the flowers with something to say!
But to love poppies
And to love only them...You'd have to be an idiot!
Perhaps you're right! Only, look here:
When I've told you, you'll understand!
The first time that I saw her
She was sleeping, half-naked
In the summer sun
Right in the middle of a field of wheat
And under her white blouse
There where her heart was beating
The sun, kindly
Brought a flower to life
Like a little poppy, my soul!
Like a little poppy.

It's very strange how your eyes shine
When you remember the pretty girl!
They shine so brightly that it's a bit too much

Let me explain... the poppies!
Perhaps you're right! Only, look here:
When I took her in my arms
She gave me her beautiful smile
And then afterwards, without us exchanging a word
In the summer sun
We made love!... We made love!
And I pressed my lips
So much upon her heart
That in the place where I kissed her
It looked like a flower
Like a little poppy, my soul!
Like a little poppy.

It's nothing more than an bit of fun
Your little tale, and I promise you
That she's not worth a tear
Nor this obsession...with poppies!
Wait until the end! You'll understand:
Someone else loved her, whom she did not love!
And the next day, when I saw her again
She was sleeping, half naked
In the summer sun
Right in the middle of the field of wheat
But, on the white blouse
Right in the place of her heart
There were three drops of blood
Which looked like a flower
Like a little poppy, my soul!
A tiny little poppy

Thanks to Gavier on LyricsTranslate.
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Happy Up Here
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Re: France - One song per day.

Post by Romain »

Spotify playlist on the first page.

List in progress:
Page 9 Adam De La Halle - Jeu de Robin et Marion - 1282 or 1283 - Classical
Page 23 Philippe De Vitry - In Arboris - 1320 - Classical
Page 16 Jean-Baptiste Lully - Marche pour la cérémonie des turcs - 1670 - Classical
Page 14 Marc-Antoine Charpentier - Te Deum - 1688/1698 - Classical
Page 16 Claude Joseph Rouget De Lisle - Chant de Guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin ou La Marseillaise - 1792
Page 11 Adolphe Adam - Minuit, chrétiens - 1847 - Classical
Page 5 Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville - Au clair de la lune - First recorded song - 1860
Page 1 Georges Bizet - Je crois entendre encore - 1863 - Classical
Page 4 Camille Saint-Saëns - Danse Macabre op 40 - 1874 - Classical
Page 20 Charles-Marie Widor - Symphonie pour orgue n°5 - Toccata - 1879 - Classical
Page 6 Gabriel Fauré - Élégie pour violoncelle et piano, op 24 - 1880 - Classical
Page 7 Jacques Offenbach - Belle nuit, ô nuit d'amour - 1881 - Classical
Page 11 Léo Delibes - Duo des fleurs - 1883 - Classical
Page 19 Emmanuel Chabrier - España - 1883 - Classical
Page 3 Erik Satie - Gymnopédie n°3 - 1888 - Classical
Page 18 Vincent D'Indy - Tableaux de voyage op.33 - Le Glas - 1889 - Classical
Page 13 Ernest Chausson - Concert pour violon, piano et quatuor à cordes en Ré majeur op.21/ 2ème mouvement : Sicilienne - 1892 - Classical
Page 4 Paul Dukas - L'apprenti sorcier - 1897 - Classical
Page 19 Mado Robin - Frou-Frou - 1897
Page 23 Félix Mayol - Viens, Poupoule ! - 1902
Page 3 Claude Debussy - Suite Bergamasque - Clair de lune - 1905 - Classical
Page 13 Mistinguett - Mon Homme - 1916
Page 22 Lili Boulanger - Vieille prière bouddhique - 1917 - Classical
Page 10 Léo Daniderff - Je cherche après Titine - 1917
Page 22 Arthur Honegger - Pacific 231 - 1923 - Classical
Page 8 Darius Milhaud - La Création du monde op.81 - 1923 - Classical
Page 17 Jean Cras - Journal de Bord - 1927 - Partie III : Quart de 4 à 8 - Classical
Page 2 Maurice Ravel - Boléro - 1928 - Classical
Page 9 Berthe Sylva - Les roses blanches - 1925
Page 7 Joséphine Baker - J'ai deux amours - 1930 
Page 3 Lucienne Boyer - Parlez-moi d'amour - 1930
Page 14 Louis Lynel - Ma Normandie - 1930
Page 23 Pauline Carton - Sous les palétuviers - 1934
Page 24 Damia - La guinguette a fermé ses volets - 1934
Page 1 Gaston Ouvrard - Je ne suis pas bien portant - 1934
Page 18 Alibert - Le plus beau tango du monde - 1935
Page 21 Henry Garat - C'est un mauvais garçon - 1936
Page 6 Olivier Messiaen - Fête des belles eaux - 1937 - Classical
Page 3 Django Reinhardt and Stéphane Grappelli - Minor Swing - 1937 - Jazz
Page 8 Ray Ventura - Qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour être heureux ? - 1937
Page 12 Fréhel - La Java Bleue - 1938
Page 18 Rina Ketty - J'attendrai - 1938
Page 2 Mireille et Jean Sablon - Puisque vous partez en voyage - 1938
Page 17 Fernandel - Félicie aussi ! - 1939
Page 21 Jean Lumière - La valse au village - 1939
Page 18 GusViseur - Flambée Montalbanaise - 1940 - Jazz
Page 14 Léo Marjane - Je suis seule ce soir - 1941
Page 12 Anna Marly - Le chant des partisans - 1941
Page 3 Lucienne Delyle - Mon amant de Saint-Jean - 1942
Page 2 Charles Trénet - Que Reste-t'il de nos amours ? - 1942
Page 20 Lina Margy - Ah ! Le petit vin blanc - 1943
Page 12 Anna Marly - La complainte du partisan - 1943
Page 4 Yves Montand - Les Feuilles Mortes - 1945
Page 8 Luis Mariano - La Belle de Cadix - 1945
Page 18 Tino Rossi - Petit papa Noël - 1946
Page 23 Fernand Sardou - Aujourd'hui peut-être - 1946
Page 19 Henri Betti - C'est si bon - 1947
Page 14 Line Renaud - Ma cabane au Canada - 1947
Page 24 Pierre Schaeffer - Cinq Etudes de bruits - 1948 - Classical & Electro
Page 12 Francis Lemarque - À Paris - 1949
Page 24 Francis Lemarque - Bal, petit bal - 1949

Page 22 André Claveau - Domino - 1950
Page 3 Henri Salvador - Le loup, la biche et le chevalier (une chanson douce) - 1950
Page 11 Jean Bretonnière - Sous le ciel de Paris - 1951
Page 17 Mick Micheyl - Un gamin de Paris -1951
Page 25 Marcel Mouloudji - Comme un p'tit coquelicot - 1951
Page 1 Brassens & Patachou - Maman, papa - 1952
Page 14 Georges Guetary - La route Fleurie - 1952
Page 7 Maurice Chevalier - Dans la vie faut pas s'en faire - 1953
Page 13 Alain Romans - Quel temps fait-il à Paris - 1953 - OST & Jazz
Page 13 Cora Vaucaire - La Complainte de la Butte - 1955
Page 9 Boris Vian - Je Bois - 1955
Page 17 René-Louis Lafforgue - Le poseur de rails - 1956
Page 1 Magali Noël - Fais-moi mal, Johnny - 1956
Page 19 Guy Béart - L'eau vive - 1958
Page 15 Anny Flore - Julie la rousse - 1958
Page 7 Jacques Brel - Ne me quitte pas - 1959
Page 21 Philippe Clay - L'accordéon - 1959
Page 20 Roger Guérin - Discord - 1959 - Jazz
Page 22 Darío Moreno - Tout l'amour - 1959

Page 1 Bourvil - C'était bien (au petit bal perdu) - 1960
Page 4 Juliette Gréco - Il n'y a plus d'après - 1960
Page 13 Gilian Hills - Zou bisou bisou - 1960
Page 23 André Hodeir - Jazz et Jazz - 1960 - Jazz
Page 6 Edith Piaf - Non, je ne regrette rien - 1960 
Page 15 Les Double Six - Tickle Toe (Le racket et les balles) - 1961 - Jazz
Page 11 Zizi Jeanmaire - Mon truc en plumes - 1961
Page 14 Marcel Amont - Un Mexicain - 1962
Page 18 Isabelle Aubret - Un premier amour - 1962
Page 24 Leny Escudero - Pour une amourette - 1962
Page 12 Maurice Jarre - Lawrence of Arabia - 1962 - OST
Page 19 Michel Magne - Mélodie en sous-sol - Palm Beach thème - 1962 - OST & Jazz
Page 10 Francis Poulenc - Sonate pour clarinette, 2ème mouvement : Romanza - 1962 - Classical
Page 4 Salvatore Adamo - Tombe la neige - 1963
Page 9 Alain Barrière - Elle était si jolie - 1963
Page 21 Patricia Carli - Demain, tu te maries - 1963
Page 6 Georges Delerue - Le Mépris - Camille - 1963 - OST
Page 24 Colette Dereal - La valse folle - 1963
Page 22 Colette Magny - Melocoton - 1963
Page 20 Les Mustangs - Drums - 1963
Page 9 Claude Nougaro - Cécile ma fille - 1963 
Page 11 Colette Renard - Les nuits d'une demoiselle - 1963
Page 9 Sheila - L'école est finie - 1963 
Page 7 Soeur Sourire - Dominique - 1963
Page 23 Hélène April - Je m'ennuie - 1964
Page 2 Gilbert Bécaud - Nathalie - 1964
Page 20 Annie Cordy - Six roses - 1964
Page 12 Henri Dutilleux - Métaboles - 1964 - Classical
Page 4 Jean Ferrat - Que serais-je sans toi ? - 1964
Page 2 France Gall - Laisse tomber les filles - 1964
Page 2 Françoise Hardy - La Nuit Est Sur La Ville - 1964
Page 3 Les Parisiennes - Il fait trop beau pour travailler - 1964
Page 8 Antoine Duhamel - Pierrot Le Fou - Ferdinand - 1965 - OST
Page 22 Gribouille - Mathias - 1965
Page 19 Chantal Kelly - Mon ami, mon chien - 1965
Page 10 Les Problèmes - Non, je ne vois rien - 1965
Page 15 Annie Philippe - Tout finit à St. Tropez - 1965
Page 4 Régine - Les P'tits papiers - 1965
Page 5 Hervé Vilard - Capri, c'est fini - 1965
Page 5 Antoine - Les élucubrations - 1966
Page 24 Adèle - Je ne veux plus d'accordéon - 1966
Page 8 Michèle Arnaud - les papillons Noirs - 1966
Page 4 Hugues Aufray - Céline - 1966
Page 5 Pascal Danel - Les neiges du Kilimanjaro - 1966
Page 15 Chantal Goya - Si tu gagnes au flipper - 1966
Page 9 Francis Lai - Un homme et une femme - 1966 - OST 
Page 10 Les 5 Gentlemen - Si tu reviens chez moi - 1966
Page 14 Les Pros - Drugstore Midnight - 1966
Page 15 Long Chris - Névralgie Particulière - 1966
Page 3 Mireille Mathieu - Paris en colère - 1966
Page 16 Gilbert Safrani - Les gens s'en vont dans le ciel - 1966
Page 24 Structures Sonores Lasry-Baschet - Manège - 1966 - Classical
Page 14 Zouzou - Il est parti comme il est venu - 1966
Page 10 Charles Aznavour - Emmenez-moi - 1967
Page 1 Brigitte Bardot - Harley Davidson - 1967
Page 22 Clothilde - Saperlipopette - 1967
Page 2 Pierre Henry - Psyché Rock - 1967 - Classical & Electro
Page 16 Marie Laforêt - Mon amour, mon ami - 1967
Page 14 Christie Laume - Rouge Rouge - 1967
Page 16 Christine Pilzer - Ah-Hem-Ho-Uh-Err - 1967
Page 21 Guy Skornik - Fire - 1967
Page 4 Stella - Si vous connaissez quelque-chose de pire qu'un vampire, parlez m'en toujours, ça pourra peut-être me faire sourire - 1967
Page 7 Jacqueline Taïeb - 7 heures du matin - 1967
Page 10 Dominique Walter - Les petits boudins - 1967
Page 2 Barbara - Du bout des lèvres - 1968
Page 18 Barbara - Mon enfance - 1968
Page 23 Richard de Bordeaux & Daniel Beretta - La drogue - 1968
Page 1 Jacques Dutronc - Proverbes - 1968
Page 4 Claude François - Comme d'habitude - 1968
Page 8 Les Goths - Turn Over - 1968
Page 18 Sophie Makhno - Obsessions 68 - 1968
Page 5 Jean-François Michael - Adieu, jolie Candy - 1968
Page 1 Michel Polnareff - Le bal des Laze - 1968
Page 21 Jean-Claude Risset - Computer suite for little boy - 1968 - Classical
Page 21 Victoire Scott - Quatrième Dimension - 1968
Page 18 Patrick Abrial - Fétiche - 1969
Page 18 Alec - L'étranger - 1969
Page 13 Ronnie Bird - Sad Soul - 1969
Page 19 Jacques Charpentier - Pour le Kama Soutra - 1969 - Classical
Page 11 Pierre-Alain Dahan - Slowrama - 1969
Page 11 Mireille Darc - Hélicoptère - 1969
Page 20 Eric Demarsan - Thème de Gerbier - 1969 - OST
Page 19 Docdaïl - Aere Perennius - 1969
Page 3 Serge Gainsbourg - Je t'aime... moi non plus ! - 1969
Page 19 Le Sytème Crapoutchik - L'horrible rêve - 1969
Page 22 Georges Garvarentz - Le temps des loups - OST - 1969
Page 6 Michel Legrand - Les moulins de mon coeur - 1969
Page 9 Jean-Pierre Mirouze - Sexopolis - 1969 - OST
Page 4 Georges Moustaki - Le Métèque - 1969
Page 18 Jean-Claude Oliver - L'invité - 1969
Page 16 Roland Vincent - L.S.D. partie - 1969

Page 21 Jack Arel - Picture of Spring - 1970
Page 15 Baroque Jazz Trio - Zoma - 1970 - Jazz
Page 14 Claude Bolling - Borsalino - Thème - 1970 - OST
Page 7 François De Roubaix - Dernier Domicile Connu - 1970 - OST
Page 20 Jean-Pierre Ferland - Le chat du café des artistes - 1970
Page 3 Jean-Jacques Perrey - E.V.A. - 1970 - Electro
Page 1 Boby Lapointe - Méli-Mélodie - 1970
Page 17 Triangle - Peut-être demain ? - 1970
Page 9 Zanini - Tu veux ou tu veux pas ? - 1970
Page 3 Julien Clerc - Ce n'est rien - 1971
Page 8 Michel Delpech - Pour Un Flirt - 1971
Page 2 Léo Ferré - Avec le temps - 1971
Page 14 Danyel Gérard - Butterfly - 1971
Page 9 Les Poppys - Non, non, rien n'a changé - 1971
Page 23 Raymond Lefèvre - JO - Générique - 1971 - OST
Page 2 Nicoletta - Mamy Blue - 1971
Page 2 Michel Polnareff - Qui A Tué Grand' Maman - 1971
Page 22 Tac Poum Système - Asmodaï - 1971
Page 23 Igor Wakhevitch - Materia Prima - 1971
Page 9 Dominique Blanc-Francard - Ailleurs/Icare - 1972
Page 20 Charles Dumont - Comme une fugue de Bach - 1972
Page 6 Michel Fugain - Une belle histoire - 1972
Page The Moving Gelatine Plates - The world of genius Hans – 1972
Page 3 Maxime Le Forestier - San Fransisco - 1972
Page 3 Les variations - Je suis juste un rock'n'roller - 1972
Page 20 Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes - Paix - 1972
Page 13 Véronique Sanson - Amoureuse - 1972 
Page 22 Ann Sorel - L'amour à plusieurs - 1972
Page 3 Jean-Claude Vannier - Les gardes volent au secours du roi - 1972
Page 8 Philippe Besombes - La ville - 1973
Page 17 Vladimir Cosma - L'Affaire Crazy Capo - 1973 - OST
Page 7 Diane Dufresne - J'ai Rencontré L'homme De Ma Vie - 1973
Page 2 Alain Goraguer - La Planète Sauvage - 1973 - OST & Electro
Page 22 Pierre Groscolas - Lady Lay - 1973
Page 14 Lafayette Afro Rock Band - Hihache - 1973
Page 15 Serge Lama - Je suis malade - 1973
Page 2 Magma - Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh - 1973/1989
Page 24 Tonio Rubio - Bass in action n°2 - 1973
Page 13 Stone et Charden - Made in Normandie - 1973
Page 11 The Peppers - Pepper Box - 1973 - Electro
Page 6 Areski Belkacem - C'est normal - 1974
Page 2 Christophe - Les Mots Bleus - 1974 
Page 24 Marcel Dadi - Le derviche tourneur - 1974
Page 3 Dalida - Il venait d'avoir 18 ans - 1974
Page 1 Nino Ferrer - Le sud - 1974
Page 3 Daniel Guichard - Mon vieux - 1974
Page 20 Jean-Claude Pelletier - Hello Streakers! - 1974
Page 20 Joe Dassin - L'été indien - 1975
Page 18 Cortex - La rue - 1975 - Jazz
Page 17 Gérard Grisey - Partiels - 1975 - Classical
Page 18 Harlem pop Trotters - Penwick - 1975
Page 20 Il était une fois - J'ai encore rêvé d'elle - 1975
Page 13 Gérard Lenorman - La Ballade des gens heureux - 1975
Page 3 Gérard Manset - Il voyage en solitaire - 1975
Page 1 Jeanne Moreau - India Song - 1975
Page 11 Janko Nilovic - Drug Song - 1975
Page 20 Pulsar - Pollen - 1975 - Electro
Page 8 Resonance - OK Chicago - 1975
Page 6 Jean Yanne - Chobizeness - Coït - 1975 - OST
Page 3 Jane Birkin - Ballade de Johnny Jane - 1976
Page 24 Richard Clayderman - Ballade Pour Adeline - 1976
Page 4 Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygène Part IV - 1976 - Electro
Page 16 Michel Colombier - L'Alpagueur - 1976 - OST
Page 3 Philippe Sarde - Le locataire - Main title - 1976 - OST
Page 13 The Droids - The Force - 1976 - Electro
Page 10 Wapassou - Messe en ré mineur - 1976
Page 23 Cerrone - Supernature - 1977
Page 6 Philippe Chatel - J't'aime bien Lili - 1977
Page 12 Yves Duteil - Prendre un enfant - 1977
Page 7 Little Bob Story - Riot in Toulouse - 1977
Page 5 Marie Myriam - L'enfant et l'oiseau - 1977
Page 7 Plastic Bertrand - Ça plane pour moi - 1977
Page 9 Jean-Luc Ponty - Mirage - 1977 - Jazz
Page 11 Zachary Richard - Travailler, c'est trop dur - 1977
Page 23 Yves Simon - Diabolo Menthe - 1977
Page 3 SpAce - Magic Fly - 1977 - Electro
Page 9 Space Art - Onyx - 1977 - Electro
Page 16 A 3 Dans les WC - Contagion - 1978
Page 15 Black Devil - H-Friend - 1978 - Electro
Page 12 Louis Chédid - T'as beau pas être beau - 1978
Page 16 Marie et les Garçons - Re-Bop - 1978
Page 8 Métal Urbain - Paris Maquis - 1978
Page 12 Michel Sardou - Je vole - 1978
Page 13 Cabrel - Je l'aime à mourir - 1979
Page 5 Jean-Patrick Capdevielle - Quand t'es dans le désert - 1979
Page 21 Eric Charden - L'été sera chaud - 1979
Page 16 Joël Fajerman - Flowers Love - 1979 - Electro & OST
Page 5 Patrick Hernandez - Born to be alive - 1979
Page 11 Jacques higelin - Champagne - 1979
Page 18 Lizzy Mercier Descloux - Fire - 1979
Page 12 Jacques Loussier - Pulsion - 1979 - Jazz
Page 1 Pierre Perret - Mon P'tit Loup - 1979
Page 16 Stinky Toys - Birthday Party - 1979

