Timothy's Monster

Best of All-time Lists, Best of Decade Lists, etc.
Dagbladet (Norway) - The 40 Best Norwegian Albums of All Time (2003) 5
Morgenbladet (Norway) - Top 100 Norwegian Albums of All Time (2011) 13
Panorama (Norway) - The 30 Best Albums of the Year 1970-98 (1999) 16
Platekompaniet (Norway) - Top 100 Albums of All Time (2001) 40
Visions (Germany) - The Best Albums 1991-96 (1996) No Order
Visions (Germany) - The Most Important Albums of the 90s (1999) 17
Sentire Ascoltare (Italy) - The 35 Best Rock Albums of the 1990s (2014) 30
Piero Scaruffi, Italy (, Album Ratings (Scale 1 to 10) 6.5