Page 18 Abus Dangereux - Le Roy est Mort, Vive le Roy - 1980
Page 24 Cha Cha Guitri - 1981
Page 10 Elli & Jacno - Main dans la main - 1980
Page 6 Le Grand Orchestre du Splendid - La Salsa du démon - 1980
Page 8 Mathématiques Modernes - Disco Rough - 1980
Page 9 Modern Guy - Electrique Sylvie - 1980
Page 15 Tristan Murail - Gondwana - 1980 - Classical & Electro
Page 12 Ottawan - T'es OK - 1980
Page 15 Suicide Roméo - Suicide Roméo - 1980
Page 1 Taxi Girl - Cherchez le garçon - 1980
Page 2 Trust - Antisocial - 1980
Page 18 Pierre Boulez - Répons - 1981 - Classical & Electro
Page 22 Comix - Touche pas mon sexe - 1981
Page 5 Patrick Coutin - J'aime regarder les filles - 1981
Page 2 Charlélie Couture - Comme un avion sans aile - 1981
Page 5 Hervé Cristiani - Il est libre Max - 1981 
Page 17 Guerre Froide - Demain Berlin - 1981
Page 15 La Souris Déglinguée - Rock'N'Roll Vengance - 1981
Page 4 Marquis de Sade - Wanda's Loving Boy - 1981
Page 2 Renaud - Manu - 1981
Page 5 Jean Schultheis - Confidence pour confidence - 1981
age 22 Ti Céleste - Testaman - 1981
Page 5 Chagrin d'Amour - Chacun fait c'qui lui plaît - 1982
Page 8 Gérard Blanchard - Rockamadour - 1982
Page 21 Ici Paris - Allo le monde... - 1982
Page 11 Kas Product - Never Come Back - 1982
Page 17 Les Forbans - Chante - 1982
Page 1 Richard Gotainer - La ballade de l'obsédé - 1982
Page 3 Indochine - L'aventurier - 1982
Page 16 Act. - Ping pong - 1983
Page 6 Isabelle Adjani - Pull Marine - 1983 
Page 13 Axel Bauer - Cargo - 1983
Page 24 Malavoi - Caressé mwen - 1983
Page 17 Jakie Quartz - Mise au point - 1983
Page 24 François Tusques - Le Musichien - 1983 - Jazz
Page 13 Martin Dupont - Just Because - 1984
Page 9 Paul Personne - Barjoland - 1984
Page 17 Téléphone - Un autre monde - 1984
Page 18 Daniel Balavoine - Tous les cris, les S.O.S. - 1985
Page 3 Bérurier Noir - Le renard - 1985
Page 5 Bibie - Tout doucement - 1985
Page 3 Jean-Jacques Goldman - Je te donne - 1985
Page 19 Les Visiteurs Du Soir - Je t'écris d'un pays - 1985
Page 3 Michel Jonasz - La boîte de Jazz - 1985
Page 16 Marc Lavoine - Les yeux revolver - 1985
Page 12 Message - Dernière nuit - 1985
Page 21 Partenaire Particulier - Partenaire Particulier - 1985
Page 10 Ruth - Polaroïd/Roman/Photo - 1985
Page 14 Marc Seberg - L'éclaircie - 1985
Page 23 Laurent Voulzy - Belle-Île-en-Mer, Marie-Galante - 1985
Page 14 Buzy - Body Physical - 1986
Page 22 Gold - Ville de lumière - 1986
Page 5 Caroline Loeb - C'est la Ouate - 1986
Page 13 Jean-Claude Petit - Jean de Florette - 1986 - OST
Page 12 Julie Pietri - Ève lève-toi - 1986
Page 7 Stephanie de Monaco - Ouragan - 1986
Page 2 Mylène Farmer - Libertine - 1986
Page 4 La Compagnie Créole - Ca fait rire les oiseaux - 1986
Page 19 Francis Lalanne - On se retrouvera - 1986
Page 19 Les Ablettes - Jackie s'en fout - 1986
Page 10 Images - Les démons de minuit - 1986
Page 6 Elli Medeiros - Toi mon toit - 1986
Page 14 Parabellum - Cayenne - 1986
Page 20 Arnold Turboust - Adelaïde - 1986
Page 19 À Caus' des Garçons - À Cause des Garçons - 1987
Page 17 Anyway - Face au monde - 1987
Page 4 Jean-Louis Aubert - Les plages - 1987
Page 16 Louis Bertignac - Ces idées-là - 1987
Page 5 Desireless - Voyage Voyage - 1987
Page 9 Patricia Kaas - Mademoiselle chante le blues - 1987
Page 20 Les Calamités - Vélomoteur - 1987
Page 16 Eddy Louiss - Blues for Klook - 1987 - Jazz
Page 20 Eric Morena - Oh ! Mon bateau - 1987
Page 4 Guesch Patti - Etienne - 1987
Page 23 Michel Portal - Mozambic - 1987 - Jazz
Page 16 Début de Soirée - Nuit de folie - 1988
Page 9 Les Garçons Bouchers - Carnivore - 1988
Page 12 Gipsy King - Djobi Djoba - 1988
Page 3 Bernard Lavilliers - On The Road Again - 1988
Page 12 Lightwave - Le Parvis - 1988 - Electro
Page 22 Mano Negra - Mala Vida - 1988
Page 1 Les Négresses Vertes - Voilà L'été - 1988 
Page 13 Norma Loy - Power of spirit - 1988
Page 6 Princess Erika - Trop de Bla-bla - 1988
Page 11 Eric Serra - Le grand bleu - 1988 - OST
Page 24 Soldat Louis - Du rhum, des femmes - 1988
Page 23 Tristan - Bonne bonne humeur ce matin - 1988
Page 21 Dominic Sonic - When My Tears Run Cold - 1989
Page 15 Jad Wio - Ophélie - 1989
Page 23 Maurane - Toutes les mamas - 1989
Page 1 Richard Gotainer - Le Combat De Rock - 1989 
Page 3 Zouk Machine - Maldòn (La musique dans la peau) - 1989

Page 21 Michel Berger - Le paradis blanc - 1990
Page 18 Elmer Food Beat - Daniela - 1990
Page 7 Pauline Ester - Oui, je l'adore - 1990
Page 12 Liane Foly - Au fur et à mesure - 1990
Page 5 Thierry Hazard - Le Jerk - 1990
Page 24 Little Nemo - L'heure d'hiver - 1990
Page 2 Niagara - J'ai Vu - 1990
Page 18 Vanessa Paradis - Tandem - 1990
Page 1 Pigalle - Dans la salle du bar tabac de la rue des Martyrs - 1990
Page 17 Diane Tell - La légende de jimmy - 1990
Page 19 Joëlle Ursull - White & Black Blues - 1990
Page 22 Assassin - Esclave de votre société - 1991
Page 4 Au P'tit Bonheur - J'Veux du Soleil - 1991
Page 19 Dany Brillant - Suzette - 1991
Page 9 Fédération Française de Funk - New Funk Génération - 1991
Page 24 Kent - Tous les mômes - 1991
Page 6 Les Inconnus - Auteuil, Neuilly, Passy - 1991
Page 14 Jean-Louis Murat - Col de la Croix-Morand - 1991
Page 1 Les Rita Mitsouko - Les Amants - 1991
Page 21 Peter Kitsch - Come On sur mon scoot - 1991
Page 2 William Sheller - un Homme Heureux - 1991
Page 2 Mc Solaar - Bouge de là ! - 1991
Page 18 Deep Forest - Sweet Lullaby - 1992
Page 10 Les innocents - L'autre Finistère - 1992
Page 10 Pow Wow - Le Chat - 1992
Page 19 Regg'Lyss - Mets de l'huile - 1992
Page 2 L'affaire Louis Trio - Mobilis In Mobile - 1993 
Page 13 Billy Ze Kick - Mangez-moi ! Mangez-moi ! - 1993
Page 17 Alain Chamfort - L'ennemi dans la glace - 1993
Page 23 Pascal Comelade - Promenade des Schizophrenes - 1993
Page 24 Enzo Enzo - Juste quelqu'un de bien - 1993
Page 17 Axelle Red - Sensualité - 1993
Page 2 Alain Souchon - Foule Sentimentale - 1993 
Page 10 Les Thugs - As happy as possible - 1993
Page 7 Pierre Vassiliu - La vie ça va - 1993
Page 13 Daran et les chaises - Dormir dehors - 1994
Page 7 Gérald De Palmas - Sur La Route - 1994
Page 2 IAM - Le Mia - 1994
Page 20 Lynda Lemay - Le plus fort, c'est mon père - 1994
Page 15 Ministère A.M.E.R. - Plus vite que les balles - 1994
Page 15 Alliance Ethnik - Respect - 1995
Page 4 Dominique A - Le Twenty-Two bar - 1995
Page 24 Miossec - Non non non non - 1995
Page 21 Mütiilation - Born Under the Master’s Spell - 1995
Page 11 Kat Onoma - La Chambre - 1995
Page 2 Suprême NTM - Paris sous les bombes - 1995 
Page 13 Diabologum - La Maman et la Putain - 1996
Page 5 Dimitri from Paris - Sacré Français - 1996 - Electro
Page 6 Doc Gynéco - Nirvana - 1996
Page 4 Juliette - Rimes Féminines - 1996
Page 6 Khaled - Aïcha - 1996
Page 8 Valérie Lemercier - Goûte mes frites - 1996
Page 20 Philippe Léotard - Lonesome Piéton - 1996
Page 14 Motorbass - Flying Fingers - 1996
Page 3 Yann Tiersen - J'suis jamais allé - 1996
Page 17 Tonton David - Chacun sa route - 1996
Page 8 Ophélie Winter - Dieu m'a donné la foi - 1996
Page 3 Daft Punk - Around The World - 1997 - Electro
Page 21 Dolly - Je n'veux pas rester sage - 1997
Page 6 Era - Ameno - 1997
Page 21 Faudel - Tellement je t'aime - 1997
Page 12 Laurent Garnier - Crispy Bacon - 1997 - Electro
Page 10 La Tordue - lola - 1997
Page 20 Les Ogres de Barback - Rue de Panam - 1997
Page 1 Louise Attaque - J't'emmène au vent - 1997
Page 16 Massilia Sound System - Brûle ces papiers - 1997
Page 16 Ménélik - Je me souviens - 1997
Page 19 No One Is Innocent - Nomenklatura - 1997
Page 10 Florent Pagny - Savoir aimer - 1997
Page 17 Rachid Taha - Ya Rayah - 1997
Page 12 Air - Sexy Boy - 1998 - Electro
Page 10 René Aubry - La Grande Cascade - 1998 - Classical
Page 5 Alain Bashung - La nuit je mens - 1998
Page 8 Alex Gopher - The Child - 1998 - Electro
Page 10 Idéal J - Hardcore - 1998
Page 23 Manau - La tribu de Dana - 1998
Page 16 Matmatah - Lambé An Dro - 1998
Page 22 Roudoudou - Peace and Tranquility to Earth - 1998 - Electro
Page 23 Sinclair - Si c'est bon comme ça - 1998
Page 5 Stardust - Music Sounds Better with You - 1998 - Electro
Page 5 Zebda - Tomber le chemise - 1998
Page 8 Thomas Fersen - La Chauve-Souris - 1999
Page 20 Laidy Laistee - Et si... ? - 1999
Page 15 Larusso - Tu m'oublieras - 1999
Page 13 Lofofora - Les Gens - 1999
Page 6 Mr Oizo - Flat Beat - 1999 - Electro
Page 7 Michel Petrucciani - Brazilian Like - 1999 - Jazz
Page 10 Saïan Supa Crew - Angela - 1999
Page 22 Hélène Ségara - Il y a trop de gens qui t'aiment - 1999
Page 12 Tahiti 80 - Heartbeat - 1999
Page 15 Erik Truffaz - Siegfried - 1999 - Jazz

Page 6 Alizée - Moi... Lolita - 2000
Page 23 Françoiz Breut - Si tu disais - 2000
Page 20 Michel Houellebecq - Célibataires - 2000
Page 10 Mirways - Naïve Song - 2000 - Electro
Page 17 Modjo - Lady (Hear me tonight) - 2000 - Electro
Page 11 Nèg' Marrons - Le bilan - 2000
Page 15 Paris Combo - Living Room - 2000
Page 18 Pierpoljak - Maman - 2000
Page 14 St Germain - Rose rouge - 2000 - Electro & Jazz
Page 2 Etienne Daho et Dani - Comme un Boomerang - 2001
Page 6 Expérience - Aujourd'hui, maintenant - 2001
Page 1 Brigitte Fontaine et Noir Désir - Bis Baby Boum Boum - 2001
Page 13 Gotan Project - Santa Maria - 2001 - Electro
Page 1 Noir Désir - Le vent nous portera - 2001
Page 20 The Supermen Lovers - Starlight - 2001 - Electro
Page 1 Hubert-Félix Thiéfaine - Guichet 102 - 2001
Page 14 Eiffel - Tu vois loin - 2002
Page 2 Johnny Hallyday - Marie ! - 2002
Page 8 Le Peuple de l'Herbe - No Escape - 2002
Page 21 One T - The Magic Key - 2002
Page 10 Sanseverino - Mal ô mains - 2002
Page 4 A.S. Dragon - Dirty - 2003
Page 24 Stéphane Belmondo - Notre Père -2003 - Jazz
Page 12 Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un m'a dit - 2003
Page 18 Alexandre Desplat - Girl with a pearl earring (Griet's Theme) - 2003 - OST
Page 8 Christophe Héral - Hyllian Suite - 2003 VGST
Page 12 La Grande Sophie - Devenir grand (On savait) - 2003
Page 16 Les Fatals Picards - Goldorak est mort - 2003
Page 2 M - Qui de nous deux ? - 2003
Page 24 Mc Jean-Gab'1 - Donjon - 2003
Page 5 Mickey 3D - Respire - 2003
Page 5 Tété - A la faveur de l'automne - 2003
Page 6 Keren Ann - La forme et le fond - 2004
Page 23 Anorexia Nervosa - Sister September - 2004
Page 15 Bruno Coulais - Vois sur ton chemin - Les Choristes - 2004 - OST
Page 9 Vincent Delerm - Fanny Ardant et Moi - 2004
Page 11 La Rue Kétanou - Les hommes que j'aime - 2004
Page 24 Luke - La sentinelle - 2004
Page 17 Passi - Face à la mer (feat Calogero) - 2004
Page 12 Sinsémilia - Tout le bonheur du monde - 2004
Page 15 Bénabar - Le Dîner - 2005
Page 3 Camille - Ta Douleur - 2005
Page 22 Justin(e) - Parle moi - 2005
Page 4 Philippe Katerine - Louxor J'adore - 2005
Page 10 Raphaël - Caravane - 2005
Page 6 Olivia Ruiz - J'traîne des pieds - 2005
Page Martin Solveig - Rejection – 2005
Page 13 Ulan Bator - Pensées Massacre - 2005
Page 14 Vitalic - My friend Dario - 2005 - Electro
Page 19 Wax Tailor - Our Dance - 2005 - Electro
Page 7 AaRON - U Turn (Lili) - 2006
Page 23 Babx - Crack Maniac - 2006
Page 17 Bob Sinclar - Rock this party (Everybody dance now) - 2006 - Electro
Page 9 Jeanne Cherhal - Voilà - 2006
Page 20 Debout sur le zinc - La déclaration - 2006
Page 15 Dj Mehdi - Signatune - 2006 - Electro
Page 16 Richard Galliano - Tango pour Claude - 2006 - Jazz
Page 14 Pierre Guimard - Stéphanie - 2006
Page 21 I Love UFO - Like In The Movies - 2006
Page 5 Kamini - Marly-Gomont - 2006
Page 12 Kaolin - Partons vite - 2006
Page 22 Les Shades - Electrique - 2006
Page 5 Renan Luce - La lettre - 2006
Page 9 Mademoiselle K - Ça me vexe - 2006
Page 13 Rinôçérôse - Cubicle - 2006
Page 3 Emilie Simon - Le vieil amant - 2006 - Electro
Page 13 Cocoon - On my way - 2007
Page 22 Pauline Croze - Baiser d'adieu - 2007
Page 19 Fatal Bazooka - J'aime trop ton boule - 2007
Page 11 Jil Is Lucky - The Wanderer - 2007
Page 14 Moriarty - Jimmy - 2007
Page 11 Naast - Mauvais Garçon - 2007
Page 17 Ultra Orange & Emmanuelle - Sing Sing - 2007
Page 21 Yelle - Ce jeu - 2007
Page 22 DiscoBitch - C'est beau la bourgeoisie - 2008 - Electro
Page 7 Julien Doré - Les limites - 2008
Page 3 EZ3kiel - Adamantium - 2008 - Electro
Page 16 Grand Corps Malade - Je viens de là - 2008
Page 2 Benjamin Biolay - Brandt Rhapsodie - 2009
Page 1 BB Brunes - Lalalove you - 2009
Page 21 Birdy Nam Nam - The Parachute Ending - 2009 - Electro
Page 11 Diving With Andy - Sugar Sugar - 2009
Page 8 Plastiscines - Barcelona - 2009
Page 10 Chapelier Fou - Darling, Darling, Darling - 2009 - Electro
Page 7 Coeur de Pirate - Comme des enfants - 2009
Page 15 Magnetix - Mort Clinique - 2009
Page 19 Daniel Mille - Fin d'été - 2009 - Jazz
Page 8 Pony Pony Run Run - Hey You - 2009
Page 7 Oxmo Puccino - Soleil du Nord - 2009
Page 1 Anaïs - Mon coeur, mon amour - 2009
Page 19 Yodelice - Sunday with a flu - 2009

Page 5 Ben L'Oncle Soul - Soulman - 2010
Page 11 Cassius - I love you so - 2010 - Electro
Page 8 Arnaud Fleurent-Didier - France Culture - 2010
Page 12 Camélia Jordana - Calamity Jane - 2010
Page 4 Kavinsky - Nightcall - 2010 - Electro
Page 14 Al'Tarba - Pain Killers - 2011
Page 4 Arthur H - Cheval de Feu - 2011
Page Nina Attal - Run Away - 2011
Page 22 Ludovic Bource - The Artist - Main Theme - 2011 - OST
Page 3 Cascadeur - Walker - 2011
Page 13 Déportivo - Ivres et débutants - 2011
Page 6 M83 - Midnight City - 2011 - Electro
Page 18 Ibrahim Maalouf - Beirut - 2011 - Jazz
Page 17 Izïa Higelin - So much trouble - 2011
Page 21 Le Sacre du Tympan - Plurabella's walk - 2011
Page 19 Oldelaf - La Tristitude - 2011
Page 2 Orelsan - Suicide Social - 2011
Page 18 SebastiAn - Embody - 2011 - Electro
Page 16 Arne Vinzon - Lente dépression - 2011
Page 23 Aline - Je bois, et puis je danse - 2012
Page 11 Bertrand Burgalat - Bardot's Dance - 2012
Page 9 C2C - Down The Road - 2012 - Electro
Page 8 Barbara Carlotti - L'amour, l'argent, le vent - 2012
Page 21 Cobra - Nihilistes - 2012
Page 19 Andy Emler - Good Games - 2012 - Jazz
Page 16 Gojira - L'enfant sauvage - 2012
Page 15 Klub Des loobers - Volutes - 2012
Page 24 Lescop - La forêt - 2012
Page 21 Philippe Rombi - Dans la maison - 2012 - OST
Page 9 Rover - Aqualast - 2012
Page 1 Sébastien Tellier - Cochon Ville - 2012
Page 22 Jabberwocky - Photomaton - 2013 - Electro
Page 15 Jérôme Echenoz - Le chrome et le coton - 2013
Page 10 Fauve ≠ - Blizzard - 2013
Page 13 La Femme - Sur la planche 2013 - 2013
Page 16 Indila - Dernière Danse - 2013
Page 7 Mendelson - D'un coup - 2013
Page 1 Moodoïd - De Folie Pure - 2013
Page 9 Petit Fantôme - Peio - 2013 - Electro
Page 4 Zaz - On ira ! - 2013
Page 15 Christine and The Queens - Christine - 2014
Page 20 Dabeull - TR 707 - 2014 - Electro
Page 6 Dorian Pimpernel - OVLAR E - 2014
Page 15 Forever Pavot - Les cigognes nénuphars - 2014
Page 23 Adrien Gallo - Monokini - 2014
Page 21 Marina Kaye - Homeless - 2014
Page 19 Mustang - Le sens des affaires - 2014
Page 10 Shaka ponk - Story O' my LF - 2014
Page 11 Lilly Wood & The Prick - Prayer in C - 2014
Page 8 Kid Francescoli - Blow Up - 2014
Page 10 Charles Pasi - Better with butter - 2014 - Jazz
Page 14 The Avener - Fade Out Lines - 2014 - Electro
Page 24 Bertrand Belin - Le mot juste (Le beau geste) - 2015
Page 19 Jac Berrocal - Solaris - 2015 - Jazz
Page 23 Jain - Come - 2015
Page 20 Feu! Chatterton - La Malinche - 2015
Page 14 Bastien Lallemant - Un million d'années - 2015
Page 18 Bachar Mar-Khalifé - Kyrie Eleison - 2015
Page 23 Juliette Armanet - Manque d'amour - 2016
Page 24 Facteurs Chevaux - Les dames de pluie - 2016

Before 50's 60
50's 19
60's 91
70's 93
80's 92
90's 91
00's 91
10's 60
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Happy Up Here
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Re: France - One song per day.

Post by Romain »

Josquin des Prez - Ave Maria ... Virgo serena - 1485 - Classical


Josquin des Prez (French: [ʒɔskɛ̃ depʁe]; c. 1450/1455 – 27 August 1521), often referred to simply as Josquin, was a Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance. His original name is sometimes given as Josquin Lebloitte and his later name is given under a wide variety of spellings in French, Italian, and Latin, including Iosquinus Pratensis and Iodocus a Prato. His motet Illibata Dei virgo nutrix includes an acrostic of his name, where he spelled it "Josquin des Prez". He was the most famous European composer between Guillaume Dufay and Palestrina, and is usually considered to be the central figure of the Franco-Flemish School. Josquin is widely considered by music scholars to be the first master of the high Renaissance style of polyphonic vocal music that was emerging during his lifetime.

During the 16th century, Josquin gradually acquired the reputation as the greatest composer of the age, his mastery of technique and expression universally imitated and admired. Writers as diverse as Baldassare Castiglione and Martin Luther wrote about his reputation and fame; theorists such as Heinrich Glarean and Gioseffo Zarlino held his style as that best representing perfection. He was so admired that many anonymous compositions were attributed to him by copyists, probably to increase their sales. More than 370 works are attributed to him; it was only after the advent of modern analytical scholarship that some of these mistaken attributions have been challenged, on the basis of stylistic features and manuscript evidence. Yet in spite of Josquin's colossal reputation, which endured until the beginning of the Baroque era and was revived in the 20th century, his biography is shadowy, and next to nothing is known about his personality. The only surviving work which may be in his own hand is a graffito on the wall of the Sistine Chapel, and only one contemporary mention of his character is known, in a letter to Duke Ercole I of Ferrara. The lives of dozens of minor composers of the Renaissance are better documented than the life of Josquin.

Josquin wrote both sacred and secular music, and in all of the significant vocal forms of the age, including masses, motets, chansons and frottole. During the 16th century, he was praised for both his supreme melodic gift and his use of ingenious technical devices. In modern times, scholars have attempted to ascertain the basic details of his biography, and have tried to define the key characteristics of his style to correct misattributions, a task that has proved difficult, as Josquin liked to solve compositional problems in different ways in successive compositions—sometimes he wrote in an austere style devoid of ornamentation, and at other times he wrote music requiring considerable virtuosity. Heinrich Glarean wrote in 1547 that Josquin was not only a "magnificent virtuoso" (the Latin can be translated also as "show-off") but capable of being a "mocker", using satire effectively. While the focus of scholarship in recent years has been to remove music from the "Josquin canon" (including some of his most famous pieces) and to reattribute it to his contemporaries, the remaining music represents some of the most famous and enduring of the Renaissance.


Josquin lived during a transitional stage in music history. Musical styles were changing rapidly, in part owing to the movement of musicians between different regions of Europe. Many northern musicians moved to Italy, the heart of the Renaissance, attracted by the Italian nobility's patronage of the arts; while in Italy, these composers were influenced by the native Italian styles, and often brought those ideas with them back to their homelands. The sinuous musical lines of the Ockeghem generation, the contrapuntal complexity of the Netherlanders, and the homophonic textures of the Italian lauda and secular music began to merge into a unified style; indeed Josquin was to be the leading figure in this musical process, which eventually resulted in the formation of an international musical language, of which the most famous composers included Palestrina and Lassus.

Josquin likely learned his craft in his home region in the North, in France, and then in Italy when he went to Milan and Rome. His early sacred works emulate the contrapuntal complexity and ornamented, melismatic lines of Ockeghem and his contemporaries, but at the same time he was learning his contrapuntal technique he was acquiring an Italianate idiom for his secular music: after all, he was surrounded by Italian popular music in Milan. By the end of his long creative career, which spanned approximately 50 productive years, he had developed a simplified style in which each voice of a polyphonic composition exhibited free and smooth motion, and close attention was paid to clear setting of text as well as clear alignment of text with musical motifs. While other composers were influential on the development of Josquin's style, especially in the late 15th century, he himself became the most influential composer in Europe, especially after the development of music printing, which was concurrent with the years of his maturity and peak output. This event made his influence even more decisive than it might otherwise have been.

Many "modern" musical compositional practices were being born in the era around 1500. Josquin made extensive use of "motivic cells" in his compositions, short, easily recognizable melodic fragments which passed from voice to voice in a contrapuntal texture, giving it an inner unity. This is a basic organizational principle in music which has been practiced continuously from approximately 1500 until the present day.

Josquin wrote in all of the important forms current at the time, including masses, motets, chansons, and frottole. He even contributed to the development of a new form, the motet-chanson, of which he left at least three examples. In addition, some of his pieces were probably intended for instrumental performance.

Each area of his output can be further subdivided by form or by hypothetical period of composition. Since dating Josquin's compositions is particularly problematic, with scholarly consensus only achieved on a minority of works, discussion here is by type.
"Ave Maria ... Virgo serena" is a motet composed by Josquin des Prez. It is regarded as Josquin's most famous motet and one of the most famous pieces of the 15th century. The piece rose to extreme popularity in the 16th century, even appearing at the head of the first volume of motets ever printed. Its revolutionary open style featuring early imitative counterpoint and two-voice parts has added to its acclaim as one of the most influential compositions of its era.

The opening line shows the lyrical use of imitative counterpoint.

The work was composed during the Josquin's service at the North Italian court at Milan. It was initially thought to have been copied into the manuscript Munich 3154 by 1476. Subsequent work by Joshua Rifkin established the date of publication to about 1485. It is Josquin's earliest dateable work.

Several modern theorists have applied the concept of syntactic imitation to describe the lucid relationship between the text and Josquin's musical setting. Each phrase corresponds to a line of text, cleverly exposed through points of imitation. Structural articulations often resolve on cadences, where voices arrive on perfect intervals.

The opening section summarizes the first four lines of text in a simple structure. Clear imitation of each phrase, in the style of litany, dramatically echoes from the highest to lowest voice, almost resembling Gregorian chant. While the phrases are identical in length, the counterpoint's turbidity increases, climaxing where all four voices sing together. This climax turns to an imperfect, deceptive cadence, symbolizing the permeative difficulty of Mother Mary's influence.

The theme of syntactic imitation is exemplified by each strophe in the poem, comparable and balanced in length with the others. Local details in texture and counterpoint often directly relate to the syntactic affect of the text, like the sudden expanse of homophonic harmonies during "solemni plena gaudio". Following this moment comes "coelestia, terrestria...," while the vocalists join in climbing melodic lines and dense syncopation of rhythms in an attempt to evoke Mary's filling of heaven and earth.

While the regularity of imitation initially articulates the phrases, the middle verses exemplify the articulation from contrasts in texture. Duets alternate between voices and often break off into trios. The lines are punctuated by structural cadences, presenting the text in a temporary repose. Josquin locates each of these structural cadences in progressions of increasing power, placing the strongest, most perfect cadence for the very end of each line. The unity of musical sound, representing the spiritual unity of prayer, completes the act of worship which has been the rhetorical goal of the text. The final lines are sung in homophony, as if the four, once separate voices have aligned under the grace of God.
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Re: France - One song per day.

Post by Romain »

Next song.
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Re: France - One song per day.

Post by Romain »

Pierre Barouh - A l'ombre de nous - 1966
Chanson, OST

Album: Un homme et une femme (RYM: 3.74/5)

Pierre Barouh (born 19 February 1934, Paris) is a French writer-composer-singer best known for his work on Claude Lelouch's film A Man and a Woman both as actor, and as lyric writer/singer for Francis Lai's music for the film.

Élie Barouh, his brother and sister, were raised in Levallois-Perret, (their parents were Turkish-Jewish stallholders selling fabrics), until the outbreak of the Second World War. During the war their parents hid them from the Nazis in Montournais in the Vendée. During these years Élie, baptised Pierre, drew the inspiration for songs like "À bicyclette", "Des ronds dans l'eau", "Les Filles du dimanche". After the war he was a sports journalist and played for the national volley-ball team. He spent some months in Portugal and discovered Brazilian song. He visited Brazil and on his return to Paris got to know the principal Brazilian writers and composers of bossa nova.

As an actor, he played the role of the gipsy leader in the film D'ou viens-tu Johnny? and appeared in Lelouch's Une fille et des fusils. As writer/performer he had success with La Plage – immortalised by Marie Laforêt and the guitarist Claude Ciari -, Tes dix-huit ans and Monsieur de Furstenberg. He shot a documentary on the beginnings of bossa nova with his longtime friend Baden Powell de Aquino.

In 1966 he participated in the enormous success of the film A Man and a Woman which won the Palme d'Or at the 1966 Festival de Cannes. He married the actress Anouk Aimée the same year; they divorced three years later. With his earnings he bought the mill by the river in the Vendée where he had spent part of his childhood. There he established a recording studio and welcomed other artists, using it to advance the talent of others and creating his own label Saravah. With the label he wished to mix musicians and styles, to multiply musical encounters. He worked, notably, with Pierre Akendengué, Areski Belkacem, Brigitte Fontaine, Nana Vasconcelos, Gérard Ansaloni, Jacques Higelin, Alfred Panou, Maurane, David McNeil, Elis Regina.
A l'ombre de nous
Restera toujours
Au nom de l'amour
Un goût d'éternité
Au nom de notre amour
Une ombre va rester.

Cette ombre de nous
Combien de soleils
Brûlant notre ciel
Ont du se concerter
Qu'au nom de ces soleils
Une ombre va rester.

Ces soleils...
Ils sont si chauds
Ils sont si forts
Qu'ils nous brûlent
Et qu'ils nous dévorent
Encore, encore, encore.

Ils ont des noms de pacotille
L'amour, le respect, la folie
C'est la confiance et le courage
C'est le bleu des livres d'images
C'est tout ce que tu attends de moi
C'est tout ce qui j'attends do toi.

A l'ombre de nous
Ne pourra fleurir
Aux jours a venir
Bien d'autre que beauté
Même en pensant au pire
Une ombre va rester.

Cette ombre de nous
Les mille soleils
D'un amour pareil
N'y pourront rien changer
Car des premiers soleils
Une ombre va rester.


Ils ont des noms de pacotille
C'est la passion, c'est le délire
C'est le panache et la tendresse
C'est le bleu de notre jeunesse
C'est tout ce qui me survivra
Tout ce qui, a jamais, vivra...
A l'ombre de nous

In our shadow

In our shadow
Will always stay
In the name of love
A taste of eternity
In the name of our love
A shadow's going to stay.

This shadow of us
How many suns
Burning our sky
Had to plan
That in the name of these suns
A shadow's going to stay.

These suns
They're so hot
They're so strong
That they're burning us
And they're devouring us
Again, again, again.

They have cheap names
The love, the respect, the madness
It's confidence and courage
It's the blue of the picture books
It's all you're waiting from me
It's all I'm waiting from you.

In our shadow
Won't be able to bloom
In the days coming
Nothing else that beauty
Even while thinking the worst
A shadow's going to stay.

This shadow of us
The thousand suns
Of a same love
Won't change anything
Because from the first suns
A shadow's going to stay


They have cheap names
It's passion, it's excitation
It's the panache and the tenderness
It's the blue of our youth
It's all that will follow me
All that, forever, will live
In our shadow

Thanks to MichelBaie on LyricsTranslate.
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Guillaume Perret - Heavy Dance - 2016 - Jazz

Album: Free

Guillaume Perret (21 July 1980 in Annecy) is a French jazz musician (tenor saxophone and soprano saxophone, also keyboard) and composer.
Nominated for the French-equivalent of the Grammy's in 2012, Guillaume Perret &The Electric Epic is a French jazz fusion band, founded in 2008 by composer and sax player Guillaume Perret. A saxophone, the desire to unravel a new kind of sound. Guillaume Perret is a sound explorer. He plays the wa-wa pedals and with electric effects to elevate his notes to a new and surprising universe, one that makes you dream, distorting sounds to make them strangely more musical. His music doesn't belong to a specific genre, rather it calls upon our senses. It is an innovative mixture of contemporary jazz, funky grooves, screaming metal...a hybrid sort of music, troubling,bewitching, that evokes sensations and imagery.
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Les Olivensteins - Euthanasie - 1979
Punk rock

Wikipédia (Google Translate)
The Olivensteins are a French punk rock band formed in Rouen in 1978 by singer Gilles Tandy. Despite a short career, they made history with a single with nihilistic texts, now highly sought by collectors. Their biggest success is the title "Je suis fier de ne rien faire" (I am proud to do nothing).
Vite vite vite y'a encore une fuite
Que le médecin colmate
J'vous f'rais sombrer à coups d'savates
Dans le lit maculé
Vite vite vite l'état empire vite
Y'a longtemps déjà
Que je vois venir le trépas
Et sonner le glas

Euthanasie papy )
Euthanasie mamy ) (x2)
Votre calvaire est fini )

Tchak tchak tchak c'est à coups d'piquouses
Qui m'raniment à Toulouse
Et vous maintiennent encore en l'air
Alors pour votre bien
Vous seriez mieux sous terre
A faire vos prières

Pour les vieillards et les infirmes
Paralytiques et asthmatiques
Les assedic, syphilitiques
Les diabétiques, les catholiques
Euthanasie pour eux aussi (x2)
Euthanasie c'est bien fini
Euthanasie plus de soucis
Euthanasie pour vous aussi.


Quick, quick, quick, there's still a leak
That the doctor blocks up
I'd kick you until you sank
In the stained bed
Quick, quick, quick, the state is quickly worsening
It's already been a long time
Since I saw the demise coming
And sounding the death knell

Euthanasia, grandpa
Euthanasia, granny (x2)
Your ordeal is over

Tchak, tchak, tchak, it's the injections
Which revived me in Toulouse
And keep you still breathing
So, for your own good
You'd be better off underground
To say your prayers

For the elderly and the weak
The paralyses and the asthmatics
The unemployed, syphilitics
The diabetics, the Catholics
Euthanasia for them too (x2)
Euthanasia, it's all over
Euthanasia, no more worries
Euthanasia, for you too.

Thanks to maryasurya on LyricsTranslate.
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Les Wampas - Petite fille - 1990
Punk yé-yé

Album : Les Wampas vous aiment

Les Wampas are a French punk rock/psychobilly band, who refer more exactly to their music as "Yé-yé-punk". The band was formed in Paris in 1983.

Artist Biography by Chris True (Allmusic)
A French punk rock act led by the charismatic Didier Wampas (real name: Didier Chappedelaine), the Wampas were moved to formation following the glory days of 1977 U.K. vintage punk. Officially established in 1983, Wampas recorded and released their first single, "Creepy Crawley," in 1984. They maintained early momentum by keeping a fairly relentless touring and performance schedule, and in 1986 released their first EP, which was a self-titled affair. A full-length Tutti Frutti finally surfaced in 1987, and shortly thereafter the group solidified its lineup -- for the most part. In 1990, the band signed to Eurobond, but their album, Vous Aiment, was buried in a mess of financial haggling involving the label, and the Wampas were forced to find a new home to promote their work. Eventually, in 1992, the Wampas would sign with major label BMG and lose their bass player, but still manage to release 1993's Simple et Tendre. It would be a few years before their next shop appearance, but in that time the Wampas recruited a new bass player, and played the legendary Paris venue L'Olympia. With their 1996 album Trop Précieux, the Wampas hit new highs in their career, and by the time of 2003's Never Trust a Guy Who After Having Been a Punk Now Plays Electro!, the Wampas were a household name in the French rock scene, playing numerous, frenetic shows and touring extensively. A documentary of the band, Never Trust a DVD!, was released in March of 2006.

Wo, oh, oh
Wo, oh, ouh, ooooh

Petite fille, je voudrais passer ma vie avec toi
Petite fille, je voudrais passer ma vie dans tes bras
Petite fille je voudrais passer ma vie avec toi
Petite fille je voudrais passer ma vie avec toi

Et puis un jour on sera vieux
Et on s'aimera encore bien mieux
Notre amour deviendra plus grand
Plus beau, plus fort
Même que la mort


Avec toi…
(Hej hej petite reste avec moi pour la vie)
Avec toi…
(Hej hej petite fille, oui celle que j'aime pour la vie)
Avec toi… dans tes bras

Et un jour on s'ra tout ridés
Et je continuerai à t'aimer
Notre amour deviendra plus fort
Plus beau, plus fort, même que la mort


Avec toi
Avec toi
Avec toi
Dans tes bras

Little girl


Little girl, I would like to spend my life with you
Little girl, I would like to spend my life in your arms
Little girl, I would like to spend my life with you
Little girl, I would like to spend my life with you

Then one day we will be old,
and we will love each other even better.
Our love will grow bigger,
more beautiful, stronger
than death itself.


With you...
(hey hey cutie stay with me forever)
With you...
(hey hey cutie, you're the one I'll love forever)
With you... in your arms

One day we'll be all wrinkled,
and I'll love you still.
Our love will grow bigger,
more beautiful, stronger than death itself.


With you
With you
With you
In your arms

Thans to Petit élève on LyricsTranslate.
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Clarika - Ne me demande pas - 2005

Album: Joker

RFI ... raphy.html
Clarika was originally discovered on the independent label Boucherie Productions. Since then, the young singer has put herself on the musical map playing with a mix of mischievousness, cynicism and tenderness in her songs. Thanks to her talent for penning astute portraits of her contemporaries and presenting real slices of life, the quirky young brunette has established herself as one of the standard-bearers of the ' nouvelle chanson' movement in France.
2005: "Joker"
Clarika returned to the music news in 2005, performing as a support act to Zazie on the latter's "Rodeo Tour." The tour included dates from June through to September. But it was Clarika's new album, "Joker", that really put her back on the musical map. Released in September 2005, the album featured songs which had predominantly been written by Clarika herself. And she displayed remarkable skill in the songwriting department, penning lyrics which were funny, cutting and full of clever wordplay and hidden meanings. Most of the musical arrangements on "Joker" were assured by Clarika's loyal songwriting partner, Jean-Jacques Nyssen. The album also included two duets from Clarika's earlier days: "L'océan des possibles" (recorded with Michel Jonasz) and "Non, ça s'peut pas" (with Bernard Lavilliers).
Je f'rai tout pour toi
M'acheter l'intégrale de Sardou
Me couper un doigt
Je te promets, je ferai tout

Pour toi, je veux bien
Habiter Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Lire Marx en latin
Sortir avec Julien Courbet

Si ça t'fait kiffer
Tu pourras m'appeler Titine
Je me f'rai tatouer
Le drapeau belge sur la poitrine

Pour toi, s'il le faut
Je travaillerai chez ManPower
Je march'rai sur l'eau
J'écouterai pousser les fleurs

Mais ne me demande pas
Non, ne me demande pas
Non, ne me demande pas
Non non non
Non, ne me demande pas
Non pas ça
Non, ne me demande pas
Ma main

Si c'est ton délire
Je chanterai au bal du loto
Je f'rai Casimir
J'imit'rai bien les animaux

Pour toi, si t'en pinces
Je porterai des mocassins
J'animerai à Reims
Des colloques sur Jean-Pierre Papin

J'irai même jusqu'à
Lire Voici sans cacher la couv'
Apprendre le finois
Emmener tes parents au Louvre

Si c'est ton crédo
J'appliquerai les lois d'la finance
Je f'rai d'la rando
J'm'abonnerai à "Cheminées d'France"

Mais ne me demande pas
Non, ne me demande pas
Non, ne me demande pas
Non non non
Non, ne me demande pas
Non pas ça
Non, ne me demande pas
Ma main

Si pour toi, ça l'fait
J'arrêterai la Danette vanille
J'mangerai du poney
Je ferai baptiser nos filles
Si t'y tiens vraiment
Plus jamais je regarde "La Boum"
J'prendrai un amant
Je te raconterai Pim Pam Poum

Mais ne me demande pas
Non non non
Ne me demande pas
Non, ne me demande pas
Non, ne me demande pas
Non, ne me demande pas
Non, ne me demande pas

Ma main, tu l'as déjà
Alors ne la lâche pas
Sans anneau ni contrat
Tu seras tout pour moi
Je serai rien qu'à toi
Allez, tope là...

Don't ask me that

I'll do anything for you.
I could buy the complete Sardou1,
cut off one of my fingers.
Promise, I'll do anything.

For you, I'm willing
to live in Saint-Germain-en-Laye2,
read Marx in Latin,
hang out with Julien Courbet3

If you fancy it,
you can call me Titine4.
I'll have a Belgian5 flag
tatooed on my chest.

For you, if I must,
Ill get a job at ManPower.
I'll walk on water,
I'll listen to the flowers growing6

Still, don't ask for
no, don't ask for
no, don't ask for
no, don't ask for
no no no
no, don't ask for
no, not that
no, don't ask for
my hand in marriage.

If you're into that,
I'll sing at saturday night dances
I'll play Casimir7
I'll do good imitations of animal cries

For you, if you like those,
I'll wear mocassins.
I'll host in Reims8
symposiums on Jean-Pierre Papin9

I would even dare to
read Voici10 without hiding the cover,
learn Finnish,
visit the Louvre with your parents.

If that matches your beliefs,
I'll abide by the rules of economics,
I'll go trekking,
I'll get a subscription to "Chimneys of France"11

Still, don't ask for
no, don't ask for
no, don't ask for
no no no
no, don't ask for
no, not that
no, don't ask for
my hand in marriage.

If it does it for you,
I'll quit the vanilla-flavoured cream dessert
I'll eat poney meat
I'll have our daughters christened.
If you really want it,
I'll never watch "la Boum"12 again
I'll have an affair
I'll tell you moronic Disney stories

Still, don't ask for
no no no
don't ask for
no, don't ask for
no, don't ask for
no, don't ask for
no, don't ask for

my hand. You're already holding it,
so don't let go of it.
Promise me that,
without a ring or a contract,
you'll be my everything,
I'll be your only one.
Come on, give me five!

Translator's comments:
1. Quite popular French songwriter, well known - and hated by some - for his right-leaning opinions
2. A posh suburb of Paris
3. A dull pain in the ass of a newsreader
4. Might allude to the 1917 song made famous by Charlie Chaplin. "Titine" is a somewhat dated nickname for "Christine" or "Martine"
5. Belgians are the conventional nitwits in a host of French jokes
6. Apparently she doesn't fancy Cabrel either
7. A kind of mauve-spotted orange dinosaur that was the main host of a hugely popular French kid show back in the 80's
8. A city in northeastern France
9. A former soccer star, famed for dragging soccer player IQ to a new low
10. The epitome of French paparazzi gutter press
11. Don't know if such a magazine actually exists, but I guess you got the idea...
12. Iconic teen romance movie of the 80's, starring Sophie Marceau as she was 13. Not such a bad movie, if you ask me, but it has become a kind of symbol for cheesiness

Thanks again to petit élève on LyricsTranslate for his great job.
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Georges Milton - Pouet Pouet - 1929
Chanson comique.

Wikipédia (google translate)
Georges Milton, whose real name Georges Désiré Michaud, is a French singer and actor, born 20 September 1886 in Puteaux, died October 17, 1970 in Antibes Juan-les-Pins.

Dans les bagnoles aujourd'hui
C'est la poule qui conduit
L'monsieur roule des yeux d'veau
Pendant qu'elle pilote sa cinq ch'vaux
Il a l'air embêté,
Assis à ses côtés
Et quand elle serre les freins
Il serre autre chose sans entrain
Il lui faut du courage
Lorsqu'elle prend ses virages
Quand moi, j'en vois
A un croisement du bois
Qui fonce sur moi vivement, je n'l'engueule pas
Mais galamment:

{Refrain 1:}
Je lui fais "Pouet-Pouet" ! Elle me fait "Pouet-Pouet" !
On se fait "Pouet-Pouet" et puis ça y est.
Je souris "Pouet-Pouet" ! Elle sourit "Pouet-Pouet" !
On sourit "Pouet-Pouet" ! On s'est compris.
Alors le monsieur qui l' voit fait une sale trompette
Y en a même quelquefois plus d'un qui rouspète
Je lui fais "Pouet-Pouet" ! Ell' me fait "Pouet-Pouet" !

Jadis on s' faisait la cour
Avant d' parler d'amour
Ça durait trop longtemps
Rien que sur la pluie et le beau temps
Ce n'est que le lendemain
Qu'on se baisait la main
Et quinze jours après
Qu'on s'embrassait d'un peu plus près
Moi, quand une femme m'excite
J'y vais beaucoup plus vite
Mon r'gard sans r'tard
Lui flanque un coup d' poignard
Je lis au fond d' ses yeux
J'en dis pas plus ça vaut mieux.

{Refrain 2:}
Je lui fais "Pouet-Pouet" ! elle me fait "Pouet-Pouet" !
On se fait "Pouet-Pouet" ! et puis ça y est !
Je souris "Pouet-Pouet" ! elle sourit "Pouet-Pouet" !
On sourit "Pouet-Pouet" ! on s'est compris !
Et quand j'lui ai bien chanté ma petite romance
Elle dit d'un air enchanté j' voudrais qu' tu r'commences
Je lui r'fais "Pouet-Pouet" ! elle me r'fait "Pouet-Pouet" !
On se r' fait "Pouet-Pouet" ! et puis ça y est !

Honk honk

In the rides nowadays
it's the chick who drives.
The hubby casts puzzled glances
while she pilots his Standard Ten.
He looks uneasy,
sitting next to her.
And while she holds tight to the wheel
He half-heartedly tries to keep something else tight1.
He needs to muster some courage
for each bend she hugs.
Me, when I see such a gal
at a crossroad in the woods
I don't bawl her out as she speeds toward me.
Instead, with gallantry :

I honk honk her, she honk honks me
we honk honk one another, and we're done.
I smile, honk honk. She smiles, honk honk.
We smile, honk honk. We understood one another.
Then the hubby, seeing that, pulls an angry face.
Sometimes there are even more than one guy grumbling2
I go honk honk, she goes honk honk.

In olden days we used to woo one another
before speaking of love.
This took way too much time,
chatting about nothing but the weather.
You could kiss her hand
only the next day,
and two weeks later
you could kiss a bit further.
Me, when a woman turns me on,
I get things done a lot quicker.
My stare promptly
stabs her like a dagger.
I read deep in her eyes
without adding another word. That's for the better.

I honk honk her, she honk honks me
we honk honk one another, and we're done.
I smile, honk honk. She smiles, honk honk.
We smile, honk honk. We understood one another.
Now that I've sung her my little romance,
she says with a delighted face, I'd like you to do it again
I honk honk her again, she honk honks me again
we honk honk one another again, and we're done.

Translator comments:
1. Typical smutty pun of the 30's.
lit. "when she squeezes the brakes, he squeezes something else". "serrer"(squeeze) is used for "serrer les freins" (hit the brakes) and "serrer les fesses" (keep a tight ass)
2. That's what the French says, but I suspect the meaning is more like "this happens more often than not"

Thanks to petit élève On LyricsTranslate.
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For our american friends, on this election day. By a guy born in my city.
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Léo Arnaud - Bugler's Dream - 1958 - Classical

Leo Arnaud or Léo Arnaud (/ˈleɪ.oʊ ɑːrˈnoʊ/; July 24, 1904 – April 26, 1991) was a French-American composer of film scores, best known for "Bugler's Dream", which is used as the theme by television networks presenting the Olympic Games in the United States.

The composer studied composition at conservatories in Lyon and Paris with Maurice Ravel and Vincent d'Indy. After playing as a jazz trombonist in France using the name Leo Vauchant and arranging for the Jack Hylton band in England from 1928 to 1930, he immigrated to the United States in 1931. He worked in Hollywood as an arranger for Fred Waring before joining Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer as an arranger, composer, and orchestrator from 1936 to 1966.

In 1980, Arnaud left Hollywood and retired to Yadkin County, North Carolina. His wife, Faye Brooks Arnaud, was a native of the area. He is buried at Asbury United Methodist Church in Hamptonville, North Carolina
The extract for the Olympics Games.

"Bugler's Dream" is very well known, especially by Americans, as theme music for the Olympic Games from its use in ABC's and NBC's television coverage of the games. It is considered to be a symbol of the Olympics. Arnaud's piece is very stately, beginning with a timpani cadence that is soon joined by a distinctive theme in brass.

The musical theme of "Bugler's Dream" is based on Joseph-David Buhl's "Salut aux étendards", a typical cavalry trumpet's call, composed during Napoleon's Consulat.

Arnaud was commissioned by conductor Felix Slatkin to create a piece for his album Charge! in 1958. For this, he wrote "The Charge Suite", published by Shawnee Press, which included "Bugler's Dream". ABC began using the composition as the theme to its coverage of the 1964 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria, and in future Olympics. It was also used as the title piece for the series ABC's Wide World of Sports. NBC went with an alternate theme in 1988 when it obtained the rights to the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, but brought "Bugler's Dream" back for its coverage of the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain.
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Rachel - Le chant de mallory - 1964

Rachel, born in Cavaillon, Vaucluse, is a French singer best known in Europe for representing France in the Eurovision Song Contest 1964.

She entered a singing competition organised by Mireille Hartuch who had invited Rachel to her 'Petit Conservatoire'.

She went on to sign a contract with the Barclay Records label, and released her first (45 rmp) recording entitled Les Amants Blessés in 1963.

In 1964, she represented France in the Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen with her entry called "Le Chant de Mallory", which was her greatest hit. She did not win, but scored 14 points and finished in fourth place.

The song:
"Le chant de Mallory" (English translation: "Mallory's Song") was the French entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1964, performed in French by Rachel. The song was written by André Popp and Pierre Cour, the team behind France's winning entry in the 1960 Contest, "Tom Pillibi".

The song was performed seventh on the night (following Austria's Udo Jürgens with "Warum nur, warum?" and preceding the United Kingdom's Matt Monro with "I Love the Little Things"). At the close of voting, it had received 14 points, placing 4th in a field of 16.

The song deals with the story of Michael Mallory, a soldier. The singer asks him to sing the song he used to sing once more, as it was a song of love.

It was succeeded as French representative at the 1965 Contest by Guy Mardel with "N'avoue jamais".

Redis-moi Mallory
La chanson que tu me chantais
Ta chanson de l'été
Dans le bleu du ciel irlandais
Tu n'avais que seize ans
Moi, j'étais encore une enfant
Et la nuit qui venait
Nous avait pris pour des amants

Toi, Mallory, tu chantais pour moi
Le vent mêlait nos cheveux
Et je ne sais plus très bien pourquoi
Nous avons fermé les yeux
Souviens-toi, Mallory
Nous avons attendu le jour
En rêvant, tous les deux
Je crois bien que c'était l'amour

Où est-elle, Mallory
La chanson que tu me chantais
Ta chanson de l'été
Dans le bleu du ciel irlandais
Le soleil se couchait
En jetant de l'or dans tes yeux
On jouait à s'aimer
Mais pour toi ce n'était qu'un jeu

Oh Mallory, où est-il ce chant
Ce chant d'amour de l'été
Vers quel pays est parti le vent
Le vent qui l'a remporté
Ta chanson, Mallory
Je la garderais pour toujours
Car c'était la chanson,
La chanson d'un premier amour.

La la la la la la…
Car c'était la chanson,
La chanson d'un premier amour

Mallory's Song

Tell me again, Mallory
The song you sang to me
Your summer song
In the blue of the Irish sky
You were only 16 years old
I, I was still a child
And the night that came
Took us as lovers

You, Mallory, you sang for me
The wind mixed up our hair
And I no longer really know why
We closed our eyes
Remember, Mallory
We had waited for the day
The both of us, dreaming,
I really believe that it was love

Where is it, Mallory?
The song you sang to me
Your summer song
In the blue of the Irish sky
The sun was setting
Throwing gold into your eyes
We played at loving each other
But it was just a game to you

Oh Mallory, where is that singing,
That summer love song,
Towards what country has the wind left
The wind that had brought it back,
Your song, Mallory
I will keep it forever
For it was the song,
The song of a first love

La la la la la la...
For it was the song,
The song of a first love

Thanks to mara palabra on LyricsTranslate.
Last edited by Romain on Fri Sep 22, 2023 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Cookie Dingler - Femme libérée - 1984
Chanson, Pop

Cookie Dingler is a French music group which takes its name from the pseudonym of its leader Christian Dingler, singer and composer.

"Femme libérée" is a successful song recorded by French band Cookie Dingler. Written in 1984, it achieved a huge success in France and became a popular song throughout the years. It was the sole success of the band.
Written in 1984 by Joelle Kopf and Christian Dingler under the label EMI Music, the song, which lasts 3:42, was a great success in the 1980s.
The song, released as a single on July 1, 1984, fell within the context of an era marked by the emergence of thoughtless songs which mocked some popular themes of society at the time. According to Elia Habib, an expert of French charts, the song reduced "freed women with a tender irony in an archetypal caricature" at a time when "the look is gaining importance and makes you "in" or not".

In 1984, the song gained the price of the Union Nationale des Auteurs et Compositeurs awarded by the SACEM.

The single featured for 18 weeks on the French Singles Chart (Top 50), but this official chart began only on December 4, 1984, while the song was released five month earlier. It was #2 in the first edition of the chart, just behind Peter and Sloane's hit "Besoin de rien, envie de toi"; it stayed for two consecutive weeks at number 2. Then it dropped and totalled ten weeks in the top ten. In 1985, the single was certified Platinum disc by the SNEP. According to Infodisc website, 985,000 copies of the song were sold, making to date "Femme libérée" the 96th best-selling single of all time in France.

Elle est abonnée à marie claire
Dans l'nouvel ob's, elle ne lit que Brétécher
Le monde, y a longtemps qu'elle fait plus semblant
Elle a acheté match en cachette c'est bien plus marrant
Ne la laisse pas tomber
Elle est si fragile
Être une femme libérée, tu sais, c'est pas si facile
Ne la laisse pas tomber
Elle est si fragile
Être une femme libérée, tu sais, c'est pas si facile
Au fond de son lit, un macho s'endort
Qui ne l'aimera pas plus loin que l'aurore
Mais elle s'en fout, elle s'éclate quand même
Et lui ronronne des tonnes de "je t'aime"
Ne la laisse pas tomber
Elle est si fragile
Être une femme libérée, tu sais, c'est pas si facile
Ne la laisse pas tomber
Elle est si fragile
Être une femme libérée, tu sais, c'est pas si facile
Sa première ride lui fait do souci
Le reflet do miroir pèse sur sa vie
Elle rentre son ventre à chaque fois qu'elle sort
Même dans "elle", ils disent qu'il faut faire des efforts
Ne la laisse pas tomber
Elle est si fragile
Être une femme libérée, tu sais, s'est pas si facile
Ne la laisse pas tomber
Elle est si fragile
Être une femme libérée, tu sais, c'est pas si facile
Elle fume beaucoup. elle a des avis sur tout
Elle aime raconter qu'elle sait changer une roue
Elle avoue son âge, celui de ses enfants
Et goûte même un p'tit joint de temps en temps
Ne la laisse pas tomber
Elle est si fragile
Être une femme libérée, tu sais, c'est pas si facile
Ne la laisse pas tomber
Elle est si fragile
Être une femme libérée, tu sais, c'est pas si facile

Liberated woman

She has a subscription to Marie Claire
She only reads Brétécher strips from the Nouvel Obs
She gave up pretending to read Le Monde for a long time now
She bought Paris Match in secret, that's a lot more fun

Don't let her down, she's so fragile
She's a liberated woman1, it's not so easy you know (x2)

In her bed, a macho is falling asleep.
He won't love her beyond dawn.
But she doesn't care, she's having fun anyway,
and purrs tons of "I love you" in his ear.


She's worried about her first wrinkle
The reflection of her mirror is weighing on her life
She sucks in her stomach each time she goes out.
Even in Elle they say you have to try hard.


She smokes a lot, she's very opinionated
She likes to brag about being able to change a tire
She tells her age, and the age of her children
and even enjoys a little joint once in a while


Thanks to petit élève on LyricsTranslate.
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Michel SImon - Mémère - 1959

Song: Bernard Dimey.

Michel Simon (French: [simɔ̃]; 9 April 1895 – 30 May 1975) was a Swiss actor. He appeared in the notable films La Chienne (1931), Boudu Saved from Drowning (1932), L'Atalante (1934), Port of Shadows (1938) and The Train (1964). The actor François Simon is his son.

Simon used to say about himself that he was born in 1895 and, "as misfortune never comes singly, cinema was born the same year".

Son of a Protestant sausage maker, Simon soon left his family and town to go to Paris, where he first lived at the Hotel Renaissance, Saint-Martin Street, then in Montmartre. He worked many different jobs to survive, such as giving boxing lessons or peddling smuggled lighters. He devoured every book he could find, with special preference for Georges Courteline's writings.

His artistic beginnings in 1912 were modest: magician, clown and acrobat stooge in a dancers' show called "Ribert's and Simon's", in the Montreuil-sous-Bois Casino.

Conscripted into the Swiss Army in 1914, he described himself as insubordinate, spending a lot of time in the stockade. He also contracted tuberculosis.

In 1915, while on leave, he saw Georges Pitoëff's early work in the French language, at the Theatre de la Comédie of Geneva, acting in Hedda Gabler.

He then decided to become an actor too, but had to wait until 1920 before making his first brief appearance on stage, with Pitoëff's company, speaking three lines for the registrar role in the Shakespeare's Measure for Measure. He also worked at this time as the company's photographer. He was spotted for the first time in a supporting role in George Bernard Shaw's Androcles and the Lion. In 1922, his company moved to Paris at the Comédie des Champs-Élysées.

He quit the following year to become a light comedy actor in plays by Tristan Bernard, Marcel Achard and Yves Mirande. Marcel Achard presented him to Charles Dullin, in whose company he acted in Je ne vous aime pas with Valentine Tessier.

Louis Jouvet, who had meanwhile replaced Pitoëff, hired him at the Comédie des Champs-Élysées. Simon then gave a successful performance in Jean de la Lune, a play by Marcel Achard. His inimitable talent transformed his Cloclo supporting role to the big attraction of the play.

His theatrical career then blossomed with a large repertoire: Shakespeare, Bernard Shaw, Pirandello, Oscar Wilde, Bourdet, Henri Bernstein, but it was film that brought him stardom. His first film appearance was Feu Mathias Pascal, adapted from Pirandello and directed by Marcel L'Herbier. Very soon after, he appeared in La vocation d'André Carel, directed by Jean Choux. The film used small-scale production methods, just as the Nouvelle Vague would do.

In silent movies, he brought his amazing appearance and his unusual face – a talent with an exceptional mobility, but without mannerism. He exploited his body, especially his ugliness, offering a very wide range of characterisations that brought audience sympathy, as in Boudu sauvé des eaux, or sometimes, In Quai des brumes for example, disdain.

His film career was boosted with the advent of talking pictures. People remarked that his elocution and gravelly voice were as original as his appearance and play. He then revealed his unclassifiable talent: action comedy, drama, tragedy, light comedy.

He appeared in 55 plays from 1920 to 1965, and 101 from 1965 to 1975.

Simon was a trusted friend of elite brothel-keeper Madame Claude, who referred to him as one of her “essayeurs”: he "tried out" her new girls for her. “I could judge their physical qualities,” Claude said. “I could judge if she was pretty, intelligent, and cultivated, but I didn’t know how she was in bed. So I had some boys, good friends, who told me exactly. I would ring them up and say, ‘There’s a new one.’ And afterwards they’d ring back and say, ‘Not bad,’ ‘Could be better,’ or ‘Nulle.’ Or, on the contrary, ‘She’s perfect.’”

He appeared in Dreyer's 1928 The Passion of Joan of Arc. He acted in films for Jean Renoir (La Chienne, Boudu Saved From Drowning), Jean Vigo (L'Atalante) and Marcel Carné (Port of the Shadows, Bizarre, Bizarre).

In the 1950s, he reined in his activities following an accident involving a makeup dye that left part of his face and body paralysed.

In 1967, he won the Silver Bear for Best Actor at the 17th Berlin International Film Festival for his role in Le vieil homme et l'enfant (The Two of Us).

He died at 80 years of age from a pulmonary embolism and is buried in the Grand-Lancy Cemetery of Geneva, next to his parents, as per his testamentary wishes.

Mémère, tu t'en souviens, de notre belle époque
C'était la première fois qu'on aimait pour de bon.
A présent, faut bien l'dire, on a l'air de vieux schnocks,
Mais c'qui fait passer tout, c'est qu'on a la façon.

Tu t'rappell's ta guêpière, à présent quand j'y pense
J'en rigol'tout douc'ment, mais c'est plus fort que moi
Comment qu'tu f'rais maint'nant pour y loger ta panse ?
On a pris d'la bouteille tous les deux à la fois.

Mémère, tu t'en souviens comm't'as fait des histoires
Pour me laisser cueillir la marguerite aux champs
Et pourtant c'était pas vraiment la mer à boire
Ça t'a fait des ennuis, mais c'était pas méchant...
Tu t'rappell's comm'j'étais, je n'savais pas quoi dire
Y a des coups, pour un peu, j't'aurais bien dit des vers
T'as bien changé, mémère. Quand je vois ta tir'lire
Comment qu'ça m'donne envie d'fair'la route à l'envers !

Mémère, tu t'en souviens des p'tits diabolos menthe
Des bouteill's de mousseux du quatorze juillet !
Un éclair au café, j'veux bien, mais faut qu'tu chantes !
"Chérie, t'as renversé ton verre, faut l'essuyer"
Mon Dieu, c'est pourtant vrai que je t'app'lais « chérie »
Il n'faut pas m'en vouloir, mais je n'm'en souv'nais plus
On parle des souv'nirs, mais c'est fou c'qu'on oublie.
J'te d'mande pardon, chérie, et qu'on n'en parle plus.

Mémère, si j'te dis ça, c'est pour te dir'que j't'aime
Te l'dire comm'ça, tout cru, c'était trop dur pour moi
Mais au fond, j'suis content, j'vois qu't'as compris quand même
Et j'peux te l'dire, mémère, j'ai jamais aimé qu'toi.

Old girl, do you remember our roaring twenties?
We were truly in love for the first time back then.
Right now, let's face it, we're nothing but old fogeys,
but we still have some style and that still does the trick.

Remember your bodice? Now that I think of it
I chuckle softly, I just can't help it.
How would you cram your paunch into it now?
We grew quite a beer gut, you and me.

Old girl, remember the fuss you made
to let me pick your flower in the field ?
That was no such big deal after all.
That got you into a bit of trouble, but I meant no harm...
Remember how I was? I could not think of anything to say.
Sometimes I could even have recited poetry for you.
You're so different now, old girl. When I see your face,
I sure wish I could go back all these years!

Old girl, do you remember these lemonades and mint,
these bottles of sparkling wine for the 14th of July?
I'll treat you to a coffee eclair, but you'll have to sing for me!
"Darling, you spilled your glass, just mop that up"
Good Lord! I actually called you "darling" once.
Don't be mad at me, but I just couldn't remember.
Talking about memories, we forget so many of them.
I'm so sorry, darling, let's forget about that.

Old girl, all this is just my way of saying I love you.
I just couldn't tell you that out of the blue.
But in the end I'm glad, I see you got me right.
And I can tell you, old girl, you always were my only one.
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Adrienne Pauly - J'veux un mec - 2006
Chanson, pop-rock

Artist Biography by Chris True (Allmusic)

Born May 30, 1977 in Clamart, France, pop singer Adrienne Pauly was originally a student of drama, and made her career in the film world (she made five films from 1997-2002) before switching to piano and vocals. After her last film, La Bête de Misericorde de Jean --Pierre Mocky, 2002, Pauly began work on her demo material to send to record labels. By 2004, she was performing in her first live shows, and in 2006 she released her first two singles, "Nazebroke" and "J'veux un Mec," as well as her debut album, simply titled Adrienne Pauly.

Non j'veux pas
Me lever
J'veux un Mec x 2
Oui c'est bête
M'allonger pour la vie
Ça m'embête
J'veux un Mec
Non j'veux pas un ciné
J'veux un Mec x2
Ouais ! J'm'entête
Mais vos airs
Ça m'inquiète
J'veux un Mec
Viens Le Mec
Ton avis
J'en ai rien à foutre
Tes amis
J'en ai rien à foutre
Ton boulot et ta gym
Ton mal de dos, ta clim
Ton âme
J'en ai rien à foutre
Ton argent encore moins
Ta psy et tes horaires
Ecoutes moi !

Oui je vais pas m'calmer
Oui je vais continuer
Oublies les fleurs
J's'rais pas à l'heure
Attends moi !
Tes illusions j'en ai pas loin
Mais si tu me fais bien l'amour
J'veux un Mec
Pas des fleurs

Embrasses moi ou je meurs !!!!
Non j'veux pas
J'veux un Mec x2
Ouais je flanche
Ouais c'est bête
Ouais ça craint
J'veux un Mec
Viens Le Mec
Ta Maman qui est partie
Ton Papa qu'est parti
Ton ex qui te hante
Ta moto qui te plante
Du beau temps
J'en ai rien à foutre
De la pluie
J'en ai rien à foutre
J'veux un Mec
Pas du vent
Regard' moi
Moi j'veux pas me reprendre en main
Me calmer
Prendre un petit bain
Oui je vais rester dans mon coin
Si t'es un Mec
Rejoins moi
Ouais x 5
J'veux un Mec
Pas les hommes qui m'assaillent
J'veux Le Mec
J'veux un Mec
Pas trop bête
J'veux un Mec
Qui me tienne
Qui me taille
Viens Le Mec x2
Toi qui veux me faire changer d'air
T'en peux plus tu veux me faire taire
Avec tes lèvres t'y peux rien
Si t'es un Mec
Réponds moi
Ton chapeau
J'en ai rien à foutre
Ton blouson
J'en ai rien à foutre
Tes vêtements
Tu peux te les foutre
Sur l'canapé
Tes illusions j'en ai pas loin
Mais à quoi bon faire des discours
Sur le canapé
Ou ailleurs
Embrasses moi ou je meurs !!
Viens x 9
J'veux des caresses comme un p'tit train
Qui me court le long des reins
J'veux des baisers qui piquent
Des frissons
Ah !! Si tu pouvais me faire changer d'air
Ah !!
Si tu pouvais
Tu pouvais m'faire taire

Embrasse moi x 8

Ou je meurs !!!

I want a dude

No I don't wanna
Wake up
Dress up
I want a dude x2
Yeah it's stupid
Lying down all my life
I annoys me
I want a dude

No I don't want a movie
I want a dude x2
Yeah ! I persist
But your airs
It worries me
I want a dude
Come on, dude

Your opinion
I don't give a damn
Your friends
I don't give a damn
Your job and your gym
Your air con' your headache
Your soul
I don't give a damn
Your money even less
Your psy and your schedule
Listen to me !

Yes I'm not gonna calm down
Yes I'm gonna continue
Forget your flowers
I won't be on time
Wait for me
Your illusions I don't trust them
But if you make love good
I want a dude
Not flowers

Kiss me or I die !

No I don't wanna
I want a dude x2
Yeah I give out
Yeah it's stupid
Yeah it sucks
I want a dude
Come on the dude

Your mommy who's gone
Your daddy who's gone
Your ex who's haunting you
Your bike which is crashing
Sunny days
I don't give a damn
I don't give a damn
I want a dude
Not wind
Look at me
Me I don't wanna take back control of my life
Calm down
Take a bath
Yes I'm gonna keep to myself
If you're a dude
Meet me

Yeah x5

I want a dude
Not the men assailing me
I want the dude
I want a dude
Not stupid
I want a dude
Who would hold me
Who would mock me
Come on the dude x2

You who want to get me a change of air
You can't take it anymore you want me to shut up
With your lips it's not your fault
If you're a dude
Answer me

Your hat
I don't give a damn
Your jacket
I don't give damn
Your clothes
You can put them
On the sofa
Your illusions I don't trust them
But what's the point of doing speeches
On the sofa
Or anywhere else
Kiss me or I die !

Come x9

I want caress like a little train
Which is running along my hips
I want prickly kisses
Ah ! If you could get me a change of air
Ah !
If you could
You could make me shut up

Kiss me x8

Or I die !
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Hector Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique - Marche au supplice - 1830 - Classical

Hector Berlioz (French: [ɛktɔʁ bɛʁljoːz] (English: /ˈbɛrlioʊz/); 11 December 1803 – 8 March 1869) was a French Romantic composer, best known for his compositions Symphonie fantastique and Grande messe des morts (Requiem). Berlioz made significant contributions to the modern orchestra with his Treatise on Instrumentation. He specified huge orchestral forces for some of his works, and conducted several concerts with more than 1,000 musicians. He also composed around 50 songs. His influence was critical for the further development of Romanticism, especially in composers like Richard Wagner, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Franz Liszt, Richard Strauss, and Gustav Mahler.

Too huge to be put here, I invite you to go to the Wikipédia page:


Symphonie fantastique: Épisode de la vie d'un artiste ... en cinq parties (Fantastical Symphony: An Episode in the Life of an Artist, in Five Parts) Op. 14, is a program symphony written by the French composer Hector Berlioz in 1830. It is an important piece of the early Romantic period. The first performance was at the Paris Conservatoire in December 1830. Franz Liszt made a piano transcription of the symphony in 1833 (S. 470).

Leonard Bernstein described the symphony as the first musical expedition into psychedelia because of its hallucinatory and dream-like nature, and because history suggests Berlioz composed at least a portion of it under the influence of opium. According to Bernstein, "Berlioz tells it like it is. You take a trip, you wind up screaming at your own funeral."

In 1831, Berlioz wrote a lesser known sequel to the work, Lélio, for actor, orchestra and chorus.

The symphony is a piece of program music that tells the story of an artist gifted with a lively imagination who has poisoned himself with opium in the depths of despair because of hopeless, unrequited love. Berlioz provided his own preface and program notes for each movement of the work. They exist in two principal versions – one from 1845 in the first score of the work and the second from 1855. From the revised preface and notes, it can be seen how Berlioz, later in his life, downplayed the programmatic aspect of the work.

In the first score from 1845, he writes:

The composer's intention has been to develop various episodes in the life of an artist, in so far as they lend themselves to musical treatment. As the work cannot rely on the assistance of speech, the plan of the instrumental drama needs to be set out in advance. The following programme must therefore be considered as the spoken text of an opera, which serves to introduce musical movements and to motivate their character and expression.

In the 1855 preface, a different outlook towards the work's programmatic undertones is established by Berlioz:

The following programme should be distributed to the audience every time the Symphonie fantastique is performed dramatically and thus followed by the monodrama of Lélio which concludes and completes the episode in the life of an artist. In this case the invisible orchestra is placed on the stage of a theatre behind the lowered curtain. If the symphony is performed on its own as a concert piece this arrangement is no longer necessary: one may even dispense with distributing the programme and keep only the title of the five movements. The author hopes that the symphony provides on its own sufficient musical interest independently of any dramatic intention.

There are five movements instead of four that were conventional for symphonies at the time:

Rêveries – Passions (Reveries – Passions)
Un bal (A Ball)
Scène aux champs (Scene in the Fields)
Marche au supplice (March to the Scaffold)
Songe d'une nuit du sabbat (Dream of the Night of the Sabbath)

Fourth movement:
With the very first sound of the death march we leave the idyll of the fields in favor of a much more ghastly vision: the poison now overpowers the young man's mind, and "the artist dreams that he has killed his beloved and is condemned to an execution". Abandoning the subtlety of the preceding movements, the march, adapted from a march of the guards in Berlioz's early opera "Les francs juges" (1824), is openly grotesque, moving without hesitation between the unsteady walk of the prisoner and the unbearably cheerful shouts of the crowd. The movement opens with a broad march melody alternatively played by the timpani and the horns (later accompanied by the bassoon/clarinet) with the cellos/bass providing the bass line. A fortissimo chord from practically the whole orchestra leads into the first statement of the main theme, played in unison by the cellos/bass (0:34), painting a vision of our hero, eyes to the earth, making his way to the square where his executioner awaits. The bassoon is brought in for running, even tripping triplet figures (0:48), as the ordinary folk assemble, hoping to see the spectacle that is about to occur. Midway the drums begin a steady beat, while the violins break into a strikingly jubilant motive, as though the crowd is delighted with the idea of yet another death (only heightened by the pointed "voices" from the wind section) (0:58). This motive is followed by a contrasting solo section for the bassoon, standing in for the hushed exchanges of the men over the busy chirping of the women heard in the pizzicatos of the entire string section which return us to the main march melody (1:25). A chromatic assent for all the involved instruments leads into another glowing restatement of the festive motive, this time played practically by the whole wind section with a particularly resonant trombone line (1:44). Just as in the case of the opening allegro, the first two sections are repeated in full without any extensive changes (2:08). Fortissimo horn lines herald the arrival of the imprisoned artist, greeted by the unusual exaltation of a crowd of rumbling cellos and excited higher strings (4:11), a striking brief string pizzicato passage notwithstanding, followed by a restatement of the jubilant secondary theme, this time with trilling violin figures and stern horn lines (4:29). A quiet recapitulation of the prelude to the march follows, passed slowly between the strings and the winds (4:59) and ultimately dripping away in staccato, suggesting the crowd awaiting the sign of the executioner. A fleet crescendo grows into a grand restatement of the main theme by the whole orchestra (5:22). The confused ramblings of the crowd, however, suddenly die away, as we return once again to the idee fixe on solo clarinet (6:27). The artist once more thinks of his beloved but the knife of the guillotine falls, cutting short this lyric outpouring and sending his head falling to the ground in a simple but stunningly effective sequence of the descending pizzicattos for the strings. A strong coda for the entire orchestra, a cry of joy from all assembled ("Viva! Viva!"), brings the march to a suitably loud closing.

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Trisomie 21 - The last song - 1986
Coldwave, Minimal Wave

Album: Chapter IV: Le je ne sais quoi et le presque rien (RYM: 3.58/5)

Trisomie 21 is a group by Philippe and Hervé Lomprez, two brothers from Lille, France. Some people consider their music to be gothic, or French coldwave. Throughout the 1980s and ’90s, T21 was signed to PIAS Records.
Their most popular songs are “The Last Song”, “La Fête Triste”, and “Il Se Noie”. Their most popular albums are Chapter IV, Works, Millions Lights, and The First Songs Vol 1 & 2.
In 2005, after 7 years of absence, Trisomie 21 released “Happy Mystery Child”.
In September 2007, the Belgian label Alfa Matrix (home to acts like Front 242, Leaether Strip, Anne Clark or yet Mentallo & The Fixer) announced the signing Trisomie 21.
Trisomie 21 are currently completing their new studio album for their new label. But first Alfa Matrix will release a special 25th anniversary release “25 anniversary” 2CD (also available as a limited 2CD boxset with t-shirt) that will not only include the “Rendez-vous en France” CD[4], a best-of live album from their last tour, but also a special vintage unreleased song collection and special T21 fan-goodies, the whole available on various limited editions formats.
Can't remember feeling real
And the candle burning bright
Visions of love and me
An another face of the world
Beyond your eyes forever moonlight
I look into your eyes
But i pretend, there's two ways
You should hear the sound of the words
Breaking this feeling
Candle burning bright

I see you and me passion
When you tell me what a wonderful world
Loving me, i swear
You just can fall
Into my arms
Into my arms
But i can't great remember feeling real
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Mass Hysteria - Contraddiction - 1999
Industrial Metal

Album: Contraddiction (RYM: 3.53/5)


Mass Hysteria is a French heavy metal band formed in 1993 that released six albums between 1997 and 2009. Their breakthrough came in 1999 with their second album Contraddiction.

Mass Hysteria is known for their eclecticism, combining industrial metal, alternative metal, rock and rap (2001–2005).
The band sings primarily in French which has made them an exception throughout the metal sphere.

Created in 1993, the band recorded their first album, Le Bien-être et la Paix (Well-being and Peace), four years later. After this album, Mass Hysteria's breakthrough album came in 1999 with the release of Contraddiction which sold over 50,000 copies. The album itself is still widely regarded as the band's iconic 'Black album'. It was produced and mixed by Colin Richardson.

In 2001 the band returned after intensive touring with a different approach with the release of 'De Cercle en Cercle'. This album received mixed feelings with the arrival of new guitarist Olivier Coursier. The album's new pop/rap experiment approach left the band isolated from the metal scene. Michel Houellebecq, met in Québec, was supposed to write one of the songs but the agreement was never concretized. In 2005 the band released 'Mass Hysteria' confirming the band new soften pop/metal approach. Finally, in 2007 with the departure of Olivier and arrival of Nicolas Savoury the band returned with 'Une somme de détails' (an addition of details). The album pushed Mass Hysteria back to its root of origin that made it a success. The album heavier than ever began to close-in on 'Contraddiction' dangerously. Two years later in late 2009 the band released 'Failles' (cracks). The album's cover undeniably confirmed the band renewed past with 'contraddiction' (also in red and black). The album received critical acclaim.

In the mass media, Mass Hysteria was known for some controversies and incidents surrounding them. But some critics have also noticed the quality of their music and their growing success.

Ne cherche pas de limites ni de continuité dans mes pensées.
De mes pensées, ce qui m'incombe
C'est qu'elles se fondent telle une sonde
A la recherche de réflexions qui me correspondent.

Gagner la raison ! Je veux gagner la raison !
Je provoque la contradiction.

J'ai su évoluer de façon empirique,
Véritable glandeur actif, Ouvrier de la musique.
A tous les fougueux, les freaks :
" Bousculez sans rien casser, évitez les rixes !"

A moins de te trouver une vocation providentielle,
De la vie, tiens-toi seulement à l'essentiel.
" Change la soupe à la grimace en miel
Et le Q.I. en quotient émotionnel."

Mes yeux ont des valises, mes pensées ont des ailes !

Gagner la raison ! Je veux gagner la raison !
Je provoque la contradiction.

Ne cherche pas de limites ni de continuité dans mes pensées.
De mes pensées, ce qui m'incombe
C'est qu'elles se fondent telle une sonde
A la recherche de réflexions qui me correspondent.

Don't look for any limit or continuity in my thoughts
What I'm responsible of among my thoughts
is that they fuse like a probe
seeking reflections which are in character with me.

To win reason! I want to win reason!
I'm causing contradiction.

I managed to evolve empirically,
a true active idler, worker of music.
To all the spirited ones, the freaks (I say):
"Shake it up without breaking anything, avoid brawling!"

Except for finding a providential vocation,
limit yourself to the essentials of life.
"Turn the frosty reception into honey
and the IQ into an emotional coefficient"

My eyes have dark rings, my thoughts have wings!

To win reason! I want to win reason!
I'm causing contradiction.

Don't look for any limit or continuity in my thoughts
What I'm responsible of among my thoughts
is that they fuse like a probe
seeking reflections which are in character with me.

Translator comments:
The French is a bit peculiar too...
The title might be a pun on "contradiction" (same as in English) and "contre-addiction" (counter-addiction)

Thanks to petit élève on LyricsTranslate.
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Kery James - Racailles - 2016

Artist Biography by Jason Birchmeier (Allmusic)
Kery James is a French rapper of great popularity who was a member of the pioneering duo Idéal J alongside renowned producer DJ Mehdi. In 2001, after some time away from the French rap scene, James made his solo album debut with Si C'était à Refaire, a Top Five hit on the French albums chart. Born Alix Mathurin on December 28, 1977, in Les Abymes, Guadeloupe, West Indies, he was raised in Orly, a suburb of Paris. He began rapping in 1989 and made his recording debut a couple years later with a guest feature on "Raggajam," a song on MC Solaar's classic debut album, Qui Sème le Vent Récolte le Tempo (1991).
Shortly thereafter James founded the rap duo Idéal Junior with DJ Mehdi, and they released the 12" single "La Vie Est Brutale" (1992) on the French dance label On the Beat. Shortening their billing to simply Idéal J, the duo released two full-length albums in subsequent years, O'riginal MC's Sur une Mission (1996) and Le Combat Continue (1998). Released on Barclay, a subsidiary of Universal, Le Combat Continue is a classic French rap album, featuring the hit single "Hardcore." Around this same time, James was featured as a member of the group Mafia K'1 Fry on the album Légendaire (1998).
The violent death of a close friend in 1999 convinced James to give his rap career a rest, however. A couple years later he returned with his solo album debut, Si C'était à Refaire, his first of a series of major-label releases on Warner. Marking a substantial change in direction for James, the album was self-produced, largely autobiographical, and more positive-minded than his past work, which had been "hardcore." Si C'était à Refaire was also a huge success, breaking into the Top Five of the French albums chart and spawning the hit single "Y'a Pas d'Couleur."
Firmly established as a French rap star after the success of his solo debut, James reunited with Mafia K'1 Fry for the album La Cerise Sur le Ghetto (2003) and released a double-disc various-artists charity album, Kery James Presente Savoir & Vivre Ensemble (2004). His second solo album, Ma Vérité (2005), was another blockbuster, charting within the Top Five of the French albums chart. The follow-up album, À l'Ombre du Show Business (2008), was similarly popular, peaking at number three on the albums chart.

Vous en avez assez, hein ?
Vous en avez assez d'cette bande de racaille.
On va vous en débarrasser

Racailles !
On devrait vous nettoyer au Kärcher
Le jour où le peuple se réveille, vous allez prendre cher
Racailles !
On a le sentiment qu'aller voter
C'est choisir par lequel d'entre vous on veut se faire entuber
Racailles !
Républicains ou PS
Rangez vos promesses dans vos sacs Hermès
Racailles !
Vous n'avez jamais connu la précarité
Vous vivez à l'écart de nos réalités
Racailles !
La rue le pense, j'le mets en musique
Et pour ceux qui l'ignorent encore, j'le rends public
Je n'soutiens aucun parti, j'marche plus dans vos combines
Vos programmes électoraux ne sont que des comptines
Racailles !
On prend les mêmes et on recommence
Les mêmes promesses, les mêmes mensonges
Les mêmes tapent dans la caisse, les mêmes plongent
Les mêmes sont dans la hess, les mêmes mangent
Racailles !
Les mêmes menteurs trafiquent les mêmes comptes
Les mêmes commis au service des mêmes pontes
Les mêmes fils de pauvres sont incarcérés
Les mêmes fils de riches sont formés pour régner
En attendant qu'un homme du peuple émerge
C'est rare de trouver un élu avec un casier vierge
Ma haine du système est toujours intacte
Lequel d'entre vous peut jeter la pierre à Cahuzac ?
Racailles !
Claude Guéant, Racailles ! Balkany, Racailles ! Jean-François Copé, Racailles !
Philippe Herman, Racailles ! Harlem Désir, Racailles ! Alain Juppé, Racailles !
Tous ceux que j'ai cités ont été condamnés
Ce sont les mecs de cités qu'ils traitent comme des damnés
Racailles !
Vous étiez choqués par le groupe Tandem
Vous faites la même à la France, mais jusqu'à ce qu'elle saigne
Jusqu'à ce qu'elle coule comme la Grèce ou l'Italie
Vous avez meurtri le pays jusqu'à l'agonie
Racailles !
Cumul des mandats jusqu'où vous irez ?
Est-ce le cumul des salaires que vous désirez ?
Racailles !
Comme toute la France d'en bas, j'crois plus aux politiciens
J'continue le combat, j'crois au réveil citoyen
Racailles !
Pour changer les choses, il faut le vouloir
Vous n'avez pas de cause profonde si ce n'est le pouvoir
Racailles !
Vous faites de la politique sans conviction
Parfois, vous en faites même pour éviter la prison
Racailles !
En costume-cravate sont les vrais voyous
Vous ne croyez plus en rien, plus personne croit en vous
Racailles !
Y a qu'à observer les taux d'abstention
Faut pas trop prendre les gens pour des cons, attention
Racailles !
Sentez-vous le vent tourner comme vos vestes ?
Entre vous et la rue, y a plus que les CRS
Racailles !
À bout de souffle, votre système est dans un cul de sac
À essayer de se débattre, comme un cul d'jatte
Racailles !
Vous êtes élus pour un truc
Vous ne le faites pas plus
Vous faites l'inverse,
En plus, ça ne vous gêne pas
Racailles !
Et si le peuple a l'idée de se rebeller
Vous disposez d'une armée de flics bien dressés et zélés
Racailles !
Le dialogue social gît dans un cercueil
Les keufs tirent aux flashballs, tu peux y perdre un œil
Racailles !
Vous faites monter le sentiment anti-policier
Usez de la police comme d'une armée privatisée

Le politique, qu'il soit femme ou homme, pour moi en tous les cas et pour l'instant,
Peut-être que demain j'aurai changé d'avis, il n'sert plus à rien.
C'est un prestataire de service.
Ces putains de dettes, là, qui emmerdent tout le monde,
Qui mettent les peuples à plat, qui les mettent à genoux et ainsi de suite,
On n'arrive pas à les éliminer,
Comme vous les politiques : vous arrivez pas à les faire éliminer, ces putains de dettes...
Parce que la banque; elle est plus forte que vous !

Racailles !
Tout le monde le sait, c'est une évidence
Vous êtes complètement soumis à la finance
Racailles !
Vous votez les lois que les riches ordonnent
Après le 49.3, plus rien ne m'étonne
Racailles !
On travaille plus, mais on gagne moins
On attend juste le printemps européen
On cotise pour des retraites qu'on ne verra peut-être jamais
Tout l'argent qu'on fait rentrer vous nous le reprenez
Racailles !
Chaque fin de mois à découvert
On a l'impression d'être esclaves du système bancaire
Racailles !
Même les riches connaissent le jeu, jouissent des niches fiscales
Les petites PME croulent sous les chargent sociales
Racailles !
Radar, on paye !
Péage, on paye !
Pollution, on paye !
Racailles !
Oh ! Qu'est-ce que vous faites avec tout ce fric ?
Que foutait Eric Zemmour sur une chaîne publique ?
Racailles !
Payer pour propager sa haine
Semer des graines récoltées par le FN
Pour vous, même Marine Le Pen est devenue fréquentable
Quiconque combat l'islam peut s'asseoir à votre table
Racailles !
Incapables de gouverner, vous divisez
Racailles !
Incapables de rassembler, vous stigmatisez
Racailles !
Aveuglés par le pouvoir vos cœurs sont voilés
Beaucoup plus que le visage de cette femme voilée
Racailles !
Tous vos prétendus principes de laïcité
Ne concernent pas cette saoudienne sur les Champs-Elysées
Pour vous, tout se négocie, tout est question de gent-ar
Vous êtes même prêts à livrer les banlieues au Qatar
Racailles !
Votre jeu est trouble
Racailles !
Votre discours est double
Racailles !
Au pays dit des "Droits de l'Homme"
Racailles !
L'Etat d'urgence est devenu la norme
Et vous prétendez faire la leçon au monde entier
Imposer la démocratie à coups de mortier
Sans pitié, vous avez buté Kadhafi
Aujourd'hui, dans quel état se retrouve la Libye ?
La rue le sait, j'le mets en musique
Vos médias le taisent, j'le rends public
J'vous tiens tête comme un mec des Minguettes
Est-ce le genre de texte qui peut me valoir une fiche S ?

Droit dans mes bottes
Je n'baisse jamais mon froc
La tête haute, j'suis intègre
J'fais du Hip-Hop
Vous appelez ça de la musique de nègre
J'sors en indé
Tu m'verras plus jamais
Mettre les pieds à Skyrock
(Jamais, jamais)
Ils n'aiment pas c'que je suis, c'que je défends, c'que je porte
C'est réciproque
Ils ont travesti le R-A-P
Je fais partie des rescapés
Ils ont encensé la médiocrité
Ils ont fait du Hip-Hop de la variété
Ils ont joué les clashs pour nous diviser
Tant que ça fait de l'audience, on peut s'allumer
Quand un rappeur se fera buterIls
organiseront un concert au nom de la paix
Yeah !
J'fais d'la musique contestataire
Vous vendez des espaces publicitaires
Racailles !
J'me suis sacrifié pour mes p'tits frères
Vous, vous jouez des trucs qui les envoient au cimetière
Racailles !
Fric et violence dans vos playlists
Vous abrutissez les miens, ça plaît aux élites
Racailles !
Vous vous êtes servi de moi, j'me suis servi de vous
Pour que mon message passe au plus grand nombre,
Maintenant, j'peux le faire sans vous
J'ai un public qui me soutient
J'ai fait des choses, le peuple s'en souvient
La rue vous vomit, j'le rends public
Rien n'a changé depuis Lettre à la République


You've had enough, don't you?
You've had enough of all this riffraff.
We'll get rid of it for you.1

It's you we should cleanse with a Kärcher
When people will wake up, you'll get a beating
Riffraff !
We feel going to vote
is like choosing which one of you will screw us
Riffraff !
Right or lef2
Stuff your promises in your Hermès handbags
You never knew poverty
You live far away from our reality
The street thinks so, I'm singing about it
And for those who don't know about it, I'm publicizing it
I back no party, I'm out of your scams
Your programs are nothing but fairytales
Always the same people
the same promises, the same lies
Some steal the money, others go to jail
Some are down and out, some are stuffing themselves
The same liars put the same money aside
The same servants serving the same masters
The same poor kids go to jail
The same rich kids get educated to rule
You can hardly find a representative without a criminal record
My hatred for the system is still intact
Who among you can throw a stone at Cahuzac?3
Claude Guéant4, riffraff ! Balkany5, Jean-François Copé6, riffraff !
Philippe Herman7, riffraff ! Harlem Désir8, riffraff! Alain Juppé9, riffraff!
All these guys have been sentenced, yet
it's the suburb people they drag through hell
You thought Tandem was shocking10
You do the same to France, until she bleeds,
until she goes under, like Greece or Italy
You have mauled the country and left it agonizing
How many offices will you hold?11
Or is it multiple incomes you really want?
Like the whole common folk12, I have no faith in politicians anymore
Still I'm fighting on, I believe in a citizen's wake up call13.14
In order to change things, you have to want to
You have no real cause, except power
You do politics without beliefs
Sometimes it's just a way to escape jail15
The real gangsters are wearing suit and tie16
You have no beliefs anymore, and nobody believes in you anymore
Just look at the rate of absenteeism
You'd better not take people for morons, I'm warning you17
Do you feel the winds of change as you change sides?18
Between the street and you, there are only riot squads left.
On its last leg, your system is in a dead end,
trying to wriggle out of it, like a legless cripple19
You get elected for a promise
which you don't hold.
Actually you do the contrary,
and you don't even let that bother you.
And if the people fancies a rebellion
you have an army of well groomed and eager cops at your command
Labour relations are lying in a coffin
Cops are shooting their flashballs, you can lose an eye with these20
You cultivate resentment toward the police,
you use the police like your own private army

A politician, male or female, in my opinion anyway and for now,
maybe tomorrow I'll change my mind, is just worthless21
He's just a service provider.
These fucking debts that pester everybody,
that bring peoples down, draw them to their knees and so on,
we can't get rid of them,
just like you politicians can't make them disappear, these fucking debts...
Because the Bank, it's stronger than you !22

It's common knowledge, it's an obvious thing
You are totally subservient to financial business
You pass the bills commanded by the rich
After how you used the 49.323
We work more, but we earn less24
we're just waiting for an European summer25
We pay into pensions that we might never see
You grab back all the money we earn
Trying to make ends meet,
we feel like slaves to the banks
Even the rich know the game, them's the breaks
(while) smal buisnesses are bled dry by social contributions
We pay for radars26
We pay at road tolls27
We pay for pollution
I wonder what you're doing with all this money.
What the hell was Eric Zemmour doing on a public network?28
We pay29 to propagate his hatred,
to sow seeds the FN30 will reap
In your eyes, even Marine Le Pen has become acceptable
Any Islam opponent can sit at your table31
Unable to rule, you just divide
Unable to gather, you just stigmatise
Blinded by power, your hearts are veiled,
much more than the face of this veiled woman32
Your supposedly inalienable principle of religious neutrality33
doesn't apply to this Saudi woman on the Champs Elysées
For you, everything can be bought and sold, it's all about money
You are even willing to sell the suburbs to the Quatari34
You're swimming in murky waters
You practice doublespeak
In the so-called "Land of the human rights"
State of energency has become routine35,
and still you go and lecture the whole world,
force democracy upon countries with mortars36
You ruthlessly killed Khadafi,
and see the sorry state of Lybia now.
The street knows it, I'm just adding the music
Your medias hush about it37I'm publicizing it.
I'm standing up to you like a suburban rebel38
Will this kind of lyrics earn me an S record39?

I'm not one to roll over
Upright and defiant
I'm doing Hip-hop
You call that nigger music
I'm on an indie label
I won't be seen
on Skyrock40 ever again.
(never, never)
They don't like what I am, what I fight for, my beliefs.
Well, the feeling is mutual.
They turned RAP into a farce
I am among the survivors
They praised mediocrity to the skies
They turned Hip-hop into commercial music
They played on our dissents to divide us
We're free to fight among ourselves as long as it increases the audience
The day a rap singer will get killed,
they'll come up with a memorial peace concert
I'm doing anti-establishment music
while you're selling advertising space.
I sacrificed myself for my younger brothers,
while you play tunes that will send them to their graves
Dough and violence in your playlists
You're making my people brain dead, it pleases the elite
You used me, I used you, so that my message
could reach as many people as possible.
Now I can do that without your help.
I've got a supportive audience
I've done things, people remember that
The street loathes you, I'm publicizing it
Nothing has changed since "Lettre à la république"41

Translator comments:
1. From the very famous propaganda scene of our former (and possibly future) president Sarkozy, addressing some granny leaning out her window in one of the worst city blocks around Paris. At the occasion, he spoke the famous phrase where he boasted he would cleanse the suburbs from the riffraff with a Kärcher industrial cleaner.
2. "Les Républicains" is the latest creation of Sarkozy's right-wing movement. PS is the socialist party
3. A socialist minister recently sentenced for having stashed money in Switzerland
4. The most prominent advisor of Sarkozy's
5. Old pillar of the French right wing, involved in countless shady buisnesses for the last 3 decades: pliffering public money, corruption, vote falsification...
6. Another member of Sarkozy's gang. Bronze medal of the worst right-wing morons after Nadine Morano and Frédéric Lefèbvre (in my personal charts; your mileage may vary)
7. Sorry, don't know this one
8. Started with anti-racism in the 80's and ended up a big fat wig of the socialist party
9. Yet another right-wing contender for the next presidential elections
10. A rap band from the early 2000s. One line of their lyrics went: "I'll fuck France until she falls in love with me". This caused some commotion about 10 years ago.
11. There's a running heated debate going on in France about limiting mutliple offices. This yellow belly of Hollande promised he would see to it, but we're still waiting...
12. lit "France from down below". The term has become a cliché to name the common folk, by opposition to the ruling class. Filling the void caused by the eradication of marxist vocabulary, basically
13. Another fine piece of common French waffle. "Citoyen" has become a kind of expletive to name anything that is rightful and selfless. "réveil citoyen" would be like the fantasy of decent people rising up in defence of the values of the French Republic (freedom, equality, brotherhood, that sort of thing).
14. As you might have guessed, I don't
15. Notably our former presidents Chirac and Sarkozy, involved in a host of sorry buisnesses, and also a few former Ministers like for instance the socialist Laurent Fabius (the one who presided over cop21), who was involved in a huge scandal about AIDS-contaminated blood in the 90's and escaped prosecution in debatable circumstances
16. Or rather "wearing suit and tie real gangsters are".
Yoda talk is a common rap figure of style.
17. Or else, what will you do, Mr James, mmm ?
Among the "bon mots" of Sarkozy's, he once said about the reform of pensions: "It's not the street that rules (the country)".
More recently, our beloved prime minister Manuel Valls, about the reform of labour code: "What's the fuss? The law will pass anyway"
18. lit. "do you feel the wind turn as your jackets do?".
A pun on "le vent tourne" (the wind is changing direction) and "(re)tourner sa veste" (to change sides).
19. plays on "cul de sac" (dead end) / "cul de jatte" (legless).
20. Refers to an actual case of a demonstrator being blinded by a flashball shot that has caused some commotion a few years ago
21. This impressive list of reservations seems quite telling to me.
History books are full of "useful" politicians who ended up doing a lot of unpleasant things.
Kery James is no fool, he feels there is something wrong there
22. Economics are just not Kery James' forte it seems.
A pretty good, if somewhat pathetic, illustration of the way economics rule over our lives: an incomprehensible and ruthless steamroller that we name "the banks" for lack of a better word.
23. A famous paragraph of French constitution that allows the government to bypass the parliament, in exchange for a vote of confidence. This heavily tilts the balance of power in favour of the executive, and can lead to question the democratic nature of French institutions.
The 49.3 was last used to pass the infamous new labour code.
24. One of the major promises of Sarkozy's back in 2009.
The motto was "travailler plus pour gagner plus" ("work more, earn more").
Crumbs thrown to the proles in exchange for a deregulation of working hours, if you ask me.
25. In reference to the Arab one
26. Common rant about speed radars being cash machines rather than security features, but I guess that's not France-specific
27. Privatization of the French highway network was indeed a scandalous affair, leading to preposterous toll rises and a general degradation of the roadways state of repair, despite the promised benefits of free-market economy
28. An insufferable right-wing polemist, riding on the theme of the decline of French culture and civilization.
He has indeed worked a few years as a journalist for "France Télévisions", the state-owned broadcast network.
He was sentenced for "incitement to racial discrimination" in 2011 after an especially virulent of his usual rants about "Black and Arab people"
29. Television licence fee is a part of the income tax in France
30. For those who spent the last few decades on Mars, that's our beloved right extremist "Front National" party, led by Marine, daughter of the previous leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.
The current FN strategy is to pose as more moderate and consensual than before
31. He's got a point there.
Especially after the recent streak of suicide attacks, the whole French political establishment is shamelessly brown-nosing the FN to grab a few crumbs of the xenophobic votes.
"Je suis Charlie" is turning into "Je suis Marine" fast
("suis" as in "I follow". Just my little joke)
32. The Muslim veil has sparked interminable debates in France these last 10 years, leading notably to the "veil bill", a law forbidding to harbour religious signs in places like schools or public services.
The last instalement was a rather appalling nationwide argument about body-covering swimsuits, that lasted the whole summer.
33. The principle invoked to pass the "veil bill"
34. Allusion to various real-estates (and a soccer team) being bought by Quatari funds
35. Indeed the state of emergency proclaimed after the Bataclan killings of october 2015 has been extended 4 times and is still in effect.
The next prolongation will be decided in december 2016
36. "mortar" is just there for the rhyme. More efficient means of destruction are usually employed.
37. More like "drown it in a flood of crud with a few fluffy kittys wading at the surface", in my opinion.
I very doubt Kery will be able to convince enough people to start a revolution before his song sinks into the goo.
38. "les Minguettes" is a district of Lyon where riots took place a few years ago
39. A national security procedure for monitoring potential terrorists.
There is yet another heated debate about the (mis)use of this procedure to hinder political opponents posing no threat whatsoever to public safety.
40. The most popular radio station for suburban kids. The epitome of commercial broadcast
41. "open letter to the (French) Republic", another song of his.
I'm done translating this guy for now, so don't count on me for this one!

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Les Troubadours - La ballade Polly Maggoo - 1966
OST - Folk - chanson

Les troubadours were a French folk band created in the mid-1960s, recording in 1966 the song "who are you, polly magoo" on a music by michel legrand, arranger, jazzman, composer and pianist

They won numerous prizes from 1967, they will try in 1970 to participate in the contest of the eurovision but they will not be retained, they will take part in many tours.

They made an album in English in the year 1978, they also regularly accompanied georges moustaki, jacques yvart, gilbert lafaille and also graeme allwright, singer and leonard cohen adapter.
A sympathetic group and very talented to rediscover.

The movie:

Who Are You, Polly Maggoo? (French: Qui êtes-vous, Polly Maggoo?) is a 1966 French film directed by William Klein.

It is a satirical art house movie spoofing the fashion world and its excesses. It stars Dorothy McGowan as supermodel Polly Maggoo being followed by a French television crew. It also stars Grayson Hall as Miss Maxwell, a fashion magazine editor modeled after Diana Vreeland, and Philippe Noiret as the TV reporter and director. Also appearing in the film are Jean Rochefort, Sami Frey and Alice Sapritch.

McGowan was an Irish-American model prior to the film; she modeled for Vogue and Harper's Bazaar.

After the release of the film, which was McGowan's first and only film role, she disappeared from public view and apparently neither acted nor modeled again, according to Klein.
La Ballade de Polly Maggoo
Popolly Polly Maggoo Popoly Polly Maggoo

Polly rêve d'un prince qui rêve de Polly Maggoo
France Dimanche est sur les dents blanches
De Polly Maggoo

Mais Polly, Esthère ta copine
Ta voisine d'en face enlace ton prince
C'est dégueulasse.
Hohoooo Hohooooo
Polly Maggoo

Elle n'a pas de principes, celle-là,
c'est plutôt ton prince,
qu'elle a dans ses bras.
Holàlà, Polly Maggoo
Ma Polly Maggoo

Mais comment peut-elle ?
Cherche pas, c'est naturel
Tu n'étais pas là Polly
C'est toujours comme ça Polly
Avec les princes trop polis(ly) trop polygames

Polly c'est pathétique, ton prince est sadique
Ta voisine cynique.
Oh Polly, que c'est moche
Hoho Hohohoooo
De rater le coche
Ainsi c'est fini
C'est fini Polly
C'est la fin Polly

Hoho Polly

Ma Polly, c'est fini
C'est la fin
Polly Maggoo
Ma Polly, c'est fini.
Ma Polly Maggoo

The ballad of Polly Maggoo

Popolly Polly Maggoo Popoly Polly Maggoo

Polly dreams about a prince who would dream of Polly Maggoo
France Dimanche is set on her
white teeth on edge1

Alas, Polly, your friend Esthère,
the neighbour opposite is hugging your prince.
That's so disgusting.
Hohoooo Hohooooo
Polly Maggoo

That one has so low moral standards
She rather holds your prince
in her arms.
What a disaster, Polly Maggoo
My Polly Maggoo

How could she?
Well, it's only natural:
you weren't there, Polly.
It's always the same
with the too poly polygamous princes

Polly, that's pathetic. Your prince is a sadist
'cause he's with a cynical girl.
Oh polly, that's so dreadful
Hoho Hohohoooo
to miss your chance.
So this is it.
This is it, Polly.
This is the end, Polly.

Hoho Polly

My Polly, this is it.
This is the end.
Polly Maggoo
My Polly, this is it.
My Polly Maggoo

1.France Dimanche is the most emblematic French celebrity news magazine.
The pun is on "être sur les dents" (lit. "to stand on one's teeth), meaning "to be on edge", mixed with the white teeth of Polly
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Re: France - One song per day.

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La Belle Bleue - Les éléphants du Morimondo - 2013

Album: Le refuge

Biography in French:
Rappelle-toi de ce vieux roi déchu
Dans son royaume dégénéré
Et de sa cour trainant son crâne
Dans les jardins, illuminée
Par les yeux de la reine en sanglot
Cachée en haut de la colline
Elle prit la fuite, anonyme
En assemblant un vieux rafiot
Elle navigua pendant des lunes
Sur le tissu des océans
Pêchant les grenadiers fantômes
Et leurs arêtes de diamant
Elle s'oublia dans les tempêtes
Vendit son âme à des murènes
Se battant contre des sirènes
Auprès des navires de pirates
Demi-déesse des quatre vents
Adoptée par tous les dieux sombres
Elle échoua sur une terre
Pure vierge et inconnue des Hommes
Elle s'autoproclama la reine
Nouvelle de ce territoire nu
Dressant son armée d'écumeurs
Au rythme des meurtres et du chahut

La reine démon du Morimondo
La reine démon du Morimondo

Elle invoqua la pluie des braises
Habillant chaque graine de poussière
Puis les lacs en ébullition
Fondait le récif comme le glaçon
La reine dans son palais de flamme
nommait l'orage comme émmisaire
Pour qu'il transporte et sans frontière
L'horreur aux dix milles horizons
Mais dans les grottes encore indemnes
Nait en secret la résistance
Menée par cinq milles éléphants
Armés de courage et de transe
Ils ont enfilés leurs armures
Conçues en os de braconniers
Imploré les esprits du vent
De la montagne et des marées

Les éléphants du Morimondo
Les éléphants du Morimondo

Et aux prières des éléphants
Répondent les grands corbeaux de Lune
L'armée des bandits cormorans
Et des vautours mangeurs d'écume
Les nuées d'anaconda volants
Les ours de la plaine Ezebrune
Les millions de sauterelles carnivores
Les loups aux machoires enclumes
Les veuves noires, les panthères blanches
Les fées du pays d'Orévance
Les lynxs palmés, les Lions larcènes
Les grands gibbons souffleurs d'abeilles
La horde des bisons souterrains
Et les moustiques de quatre mètres vingt
Les chiens savants chasseurs de vagues
Les derniers elfes du Gandrague

La bataille du Morimondo
La bataille du Morimondo

Les affrontements durèrent de Printemps
emportant nombreuses vies
Le vent transporte encore aujourd'hui
Les vibrations d'antan
On dit que les marées avalèrent
L'ensemble du pays
Et qu'au fin fond d'une mer aride
Prospère un royaume d'éléphants

The elephants of Dyinland

Remember this old deposed king
in his degenerate kingdom,
dragging his skull from his court
to the gardens lit by
the eyes of his sobbing queen.
Hidden atop the hill,
she fled, anonymous,
by patching together an old boat.
She sailed for months
the fabric of oceans,
fishing ghost rattails
with their diamond fishbones.
She lost her mind amid tempests,
sold her soul to moray eels,
fighting against mermaids,
side by side with pirate ships.
demigoddess of the four winds,
adopted by all the dark gods,
she ran aground on a land
that was pure, virgin and unknown to man.
She named herself the new queen
of these barren lands, taming her
army of sea dogs, to the rhythm of
murders and bedlam.

The demon queen of Dyinland
The demon queen of Dyinland

She invoked the rain of embers
coating every seed with dust,
Then the boiling lakes1.
The reefs were melting like ice cubes.
The queen, in her palace of flames,
appointed the storm as her emissary,
to spread across all frontiers
horror to the ten thousand horizons.
But in the yet spared caves,
resistance was secretly born.
Led by five thousand elephants,
armed with courage and transe.
They put on their armour,
made of poacher bones.
They beseeched the spirits of wind,
mountains and tides.

The elephants of Dyinland
The elephants of Dyinland

And to the elephants' pleading calls
answered the great Moon ravens,
the army of cormorant bandits
and seefoam-eating vultures.
The droves of flying anacondas
The bears from the Wazbrown plain
The millions of flesh-eating locusts
The anvil-jawed wolf
The black widows, the white panthers
The fays from Highdream lands
The lynxs with webbed paws, the Larsen lions
The great bee-blowing gibbons
The herd of underground bisons
And the 4.2m long2 mosquitoes
The wave-hunting savant dogs
The last elves from Sweepglow

The battle of Dyinland
The battle of Dyinland

The hostilities lasted all spring,
costing many lives.
The wind still carries today
echoes of bygone times
They say the tides swallowed
the whole land
and at the bottom of an arid sea
an elephant kingdom thrives

1. With a slight transcription error (fondait -> fondaient), the two lines could merge in a single sentence (the boiling lakes melted reefs like ice cubes) that would make more sense
2. A "420" is a popular small sailboat, named after its length (in centimeters)
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Georgette Plana - L'hirondelle du faubourg - 1959
Chanson / Valse

Georgette Emilienne Plana, born July 4, 1917 in Agen and died on March 10, 2013 in L'Isle-Adam at the age of 95, is a singer also actress French.

She has known, as a singer, two distinct quarries, twenty years apart. His best known tracks are covers of Riquita, La Java bleue and E Viva España.

L'Hirondelle du faubourg is a popular French song based on a waltz rhythm, written and composed by Bénech and Dumont and published in 1912 by Bénech (cotage LBP178). It is an extremely melodramatic song.

Created in 1912 at the Casino Saint-Martin by Gaston Dona, it was put on disc for the first time in 1947, in parodic form, by Régisseur Albert and Francis Blanche.
À l'hôpital c'est l'heure de la visite
L'médecin en chef passe devant les lits
L'numéro treize, qu'est-ce qu'elle a cette petite ?
C'est la blessée qu'on amena cette nuit
N'ayez pas peur, faut que je sonde vos blessures
Deux coups de couteau, près du coeur, y'a plus de sang !
Non, pas perdue... à votre âge on est dure
Seul'ment tout d'même faut prév'nir vos parents !
Mais la mourante alors a répondu :
Je suis toute seule depuis qu'maman n'est plus.

On m'appelle l'hirondelle du faubourg
Je ne suis qu'une pauvre fille d'amour
Née un jour d'la saison printanière
D'une petite ouvrière.
Comme les autres, j'aurais p't-être bien tourné
Si mon père au lieu d'm'abandonner
Avait su protéger de son aile

L'docteur reprit : vous portez une médaille
C'est un cadeau, sans doute, de votre amant ?
Non c'est l'souv'nir de l'homme, du rien qui vaille
De l'homme sans coeur qui trompa ma maman !
Laissez-moi lire : André, Marie-Thérèse
Mais j'la r'connais cette médaille en argent
Et cette date : avril quatre-vingt-treize !
Laissez-moi seul, j'veux guérir cette enfant
Vous m'regardez tous avec de grands yeux
C'est mon devoir d'soigner les malheureux.

On l'appelle l'hirondelle du faubourg
Ce n'est qu'une pauvre fille d'amour
Née un jour d'la saison printanière
D'une petite ouvrière.
Comme les autres, elle aurait bien tourné
Si son père au lieu d'l'abandonner
Avait su protéger de son aile

Numéro treize : toujours quarante de fièvre
Oui... ça n'va pas comme j'l'avais espéré
Je vois la vie s'échapper de ses lèvres
Et rien à faire, rien pour l'en empêcher !
J'suis un savant, j'en ai guéri des femmes
Mais c'est celle-là qu'j'aurais voulu sauver
La v'là qui passe... écoute, retiens ton âme
Je suis ton père ma fille bien-aimée
Je n'suis pas fou, je suis un malheureux
Vous mes élèves, écoutez, je le veux...

On l'app'lait l'hirondelle du faubourg
C'était une pauvre fille d'amour
Née un jour de la saison printanière
D'une petite ouvrière.
Comme les autres, elle aurait bien tourné
Si lâch'ment au lieu d'l'abandonner
J'avais su protéger de mon aile

The Swallow Bird of Suburbs

At the hospital, it's the ward round time
The doctor in chief passes the beds
'Number thirteen, what's wrong with that little one?'
'It's the girl they brought in last night'
'Don't be scared, I just need to look at your injuries,
two stab-wounds, close to the heart, but there's no more blood!
No, you're not a lost case... at your age, you are strong,
nevertheless, we simply need to inform your parents.'
The dying girl finally replied:
'I'm all on my own, since my mom died.'

'They call me The swallow bird of suburbs
I'm just a poor child of love
born one day in spring
child of a female worker
and just like the others, I could have turned out well
if my father, instead of abandoning me,
had taken me under his wings.
The swallow bird.'

The doctor continues, 'you're wearing a medallion
it must be a gift from your lover, isn't it?'
'No, it's a souvenir of a man, worthless one,
of a heartless man who cheated on my mother!'
'Let me read it - Andre, Marie-Therese
... but I recognize this silver medallion
and this date - April 1893!
Let me be alone with this child, I want to heal her.
Oh, you all stare at me with those big eyes,
it's just my duty to heal the ill*!'

'They call her The swallow bird of suburbs
she's just a poor child of love
born on one day in spring
child of a female worker
and just like the others, she could have turned out well
if her father, instead of abandoning her,
had taken her under his wings.
The swallow bird.'

'Number 13, still with a 40-degrees-Celsius fever
yes... It's not going as I've hoped it would
I can see the life crawling out through her lips
And there's nothing I could do, nothing to stop it from happening!
I'm a scientist, I've healed so many women,
but it's this little one I would have really wanted to save.
And just there now, she's passing away... Listen, hold onto your soul
I am your father, my beloved daughter,
I'm not a madman, I'm just a sad man..
You, my students, listen up now!

They called her The swallow bird of suburbs
she was just a poor love-child
born on a day in spring
child of a female worker
and just like the others, she would have turned out well
if instead of cowardly abandoning her,
had I known to protect her under my wing.
The swallow bird.'
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Autour de Lucie - Sur tes pas - 1998

Album: Immobile (RYM: 3.74/5)


Autour de Lucie is a French pop rock band, consisting of vocalist Valérie Leulliot, guitarist Olivier Durand and bassist Fabrice Dumont. Their albums were released in France on Le Village Vert, and in North America on Nettwerk (first three) and Universal.

Their debut album L'Échappée belle was released in 1993, but was later re-released by Nettwerk and Le Village Vert in 1996 under the title Autour De Lucie with the bonus English-language track "Simon". Songs were produced by either Paco Rodriguez, Michael Head, or Autour de Lucie, and the album was characterized by guitar-driven songs with infectious pop hooks. It was led off by the buoyant, breezy "L'accord parfait" and included a cover version of the English-language ballad "Island", originally composed for the soundtrack of the British film "The Wicker Man".

Their album Immobile pursued the same sound established by their first effort. It was produced by Gilles Martin and Autour de Lucie, and included a few experimental instrumental tracks as well as the catchy, synth-driven "Chanson sans issue (ne vois-tu pas)". A remix of their song was included as a bonus track and another remix appeared on the compilation wallpaper*mach 1.5 *The sound that surrounds you.

Though much of their subdued, languid 2000 album Faux Mouvement, produced by Ian Caple with Autour de Lucie, continued to follow the same guitar-oriented sound, several songs on the album featured a greater integration of electronic elements, effects, and beats, including samples, distortions, and loops.

Consequently, several songs from the album Faux mouvement were remixed by the likes of Radiostatic, Tarwater, Isolée, and others on their 2001 remix compilation Vu par....

Their 2004 album autour de lucie was produced by a new producer, Stéphane "Alf" Briat (known for his work with the French electronic act Air), and saw the band return to their original sound, albeit with more sophisticated arrangements and less overt pop leanings. The album ranged from the introspective "Avril en octobre" and piano ballad "Mon toujours partant" to the uptempo "Nos vies limitrophes", and included one English-language song ("Guiding hands").

Autour de Lucie is mentioned in Glamorama, the 2000 novel from Bret Easton Ellis (section 4, chapter 36).

Their song Les Promesses was featured in the 2004 film Eurotrip.

Since 2004, the band had remained dormant, reforming in 2012.

The reformed band is now preparing to release a new album titled "Ta Lumiere Particuliere" due for release on April 27, 2015
Sur le pont entre deux quais
l'eau tournoyait sous nos pieds

N'y avait-il que cette eau
que le courant emportait ?

Je t'ai suivi du regard, même si ça ne suffit
Il me reste un espoir mais tu ne te retournes pas
Sur tes pas... sur tes pas...

Sur le quai entre deux ponts
le sol glissant des pavés
à mesure que nous marchions
manquait de stabilité

Je t'ai suivi du regard, même si ça ne suffit
Il me reste un espoir mais tu ne te retournes pas
Sur tes pas... sur tes pas... sur tes pas... sur tes pas...

Tu ne te retournes pas
Tu ne te retournes pas...

Sur tes pas...
Tu ne te retournes pas.

On Your Steps

On the bridge between two docks
The water was swirling under our feet

Was there only this water
That the flow carried?

I followed you with by eyes, even if that's not enough
I still have hope but you're not returning
On Your Steps... On Your Steps...

On the bridge between two docks
The ground slippery cobblestones
As we were walking
Lacking stablity

I followed you with by eyes, even if that's not enough
I still have hope but you're not returning
On Your Steps... On Your Steps... On Your Steps... On Your Steps...

You're not returning
You're not returning

On Your Steps...
You're not returning
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Emile Parisien - Hysm - 2014 - Jazz

Album: Belle époque (RYM: 3.76/5)

The saxophonist Emile Parisien, born in 1982, enrolls in Marciac college in 1993, where he enjoys a musical formation with experienced musicians such as Pierre Boussaguet, Guy Laffitte, and Tonton Salut.

Over these years, he has the opportunity to work with several leading figures of jazz: Wynton Marsalis, Chris Mc Bride, Johnny Griffin, or Bobby Hutcherson, who give him the opportunity to play with them on the Marciac Jazz festival.

From 1996 on, he pursues further his formation at the Conservatoire de Toulouse where he studies classical and contemporary music with Philippe Lecoq. In 2000, Emile Parisien moves to Paris. Since then, he has played both in France and abroad with musicians such as Daniel Humair, Michel Portal, Jean-Paul Celea, Jacky Terrasson, Claude Tchamitchian, Yaron Herman, Gueorgui Kornazov, Rémi Vignolo, Manu Codjia, Hervé Sellin, Charlier/Sourisse, and Christophe Wallemme.

In 2004, he takes part in the creation of the show HIP 11, which mixes jazz and hip-hop dances. The same year, he asserts his artistic identity by founding the group Emile Parisien Quartet with Julien Touery (piano), Sylvain Darrifourcq (drums) and Ivan Gélugne (double bass). Inspired by composers of the 20th century, such as John Coltrane, Wayne Shorter, or Ornette Coleman, this quartet adds a kind of expressionist character to its music, where improvisation is the guiding principle. By pushing the limits of the concrete, the group acquires, thanks to the complicity of its musicians, a very personal and resolutely modern expression.

In 2007, Emile Parisien was elected Talent of Jazz of the Fond d’action Sacem for 3 years in a row. It is with this support that the quartet records its two discs at the label LABORIE Jazz. “Au revoir porc-épic” in 2007, and “Original Pimpant” in 2009, which received good reviews both from professionals and amateurs.

In September 2009, the Emile Parisian Quartet is offered the Franck Ténot prize, discovery of the year of the Victoires de la musique and they are award-winners of the program Jazz Migration which is put into place by Afijma.
The quartet has today the opportunity to play on European territory (Germany, Swiss, Austria, UK, and Scandinavia) on a regular basis.
He is involved in the new quartet of Daniel Humair with Vincent Peirani and Jérome Regard
And plays in their cd “Sweet and Sour” released on 2013.on laborite jazz records.
A new cd “live” will be issue on the end of 2014..

In 2012 Emile Parisien was elected “best french musician of the year” by the Académie du Jazz.
in 2014 new recording “Belle Epoque” on Act records in duo with Vincent Peirani, and he is one the musician of the “Generation Spedidam”
In 2014 he won “the Victoires de la Musique” for his record in duo “belle époque” with Vincent Peirani
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Hocus Pocus - Hip-Hop ? - 2005
Hip-Hop / Jazz

Album: 73 Touches (RYM: 3,62/5)

Hocus Pocus is a Hip Hop / Jazz band from Nantes, France. Formed in 1995, their music is a mix of hip-hop, jazz, soul and funk. Originally being 20syl's brainchild, Hocus Pocus was formed in 1995, and gradually gained attention in the late '90s. The band, however, reached significant commercial and critical success in 2006 with the 2005 LP 73 Touches re-release, the "Hip Hop?" single (featuring the Procussions) having hooked many listeners who were curious about its blend of French, English, and acoustic/electronic elements. Though quite far removed from legendary bands evolving in that same category (like the Roots), Hocus Pocus' more radio-friendly recipe happened to be very effective. The band came back in 2007 with a mixed live/studio LP, Place 54, featuring more international collaborations and another hit single, "Vocab!".

Released in 2005, 73 Touches is the second album from the French hip-hop crew known as Hocus Pocus. It is also their breakthrough effort thanks to the hit single “Hip Hop?” which features special guests the Procussions. The album features more acoustic elements than their debut, or in other words, this is where the comparisons to like-minded crew the Roots began.
One-two, yo
Check it out, yo
The Procussions in the house, yo
Hocus Pocus in the house, yo

[Couplet 1 : 20syl]
J'suis tombé sur un vieux clip de Grandmaster Flash
Hey ! T'as vu c'type et sa dégaine de barge
Là j'étais scié, son style m'a fusillé: Ha ha ha ha !
Sapé comme le keuf des Y.M.C.A
A base de cuirs serrés, à l'époque banal
Et des bottes comme celles de Francis Lalanne
J'sais qu'c'est un classique, mais qu'on m'enterre
Si c'est ça nos origines vestimentaires
Quoique, regarde ce qu'on porte dans les clips
No shame, en fait nos sapes sont toujours aussi cheap
Hip-Hop ! Les diamants énormes sur les lobes
Bullshit ! Les tasses-pé qu'ont oublié leurs robes
J'suis pas convaincu mais au moins ça évolue
Un peu plus que leurs perfectos et leurs têtes velues
J'me dis qu'avec nos styles ridicules
Dans 10 ans on risque de s'marrer quand on s'reverra avec du recul

Hip-Hop ! Les diamants énormes sur les lobes
Hip-Hop ! Les tasses-pé qu'ont oublié leurs robes
Hip-Hop ! Les baskets et les casquettes
Hip-Hop ! J'crois qu'ça s'passe plutôt dans la tête
Hip-Hop ! Les sapes extra-extra-larges
Hip-Hop ! J'ai dit extra-extra-larges
Hip-Hop ! Les dollars comme seul objectif
Hip-Hop ! C'est juste un esprit positif

[Couplet 2 : Stro the 89th Key]
I got a passion, it's not just a habit
It's B-boy mentality deeper than any cavity
Way beyond fashion or any kind of salary
A quick elixir mixed with a heavy dose of reality
It's too complicated for the minds outside the lines
Drawn when the volume of drums gets over nine
I'm a part of a movement not meant for the clueless
Use this in your curriculum when teachin' the students

[Couplet 3 : Rez]
It's not who's it, what's it, who seems to be controlling it
It's the future of Hip-Hop and how we are unfolding it
It's traveled down the road that every genre must walk down
Hip-Hop is on the ledge and it needs to be talked down
The renaissance to the untimely death
The revival of a culture or survival of a soldier
Brought by the common people of poverty and need
I'm a voice, it's a tool, God let the world see

[Couplet 4 : Mr. J. Medeiros]
You must be out of ya mind
If you think the way you dress will serve to help the way you rhyme
Some people put their image first then self gets left behind
So when you search within the verse it's best that you be blind
You're remarkably designed your equal is hard to find
If you're unsatisfied, take it up with the divine
Cause we don't got the time and if you go to me
I'll say your better off just being who you supposed to be

Hip-Hop ! Les diamants énormes sur les lobes
Hip-Hop ! Les tasses-pé qu'ont oublié leurs robes
Hip-Hop ! Big egos and big chains
Hip-Hop ! I think it's all inside of your brain
Hip-Hop ! Les sapes extra-extra-larges
Hip-Hop ! J'ai dit extra-extra-larges
Hip-Hop ! Quick money and fast rides
Hip-Hop ! Just a good feeling inside

[Couplet 5 : 20syl]
Jogging à trois bandes
Aux pieds, des vieilles Stan Smith
Casquette trois fois trop grande
Sans oublier les fat laces
T'es Hip-Hop, mec, mais tu t'es trompé d'20 piges
Maintenant sapé comme ça, t'es house tu piges ?
Ça évolue vite, trop vite j'suis désolé
Quand j'commence à kiffer un truc, c'est déjà démodé
Au moment où j'écris, c'est Air Force 1 et baggy jean
Mais à la fin d'ce couplet ça sera déjà has been..
On portera demain ce qu'aux States ils portaient hier
La France, pays de la mode, on en est pourtant fier
Oh oh ! J'suis pas dans l'trip fashion ni haute couture
Les grosses fourrures, depuis quand c'est notre culture ?
J'fouille dans mes bacs plutôt qu'dans ma garde robe
J'fais du son, ouais, et pas un défilé de mode

Hip-Hop ! Les diamants énormes sur les lobes
Hip-Hop ! Les tasses-pé qu'ont oublié leurs robes
Hip-Hop ! Big egos and big chains
Hip-Hop ! I think it's all inside of your brain
Hip-Hop ! Les sapes extra-extra-larges
Hip-Hop ! J'ai dit extra-extra-larges
Hip-Hop ! Quick money and fast rides
Hip-Hop ! Just a good feeling inside

You see it's one for the treble, two for the bass
Come on, yo... Come on, yo...
Clap your hands everybody, if you got what it takes
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Gabriel Yared - The English Patient - Ending Theme - 1996 - OST

Gabriel Yared (Arabic: غبريال يارد; born 7 October 1949) is a French-Lebanese composer, best known for his work in French and American cinema.

Born in Beirut, Lebanon, Yared went on to score the French films Betty Blue and Camille Claudel. He later worked on English language films, particularly those directed by Anthony Minghella. He won an Oscar and a Grammy Award for his work on The English Patient (1996) and was nominated for both The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) and Cold Mountain (2003).

At the age of 7, his father sent Yared to an accordion teacher. Two years later he stopped his accordion lessons and started music theory and piano lessons. Although he was not necessarily a gifted pianist, Yared was interested in reading music. When Yared was 14, his piano teacher died and he replaced him as the organist of Université Saint-Joseph. He used the university's library to read the works of Johann Sebastian Bach, Robert Schumann, and many other composers. This extensive reading inspired his first original composition, a piano waltz.

Yared gained a degree in law and did not formally study music at the university level until he traveled to France in 1969 to attend the École Normale de Musique de Paris as a non-registered student. There he learned the rules of music composition from Henri Dutilleux.

At the end of 1971, Yared went to Brazil to visit his uncle and was asked by the president of the World Federation of Light Music Festivals to write a song to represent the Lebanese in the Rio de Janeiro Song Festival. The song he composed went on to win first prize. While in Brazil, he also performed with a small orchestra. Yared subsequently said that his time in Brazil greatly influenced his work.

In 1975, he arranged the album Minacantalucio for the popular Italian singer Mina.

He then went back to France, where he met and collaborated with the Costa Brothers, Jacques Dutronc, Françoise Hardy, Charles Aznavour, Mireille Mathieu, and numerous other musicians. This was a prolific period for the composer and he wrote nearly three thousand pieces over a span of about six years. His contributions included a number of radio and TV jingles, such as TF1 news jingles and an episode on the series In the Tracks of.

Yared is best known for his collaborations with the late Anthony Minghella. His first collaboration with Minghella was the 1996 film The English Patient, which was highly acclaimed and won him an Oscar for Best Original Score. He composed the scores for all of Minghella's subsequent films and the music for the television series The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, co-created by Minghella and Richard Curtis.

Aside from his work with Minghella, Yared scored a number of other films, including Betty Blue (1986), City of Angels (1998), Message in a Bottle (1999), Autumn in New York (2000), The Next Best Thing (2000), Possession (2002), and Bon Voyage (2003).

Cassandra Clare reported in August 2012 that Yared was tapped to compose the score for The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. However, he was eventually replaced on the project by Atli Örvarsson.

Yared has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Score on three occasions. He won for The English Patient in 1996. He was also nominated for The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) and Cold Mountain (2003), but lost to John Corigliano and Howard Shore, respectively. He has also received three Golden Globe and three BAFTA nominations for the same films, and won both awards for The English Patient.

He has been nominated for two Grammy Awards, again winning for The English Patient.

The English Patient is a 1996 British-American romantic drama war film directed by Anthony Minghella from his own script based on the novel of the same name by Michael Ondaatje and produced by Saul Zaentz.

The film was released to critical acclaim, and received 12 nominations at the 69th Academy Awards, eventually winning nine, including Best Picture, Best Director for Minghella and Best Supporting Actress for Juliette Binoche.
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Re: France - One song per day.

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Re: France - One song per day.

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Les frères Jacques - La confiture - 1973
Chanson / Humour

Artist Biography by Chris True (Allmusic)

Les Frères Jacques was a French vocal group that formed in the aftermath of World War II, and became one of their nation's best loved musical traditions, lasting as an artistic force for nearly 40 years. Their debut recording, a 78 rpm collection, was released in 1947, and kicked off a series of well received and popular records that spanned not only the decades, but all of the technological developments and formats in the recording arts. No mean feat, to be sure. The membership of the quartet remained unchanged from inception, but, sadly, in 2002 and 2008, respectively, "Freres" Francois Soubeyran and Andre Bellec passed on, leaving only Georges Bellec and Tourenne Paul. In 1996, a box set featuring newly discovered work, and the best and most popular tracks from their immense career was released, and in 1998, another box set, Farewell Recital, immortalizing the group's 1982 goodbye show, hit stores.

Good biography (RFI):
The Frères Jacques, a vocal quartet who wove comedy, choreography and sketches into their popular stage shows, hold a very special place in the history of French chanson. The foursome, who enjoyed an extremely successful career spanning nearly 40 years, were much-loved for their song-and-dance routines and their striking stage costumes - colourful leotards, gloves, hats and black tights! Once Upon a Time … ... raphy.html


La confiture ça dégouline
Ça coule coule sur les mains
Ça passe par les trous de la tartine
Pourquoi y a-t-il des trous dans le pain ?

Bien sûr on peut avec du beurre
Les trous on peut bien les boucher
Ça ne sert à rien c'est un leurre
Car ça coule par les côtés

Faudrait contrôler sa tartine
La tenir droite exactement
On la met en bouche elle s'incline
Ça coule irrémédiablement

Et ça vous coule dans la manche
Et ça vous longe le pourpoint
De l'avant-bras jusqu'à la hanche
Quand ça ne descend pas plus loin

Et quand ça coule pas ça tombe
Le pain s'écrase entre les doigts
Ça ricoche et puis ça retombe
Côté collant ça va de soi

Au moment de passer l'éponge
On en met plein ses vêtements
Plus on essuie plus on allonge
Plus on frotte et plus ça s'étend

C'est pour ça qu'y'en a qui préfèrent
Manger de la crème de marrons
Ça colle au pain c'est sans mystère
C'est plus commun mais ça tient bon

On fait l'école buissonnière
De retour on prend l'escabeau
On va tout droit vers l'étagère
Pourquoi tourner autour du pot

Qu'elle soit aux fraises à la rhubarbe
On l'ingurgite goulûment
La confiture on la chaparde
On l'aime clandestinement

Puis un jour on est bien en place
On mène la vie de château
Dans les avions dans les palaces
On vous porte sur un plateau

La confiture qui dégouline
Qui coule coule sur les mains
Qui passe par les trous de la tartine
Pourquoi y a-t-il des trous dans le pain ?

Bien sûr on peut avec du beurre
Les trous on peut bien les boucher
Ça ne sert à rien c'est un leurre
Car ça coule par les côtés...

The jam

Jam drips
It drips, drips on the hands.
It drips through the toast holes.
Why are there holes through the bread?

Of course, with butter,
Holes can be obstructed,
But it is useless,
Because it then drips along the sides

You should control your breadslice
Keep it on a precise steady balance.
When you bring it to your mouth balance is lost
It then drips inevitably.

And it drips down your sleeve,
And it drips along your doublet,
From your forearm to your hip,
Whenever it does not drips lower...

And when it does not drip, it drops,
Bread crumbles between your fingers,
It bounces and falls down...
Onto the sticky side, of course.

When you swipe with a sponge,
You spread it on your clothes.
The more you swipe, the more you spread.
The more you scrub, the wider it becomes.

That's why some people prefer
Eating chestnut cream.
It sticks to the bread without mystery.
It is more common, but it sticks well.

We skip school,
Back home we take the stool
Go straight to the shelf
Why beat around the bush (litt. "walk around the jar")

Be it with strawberries ou rhubarb,
We gobble it greedily
We steal the jam,
We love it clandestinely

Then one day we are well established,
We have a royal life
In planes and palaces,
People bring us on a tray...

The jam that drips,
That drips, drips on the hands.
It drips through the toast holes.
Why are there holes through the bread?

Of course, with butter,
Holes can be obstructed,
But it is useless,
Because it then drips along the sides

Thanks to Thomas H on LyricsTranslate.
Last edited by Romain on Fri Sep 22, 2023 1:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: France - One song per day.

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